
Terms for subject General containing defects | all forms | exact matches only
chrominance defect色度失常
chrominance defect彩色误差
defect defector探伤仪
defect of contact接触不良
electron-defect compound缺电子化合物
Has it a five-year guarantee against mechanical defects?能有五年的故障保修吗?
have the defects of one's qualities有随着优点而来的缺点
in defect of因为没有〔缺少〕
in defect of若无…时
No burr, scratch, flow mark, shrinkage defects, etc. on the surface of product外观表面不可有毛边、刮痕、流痕、缩水等不良现象
no defects did they find in these parts在这些部件中他们没发现任何缺陷
Philosophical Magazine, A :"Physics of Condensed Matter: Structure, Defects & Mechanical Properties"哲学杂志,A辑: "结构、缺陷与机械特性"
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids辐射效应与固体损伤
suffer from a serious defect有一个严重的缺点
sulfaee defect表面缺陷
The incidence of defects should be decreased to achieve quality targets要实现质量目标,必须降低次品发生率
This piece is perfect except for a small defect in the seam这件很完美,除了在缝合处有个小小的瑕疵