
Terms for subject Agriculture containing dormant | all forms | exact matches only
artificial hatching of dormant egg休眠卵人工孵化{蚕}
breaking of dormant period打破休眠期
dormant bud潜伏芽 (hibernaculum)
dormant budding休眠芽接{园艺}
dormant cambium cell休眠形成层细胞
dormant cutting休眠插
dormant grafting休眠枝接
dormant pruning冬季修剪
dormant season休眠季
dormant seed休眠种子
dormant spore休眠孢子
dormant spray休眠期喷药
dormant spray休眠期喷射
dormant spraying休眠期喷药
dormant tissue休眠组织 (tela dormiens)
dormant volcano息火山
dormant wood休眠枝
dormant wood cutting硬枝插{园艺}
dormant wood cutting休眠枝插
dormant wood grafting休眠枝接
Dow dormant道氏休眠期药液
grafting in the dormant bud休眠芽接
long dormant period长休眠期
plant dormant period植物休眠期
primary dormant period初眠期
primary dormant period一眠期
seed dormant period种子休眠期
summer dormant季休
summer dormant夏季休眠的
winter dormant period冬眠期