
Terms for subject Surgery containing defects | all forms
abdominal wall defect腹壁缺损
aorticopulmonary septal defect主动脉肺动脉膈缺损
aorto-pulmonary septal defect主一肺动脉隔缺损
arterial septal defect房间隔缺损
atrial septal defect心房间隔缺损
atrial septal defect of ostium primum type原发型房间隔孔缺损
atrial septal defect of ostium secundum type继发型房间隔孔缺损
auricular defect耳郭缺损
auricular septal defect房间隔缺损
chest wall defect胸壁缺损
congenital defect of gastri musculature先天性胃壁肌缺损
congenital forearm bone defect先天性前臂骨缺如
coronary sinus atrial septal defect冠状静脉窦型房间隔缺损
defect of auricle耳郭缺损
defect of ear lobe耳垂缺损
defect of eyebrow眉缺损
defect of nasal ala鼻翼缺损
defect of skull颅骨缺损
developmental defect of sternum胸骨发育缺陷
high ventricular septal defect高位室间隔缺损
pentalogy of defects五联缺损
pericardial defect心包缺损
reconstruction of defect of chest wall胸壁缺损重建术
repair of ventricular septal defect室间隔缺损修补术
skull defect颅骨缺损
Swiss cheese ventricular septal defect筛孔样室间隔缺损
through and through cheek defect颊洞穿缺损
through and through defect洞穿缺损
through and through palatal defect腭洞穿缺损
ulnar ray defect先天性尺侧指和掌骨缺如