
Terms for subject Technology containing depth | all forms | exact matches only
accumulation depth of harbor港湾堆积物厚度
acoustical depth finder回声测深仪
acoustical depth sounding声波测深 (法)
acoustical depth sounding回声测深 (法)
additional depth附加深度
admissible maximum of minable depth最大可釆深度
aggregate depth总厚
aggregate depth集料沉积深度
aggregate depth of elements构件总厚
aggregate floor depth地板总厚度
aggregate floor depth楼面总厚度
annual damping depth年衰减深度
apparent depth to the magnetic body磁性体视深度
automatic air-compressed depth gage自动压缩空气测探仪
automatic air-compressed depth gauge自动压缩空气测探仪
automatic course keeping and depth keeping controls航向深度自动控制仪
available depth资用水深
available depth有效水深
available water depth可用水深
average buried depth of basement基底的平均埋深
average depth平均水深
average depth平均高度
average depth of mining area矿区平均水深
average erosion depth平均冲刷深度
average erosional depth平均冲刷深度
average lake depth平均湖深
average runoff depth平均径流深 (度)
average sea depth平均海深
azimuth versus depth graph方位一深度图
bailing depth提捞筒下入深度
bar depth沙槛水深
basic depth factor基准齿高系数
berth alongside depth泊位前沿水深
biological mixing depth生物混合深度
blade lowering depth推土板下降深度
blast depth爆破进尺
boring depth孔深【岩】
boring depth镗孔深度
boring depth钻孔深度
bottom depth基底深度
bottom depth of observation tunnel观测平硐底深
bottom depth of producing horizon生产层底深
bottom depth of producing horizon水泥塞底深度
brace bit with depth gage带深度规钻头
brace bit with depth gauge带深度规钻头
breaking depth碎波临界水深
breaking depth碎波水深
brink depth边缘水深
buoying depth设标水深
burying depth of pool base油气藏底界埋深
burying depth of pool top油气藏顶界埋藏深度
burying depth of soil cave土洞埋深
calcite compensation depth钙的补偿深度
calculated over-depth计算超深
carburated case depth渗碳硬化层深度
carburized case depth渗碳层深度
casing collapse depth套管抗挤下入深度
casing depth of producing zone生产层套管深
casing shoe depth套管靴深度
centre depth regulator中央深浅调节器
channel depth渠道深度
channel depth航道水深
channel depth河槽深度
channel depth瓷釉工艺计量
channel depth计量安装玻璃尺寸长高
channel depth河底深度
channel depth clearance航道富余水深
channel edge depth航道边缘水深
charted depth图注水深
charted depth海图水深
clearing depth清扫水深
cloud depth云深
colour depth颜色浓度
colour international standard depth颜色国际标准深度
common depth point共点深度
common-depth-point gather section共深度点集合剖面
common-depth-point number共深度点数
common depth point shooting共深点爆炸
common depth-point stack共深度点叠加
common-shot depth migration共炮点深度偏移
computer depth and signal strength digital readouts计算机化深度和信号强度数字读数
conjugate depths of the jump共轭水深
constant depth flume定深水槽
constant depth sampler定深取样器
constant depth sampling定深取样
constant-depth tooth等高齿
constant temperature depth常温深度
corrected depth井的修正深度
corrected depth校正深度
correction for depth深度改正
correction for sea depth海深改正
correction of depth水深改正
corresponding depth对应水深
corresponding depth对应深度
course depth墙体层高
coursed depth层厚
covering depth覆土深度
covering depth面层厚度
covering depth覆盖层厚度
covering depth覆盖厚度
covering depth覆盖厚度
crack to beam depth ratio裂缝与梁深比
critical bed depth临界床高 (度)
critical course and depth monitor临界航向与深度监视器
critical depth临界水深
critical depth discharge measurement临界深度流量测定
critical depth discharge measurement method临界深度流量测定法
critical depth flume临界量水槽
critical depth line临界水深线
critical depth of evaporation极限蒸发深度
critical depth of evapouration极限蒸发深度
critical depth of flow临界水流深度
critical depth of foundation基础临界深度
critical depth of foundation开挖临界深度
critical depth of groundwater地下水临界深度
critical depth of phreatic water潜水临界深度
critical depth of underground water地下水临界深度
critical depth of wave base波蚀临界深度
critical flow depth临界水流深度
