
Terms for subject Agriculture containing dwarf | all forms | exact matches only
arctic dwarf shrubs北极矮生灌丛
arctic-alpine dwarf shrubs北极高山矮灌丛
artichoke curly dwarf virus菊芋卷缩病毒
ateleiotic dwarf发育不全的侏儒
barley yellow dwarf virus大麦黄矮病毒
black-streaked dwarf virus of rice水稻黑条矮缩病毒
carrot motley dwarf virus胡萝卜矮缩病病毒病害
chondrodystrophic dwarf软骨营养障碍侏儒
cultivation of short or dwarf branches矮秆栽培
curly dwarf卷缩病
Dahlia dwarf virus大丽花花叶病毒
dwarf banana矮种香蕉 Musa nana Lour., Musa sinensis
dwarf banana卡文迪什香蕉 Musa cavendishii, Musa sapientum
dwarf branch矮小枝指桑树
dwarf bush矮灌[木]
dwarf coconut palm矮种椰子树
dwarf colony侏儒型菌落
Dwarf colony矮型菌落
dwarf culture矮化栽培
dwarf disease萎缩病
dwarf fan palm矮榈
dwarf fan palm矮榈属
dwarf fan-palm矮扇榈
dwarf fan-palm矮扇榈属
dwarf fruit tree矮生果树
dwarf fruit tree garden矮生果园
dwarf gene矮基因
dwarf growth矮生
dwarf growth矮化生长
dwarf growth form矮生型
dwarf habit矮生习性
dwarf induced mutant矮化诱发突变体
dwarf internode短节间 (internodium pusillus)
dwarf-internode character短节间性状
dwarf-internode gene短节间基因
dwarf-internode line短节间品系
dwarf-internode plant短节间植株
dwarf-internode selection短节间选择
dwarf-internode type短节间型
dwarf-internode variety短节间品种
dwarf ironwood非洲栎柞树
dwarf male矮雄体 (mas pumilus)
dwarf mistletose矮生槲寄生
dwarf palm矮榈
dwarf palm矮榈属
dwarf plants矮生植物 (plantae nanae)
dwarf podzol薄层灰壤
dwarf rice矮秆稻
dwarf rice plant矮秆稻
dwarf rootstock矮化砧
dwarf rust小锈病
dwarf/semidwarf variety矮秆/半矮秆品种
dwarf shoot短枝 (ramulus pusillus)
dwarf shrub bog矮生灌木沼泽
dwarf shrub heath矮灌荒原
dwarf shrub heath矮生灌木荒原
dwarf shrubs矮灌丛
dwarf shrubs矮生灌丛
dwarf silkworm矮小蚕
dwarf slicing bean矮性食荚菜豆
dwarf smut of wheat小麦萎缩黑穗病
dwarf snap bean矮性食荚菜豆
dwarf soil发育不良土
dwarf soil薄土层
dwarf sorghum矮高粱
dwarf stature矮态型
dwarf stature矮株型
dwarf stem短缩茎
dwarf stock矮性砧
dwarf strain矮生品系
dwarf tree矮生树
dwarf tree limit矮乔木限界
dwarf tree orchard矮生果园
dwarf type矮生型
dwarf variety矮生品种
dwarf virus disease萎缩病
early dwarf variety早熟矮秆品种
eggplant mottle dwarf virus茄斑矮病毒
ericaceous dwarf shrubs石楠型矮生灌丛
evergreen dwarf shrubs常绿矮生灌丛
general yellow dwarf virus大麦黄矮病毒
groundnut dwarf virus花生矮缩病毒
Hassaku dwarf八朔柑萎缩病病毒病害
maize chlorotic dwarf virus玉米退绿矮缩病毒
maize dwarf mosaic virus玉米矮花叶病毒
maize streaked dwarf玉米条矮病病毒病害
onion yellow dwarf virus洋葱黄矮病毒
onion yellow dwarf virus洋葱花叶病毒
pea dwarf mosaic virus豌豆矮花叶病毒
physiological dwarfs生理矮化
raspberry yellow dwarf virus南芥菜花叶病毒
rice black-streaked dwarf稻黑条矮缩病病毒病害
rice black-streaked dwarf virus水稻黑条矮缩病毒
satsuma dwarf温州蜜柑矮缩
satsuma dwarf virus温州蜜橘矮缩病毒
satsuma dwarf virus温州蜜柑矮缩
semi-dwarf rice半矮化水稻
spinach necrotic dwarf virus菠菜坏死矮缩病毒
streaked dwarf of corn玉米条矮病病毒病害
subalpine dwarf shrub heath亚高山矮灌丛荒地
tailing dwarf shrub葡地性灌木
trailing dwarf shrub匐地性灌木
unmottled curly dwarf无斑驳屈曲矮化病
yellow dwarf黄萎病
yellow dwarf黄矮[病]
yellow dwarf of rice水稻黄矮病
yellow dwarf virus disease of barley大麦黄矮病毒病
yellow dwarf virus disease of grasses牧草黄矮病毒病