
Terms for subject Economics containing breakdown | all forms | exact matches only
Above is a breakdown of investment costs they posted to us上面是他们寄来的投资成本分类细目
Because of the breakdown of the equipment, we can not execute our contract由于设备出了故障,我们无法执行合同
breakdown of amount expenditures支出款额剖析
breakdown of machinery机器故障 (险)
breakdown of negotiation谈判的破裂
breakdown of nuclear installation核装置故障 (险)
breakdown or off-hire clause故障条款或船舶停租条款
breakdown theory崩溃说
cost breakdown费用分解
machinery breakdown damage insurance机器损坏保险
Production was slow owing to continual breakdowns由于机器不断出现故障生产减慢
work breakdown structure工作事故结构
You are expected to look into the cause of the breakdown of the machine希望贵方调査机器故障原因