critical foundation depth地基临界深度
crown depth树冠厚
Curie point depth居里点深度
cut depth挖土深度
cutting depth切削深〔厚〕度
cutting depth切削厚度
declared depth公布的水深
density depth gradient of concrete混凝土密度—深度梯度
designed cut depth设计挖深
designed depth设计水深
designed depth of dredging设计挖深
designed depth of navigation channel航道设计水深
diagram showing the relation between temperature and depth温度与深度关系图
difference in depth modulation调制深度差
digging depth掘削深度
digging depth掘凿深度
digging depth line开挖深度线
digging in depth挖掘深度
digimatic depth gage电子数显深度尺
digimatic depth gauge电子数显深度尺
direct depth sounding直接测深
distribution in depth纵深配置
distribution of oil and gas field by depth油气田的深度分布
double depth plough双层犁
drain depth排水沟深度
drain depth排水管深度
drill hole depth孔深【岩】
drill to design depth钻至设计深度
duration-area-depth relation历时一面积一深度关系
earthquake of intermediate depth中深地震
effect of depth深度效果
effect of depth深度效应
effect of depth深度影响
electric depth finder电测深仪
electric depth finder电测深计
electrical depth finder电测深仪
electrical depth finder电测深计
electronic digital display depth calipers电子数显深度尺
embedment depth埋深
embedment depth隧道埋置深度
embedment depth of foundation基础埋置深度
entrained air depth掺气水深
equal depth等深度
equal depth map等深度图
equal-energy depth等能量水深
equilibrium depth平衡深度
equilibrium depth平衡水深
equivalent depth等效深度等量深度
equivalent depth当量厚度
equivalent depth等效水深
equivalent depth换算水深
equivalent depth wave height换算水深波高
Erichsen depth index埃氏深度指标
erosional depth of intrusive body侵入体剥蚀深度
error in depth景深误差
error in depth measurement深度测量误差
error rate of drilling depth孔深误差
even depth等深度
even depth相等深度
expendable conductivity temperature depth sonde投放式电导海水温度计
expendable conductivity temperature depth sonde抛弃式电导海水温度计
exploration depth探测深度
exploration depth勘探深度
explored depth勘探深度
explosion depth爆炸深度
fashion of depth record深度记录方式
filter bed depth滤层高度
final dredged depth最后开挖深度
final mining depth开采最终深度
fixity depth嵌固深度
floatation depth浮体吃水深度
floor depth楼面高度
floor depth桥面高度
floor depth楼板厚度
flow depth水深
flow depth流动深度
flow depth流深
footing depth大方脚埋深
foraminiferal compensation depth有孔虫补偿深度
formation depth of intrusive body侵入体形成深度
founding depth基础深度
frictional depth摩擦深度
gas-bearing depth气层深度
gasoline depth gage汽油深度计
gasoline depth gage汽油油位表
gasoline depth gauge汽油深度计
gasoline depth gauge汽油油位表
geothermal depth地温深度
geothermic depth地热级
geothermic depth地热深度
glass depth玻璃液深度
groove depth沟深
groove depth槽深
groundwater depth地下水深度
groundwater depth地下水埋深
harden depth淬硬深度
hardness-depth curve硬度深度曲线
harmless-depth theory无害深度假说
high precision depth recorder高精度深度记录仪
hold depth锁量
hole depth凿孔深度 (by percussive drilling)
hole depth孔深【岩】
hole depth error孔深误差
hole depth gage孔深计
hole depth gauge孔深计
hydration depth水化深度
hydrographic digital positioning and depth recording system水道测量数字定位与深度自记系统
hydrographical digital positioning and depth recording system水道测量数字定位与深度自记系统
hydrostatic depth gage水静压测深棒
hydrostatic depth gage静水深度计
hydrostatic depth gauge水静压测深棒
hydrostatic depth gauge静水深度计
infiltration depth of annual precipitation年降水入渗深度
integrating depth recorder积分式自记测深仪
integrating depth recorder自记积深仪
intermediate depth wave中度深水波
irregular depth不规则入土深度
joint depth接头深度
joint depth接缝深度
landing depth下套管深度
layer depth层深
layer depth混合层深度
laying depth敷设深度
laying depth铺筑厚度
length depth ratio长深比
lightweight variable-depth towed sonar轻型可变深度拖曳式声呐
light-zone depth光亮带深度
liner depth尾管深
local depth structure map局部深度构造图
loosening depth松土深度
loosening depth松散深度
magnetic basement depth磁性基底深度
