
Terms containing collimation error | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
el.beam collimation error射[波]束准直误差
spacebeam collimation error波束瞄准误差
avia.beam collimation error波束准直误差
tech.collimation error准直
tech.collimation error视准
tech.collimation error视觉误差
spacecollimation error准直误差
bridg.constr.collimation error照准误差
oilcollimation error视准误差
construct.collimation error视准〔准直,瞄准〕误差
tech.collimation error透视差
tech.collimation error照准差
tech.collimation error瞄准误差
tech.collimation error correction视准差校正
spacediscrepancy between twice collimation error二倍照准差
spacediscrepancy between twice collimation error二倍照准部互差
avia.discrepancy between twice collimation error二倍准部互差
tech.discrepancy between twice collimation errors二倍照准误差偏差
tech.discrepancy between twice collimation errors二倍视准差互差
tech.discrepancy between twice collimation errors2C 较差
tech.discrepancy between twice collimation errors两倍照准差
tech.error of collimation透视差
tech.error of collimation视准
tech.error of collimation准直差
tech.error of vertical collimation垂直度盘瞄准差
tech.horizontal collimation error水平视准差