
Terms containing collateral security | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.advance upon collateral security抵押担保品预付款
tech.bill deposited as collateral security以汇票为抵押证券
busin.bill deposited as collateral security汇票抵押证券
econ.bill deposited as collateral security以汇票为抵押的证券
securit.bill deposited as collateral security作为担保物的票据
busin.bill discounted with collateral security附证券担保的票据贴现
busin.bill discounted with collateral security已贴现附证券担保的票据
securit.bill discounted with collateral security担保贴现票据
econ.ceiling on loans upon collateral security抵押担保品贷款的最高限额
IMF.collateral security抵押品
IMF.collateral security担保品
busin.collateral security附属抵押品担保品
tech.collateral security证券抵押
tech.collateral security附加担保物
econ.collateral security抵押担保品
interntl.trade.collateral security附属担保品
fin.collateral security证券抵押品
fin.collateral security质押品
tech.collateral security附属抵押品
securit.collateral security抵押证券
fin.collateral security for loan贷款担保品
securit.collateral security for loan抵押贷款的担保品
busin.collateral security for loans贷款抵押品
busin.in a form acceptable to the bank, collateral security银行认可的质押品
fin.loan collateral security有押贷款
busin.loan collateral security抵押贷款
securit.loan collateral security贷款抵押证券
busin.loan on collateral security抵押证券贷款
interntl.trade.loan on collateral security抵押放款 (or loan on security)
textileloan on collateral security抵押贷款
textileloan on collateral security证券抵押放款
fin.loan on collateral security抵押放款
econ.loan on collateral security抵押担保贷款
securit.loan on collateral security证券担保贷款
fin.loan without collateral security无担保贷款
fin.loan without collateral security信用贷款
econ.pledging as collateral security作为抵押担保品进行抵押
busin.serve as collateral security作为担保
commer.The bank is prepared to provide finance to the exporter because it holds the shipping documents as collateral security for the advance and, if necessary, can take recourse to the buyer as instructing customer and the exporter as drawer of the bill银行之所以愿意向岀口商提供资金,既由于它掌握着货运单据作为垫付款的担保品,也由于在必要时,它可向对银行发岀指示的买方与汇票的出票人岀口商行使用追索权
econ.You are required to present collateral security if you want to advance any money如你想预支一些款项,你必须拿出抵押品