magnetic basement depth map磁性基底深度图
magnetic body minimum depth chart磁性体最小深度图
maintaining the navigable depth保持通航水深
maximum buried depth of basement基底的最大埋深
maximum depth最大水深
maximum depth of exploration最大勘探深度
maximum depth of frozen ground最大冻结深度
maximum depth of frozen soil最大冻结深度
maximum depth of frozen soil最大冻土深度
maximum depth of lot场地的最大深度
maximum depth of mixed layer最大混合层厚度
maximum depth of plastic deformation area塑性变形区最大深度
maximum depth of scour最大冲刷深度
maximum depth of scour pit冲坑最大深度
maximum depth of scour pit冲刷坑最大深度
maximum depth of water最大水深
maximum depth of water to operate作业最大水深
maximum diving depth最大下潜深度
maximum dredging depth最大挖深
maximum fording depth最大涉水深度
maximum operating depth最大作业深度
maximum relieving depth最大铲齿深度
maximum safe water-depth最大安全水深
maximum span-depth ratio最大跨深比
maximum thaw depth最大解冻深度
maximum throat depth点焊机的夹钳外伸长度
mean areal depth of precipitation面平均降水深度
mean areal depth of precipitation流域平均雨深
mean depth平均水深
mean erosion depth平均冲刷深度
mean erosional depth平均冲刷深度
mean lake depth平均湖深
mean sea depth平均海深
mean water depth平均水深
mean water depth in section断面平均水深
measured water depth实测水深
member of nonuniform depth变高构件
member of nonuniform depth宽度-一定的变截面杆
member of nonuniform depth不同截面高度的构件
memory depth存储器深度
metal depth玻璃液深度
micrometer cutting depth adjustment千分表切削深度调整
micrometer depth gage深度规测微器
micrometer depth gage深度千分尺
micrometer depth gage千分深测规
micrometer depth gage深度千分卡规
micrometer depth gauge千分深测规
micrometer depth gauge深度千分尺
micrometer depth gauge深度规测微器
micrometer depth gauge深度千分卡规
mixing depth混合深度
modified depth修正深度
Moho depth莫霍面深度
moisture only depth meter地下温度探测计
molded depth型深 (of vessel)
molded depth船型高 (度)
movement in depth景深移动
natural depth天然深度
natural depth天然水深
nautical depth适航水深
net depth meter网深仪
net-depth telemeter网位仪
net-depth telemeter网深遥测仪
neutral axis depth ratio中和轴比
neutral depth正常水深
neutral depth等流速水深
neutral depth中和水深
nominal depth额定深度
nominal depth名义深度
number of depth point深度点数
ocean depth大洋深度
oceanic depth海渊
operating water depth工作深度【水文】
optimum depth最佳覆盖厚度
optimum depth最佳水深
optimum depth of cut最佳挖掘深度
optimum width-depth ratio最佳宽深比
ordinary temperature depth常温深度
overflow critical depth漫溢临界水深
overflow depth溢流水深
overrun critical depth漫溢临界水深
penetration depth射入深度
penetration depth插土深度
penetration depth压痕深度
perception of depth景深感 (觉)
periscopic depth潜望最大深度
petrol-depth gage汽油表
petrol-depth gage汽油深度计
petrol-depth gauge汽油表
petrol-depth gauge汽油深度计
planned depth设计水深
planned depth计划水深
planning mining depth设计开采深度
plate depth平板厚度
plate girder depth板梁高度
plate of constant depth等厚度板
plow-depth control犁深调节
port water depth港口水深
position of depth point深度点位置
preselected depth预定深度
pressure depth压强深度
projection focus depth投影焦深
proportional depth充满度
protection casing depth技术套管深
published depth公布的水深
rain depth-duration curve雨量一历时关系曲线
rain penetration depth降雨渗入深度
rain penetration depth雨水入渗深度
rate of value slumping by depth建筑用地进深增加地价递减率
rate of value slumping hy depth建筑用地逬深增加地价递减率
recorded depth记录深度
registered depth登记深度
required depth要求深度
requisite depth必要水深
reserve buoyancy for operating depth工作深度储备浮力
restricted depth water area有限水深水域
restricted water depth有限水深
rib depth肋高
root canal depth gage根管长度测量器
root canal depth gauge根管长度测量器
rule depth gage深度规
rule depth gauge深度规
salinity temperature depth recorder温盐深度自记仪
salinity temperature depth recorder海水盐度温度深度记录器
salinity temperature depth recording system温盐深度测量装置
salinity temperature depth system温盐深度系统
