
Terms containing dolphin | all forms | exact matches only
dolphin arch海豚式弓背
tech.dolphin beacon簇桩航标
tech.dolphin bed墩式台座
tech.dolphin before pile防冲桩
swim.dolphin bent knee海豚式屈膝
dolphin bent knee屈膝海豚
dolphin bent knee full twist屈膝海豚转体 1 周
dolphin bent knee ¹⁄₂ twist屈膝海豚转体半周
tech.dolphin berth海上停泊
tech.dolphin berth离岸停泊
swim.dolphin butterfly strike海豚式蝶泳
swim.dolphin butterfly stroke海豚式蝶泳
tech.dolphin fast系在缆桩的绳
swim.dolphin fishtail海豚泳
dolphin foot first脚向海豚式
gen.dolphin foot firstсинхр.плав. 脚向前海豚式
dolphin foot first ballet leg脚向海豚芭蕾腿
dolphin foot first bent knee屈膝脚向海豚
dolphin foot first bent knee full twist屈膝脚向海豚转体 1 周
dolphin foot first bent knee ¹⁄₂ twist屈膝脚向海豚转体半周
dolphin foot first full twist脚向海豚转体1周
dolphin foot first submarine脚向海豚下沉
dolphin foot first ¹⁄₂ twist脚向海豚转体半周
dolphin full twist海豚转体1周
gen.dolphin full twistсинхр.плав. 海豚转体一周
swim.dolphin kick海豚式打腿
subm.dolphin kick海豚式打水
tech.dolphin of the mast桅围
chem.dolphin oil海豚油
chem.dolphin oil梅豚油
tech.dolphin pier墩式码头
tech.dolphin pile moorings系船簇桩
dolphin position海豚姿势
gen.dolphin positionсинхр.плав. 海豚姿势
tech.dolphin quay墩式码头
textiledolphin skin海豚毛皮
tech.dolphin structure墩式结构
tech.dolphin system墩式系统
dolphin to vertical海豚成垂直
gen.dolphin to verticalсинхр.плав. 海豚成垂直
dolphin ¹⁄₂ twist海豚转体半周
tech.dolphin type berth墩式泊位
tech.dolphin type breasting structure桩式靠船建筑物
tech.dolphin type quay墩式码头
oildolphin type wharf系缆桩式码头
tech.dolphin wharf墩式码头
gen.vertical to dolphin arcсинхр.плав. 垂直海豚弧