
Terms for subject Environment containing dump | all forms
hazardous waste dump Disposal facilities where hazardous waste is placed in or on land. Properly designed and operated landfills are lined to prevent leakage and contain systems to collect potentially contaminated surface water run-off有害废弃物弃置场 (地面或地下的有害废弃物处置场所。经由适当设计和操作的掩埋场,其底部舖设防水布以防止泄漏,并设置污水收集系统以防止有可能被污染的地表水溢流。)
industrial dumping The disposal of any waste generated by a manufacturing or processing process by the agency or body which produced it工业倾销废品, 经销商或生产商在制造或处理程序中对所产生任何废弃物的处置。
municipal dumping Place where a town's refuse is disposed of after it has been collected市政垃圾倾倒场 (一个城市处理垃圾的地方。)
ocean dumping The process by which pollutants, including sewage, industrial waste, consumer waste, and agricultural and urban runoff are discharged into the world's oceans. These pollutants arise from a myriad of sources海洋倾倒 (海洋排放过程,其中的污染物,包括污水、工业废物、生活垃圾、农业和城市径流排入世界各大洋。这些污染物的来源无数。)
radioactive dumping Waste generated by the emission of particulate or electromagnetic radiation resulting from the decay of the nuclei of unstable elements放射性废弃物 (由不稳定的原子核衰变导致的微粒或电磁辐射放射产生的废弃物。)
scrap dump Area where waste material, especially metal, is dumped垃圾场 (废物特别是金属堆砌的地方。)
spoil dump Place where rubbish and waste minerals dug out of a mine are deposited废矿物弃置场 (矿井中挖出的垃圾和废物的存放的地方。)
town night soil dump未经认可的堆存处
town night soil dump城镇粪便堆存处
unauthorized dump未经认可的堆存处
unauthorized dump城镇粪便堆存处
uncontrolled dump Place where waste is left on the ground and not buried in a hole未受控制的垃圾场 (废料留置在地上而未埋藏于洞中的场所。)
underground dump Any subterranean or below-ground site in which solid, or other, waste is deposited without environmental controls地下垃圾站 (固体或其他废料未受环境管制而存放的隐蔽或地下的场所。)
waste dump Area where wastes are deposited and burned废料堆 (废料存放和焚烧的地方。)
waste dumping The disposal of solid wastes without environmental controls废料倾倒 (固体废物未经过环境控制的处置。)