
Terms for subject Electronics containing detailing | all forms | exact matches only
call detail recording调用详细记录
call detail recording呼叫详细记录
computer-assisted detailing of ships计算机辅助船舶设计
detail assembly panel元件安装板
detail of construction结构详图
enlarged detail大样
enlarged detail放大零件图
Internet detail recording因特网详细记录
inward call detail recording内部呼叫详细记录
level of detail详细度
level of detail细节水平
message detail recorder详细消息记录器
Omega navigation system operation detail奥米伽导航系统作战分队
standard detail标准详图
station message detail recording站点信息详细记录
station message detail reporting站点信息详细报告
wearing detail损耗件
working drawing architecture detail施工图建筑详图