
Terms for subject China containing commit | all forms | exact matches only
commit a tort实施侵权行为
commit acts detrimental to the security, honour and interests of the motherland危害祖国的安全、荣誉和利益的行为
commit again再犯
commit an act in violation of public security administration有违反治安管理行为
commit an offence作案
commit an offence related to narcotic drugs实施毒品违法犯罪行为
commit another crime犯新罪
commit any criminal acts such as harming and humiliating the victim有伤害、侮辱等犯罪行为
commit crime from one place to another流窜作案
commit illegal acts违法行为
commit one of the following acts有下列行为之一
commit suicide自杀
commit the crime实施犯罪
gather people to commit "beating, smashing or looting"聚众"打砸抢"
induce juveniles to violate law or commit criminal offense诱发未成年人违法犯罪
instigate another to commit a crime教唆他人犯罪
intentionally commit homicide故意杀人
jointly commit a tort共同实施侵权行为
offender who attempts to commit a crime未遂犯
repeatedly commit the crime of embezzlement and go unpunished多次贪污未经处理
teach another person how to commit a crime传授犯罪方法
those who commit major crime罪行重大的
use computers to commit the crimes利用计算机实施犯罪