salinity-temperature depth monitor system温盐深度测量装置
sampled depth采样水深
sampled depth取样深度
scale of depth深度比例 (尺)
scale of depth axis深度轴比例尺
scouring depth冲刷深度
screw depth control螺杆式深度调节器
screw depth regulator螺旋式入土深度调节器
screw-in depth旋入深度
sea depth海深
secchi's depth透明度极限
section depth截面深度
sequent depth共轭水深
ship's depth船深
side water depth侧水深
side water depth周边水深
simulated depth模拟深度
single-depth room单进深房间
sinking depth of wind pipe风管沉没深度
slab depth平板厚度
slab of constant depth等厚板
slant depth斜线深度
sorting traces by depth按深度分选地震道
span-depth ratio跨深比
spring depth gage弹簧深度规
spring depth gauge弹簧深度规
spring of intermediate depth中等深度的泉水
stage-depth relation curve水位水深关系曲线
staircase depth楼梯间深度
stripping depth剥离深度
submarine secure depth sounder潜艇安全深度探测器
submersion depth浸没深度
subsea depth measurement海底深度测量
surcharge depth溢流堰顶以上的超高水深
sweep-out depth远驱水深
tanker depth油船深度
tape depth-gage带尺测深计
tape depth-gage带尺潮位计
tape depth-gauge带尺测深计
tape depth-gauge带尺潮位计
target depth设计井深
target depth目标水深
target stratum depth目的层深
theoretic depth理论深度
theoretic throat depth焊缝理论厚度
throat depth焊喉厚度
throat depth焊喉深度
throat depth焊接厚度
throat depth of fillet weld贴角焊缝厚度高度
throat depth of fillet weld角焊缝厚度
training for depth疏浚
training for depth通行深度疏导
transitional depth过渡水深
transmission depth透射深度
trough depth of wave波谷深度
trunk depth支承表面至喷嘴之间的距离
two-tenth depth method零点二水深法
ultimate depth最终深度
unsafe depth foundation protection桥梁浅基防护
unsupported depth无支撑深度
upper alternate depth上共轭水深
upper bound depth of coal formation煤层顶界面的深度
upper bound depth of shale in coal formation夹矸顶界面的深度
upper bound depth of the water bearing formation含水层顶界面深度
upper critical depth上部临界深度
valley depth谷深
variable depth attachment不同深播种附加装置
variable depth opener变深度开沟器
variable depth section frame可变高度截面的框架
variable depth sonar可变深度声纳
variable depth sonar深度可调声呐
variable depth sonar可变深度声呐
variable diameter depth of hole变径深度
variation in channel depth航道水深变化
velocity-depth distribution速度一深度分布
velocity-depth relation流速一水深关系
velocity-depth relationship流速一水深关系
velocity-azimuth-depth assembly流速一流向水深装置
vertical bottle depth-integrating sampler竖瓶积深式采样器
vertical depth of inclined well斜井垂直深度
volume-depth distribution curve容积一深度分布曲线
volume per unit of depth单位进尺的岩粉体积
volume per unit of depth岩屑比
water depth before and after dredging施挖前后水深
water depth device测深设备
water depth device测深仪
water depth diagram水深图
water depth figure水深图
water depth in front of bank岸前水深
water depth in front of wharf码头前水深
water depth line水深线
water depth map水深图
water depth marker水深标志
water depth of an underground river暗河水深度
water depth of ground river暗河水深
water depth of port港口水深
water depth of river河床水流深度
water depth of shallow shoal浅滩水深
water depth of submergence淹没水深
water depth on front of wharf码头前沿水深
water depth on sill闸槛水深
water depth on the end launching way滑道末端水深
water depth rod测深杆
water depth rod测深竿
water depth-ship draft ratio吃水系数
water depth-ship draft ratio水深吃水比
water depth signal水深信号
water depth-to-ship draft ratio水深吃水比
water depth under ocean bottom seismometer洋底测震仪下水深
water depth under shot炮点下水深度
water-level depth in soil sample cylinder土样筒中的水位深度
water-level depth of aquifer from surface含水层水位埋深
wheel tracking depth车辙深度
width and depth ratio in aeration tank曝气池宽深比
width depth ratio宽深比
width of depth domain深度域宽度
width-to-depth ratio截面的宽高比
within-basin depth-area curve流域内雨深一面积曲线
working depth工作面深度
working depth扎根深度
working depth of tooth工作齿高
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