
Terms for subject Surgery containing base | all forms | exact matches only
acid-base homeostasis酸碱内环境稳定
acid-base imbalance酸碱平衡失调
base of lung Basis pulmonis肺底
base of metacarpal bone掌骨底
base of patella髌底
base of phalanx趾骨底
base of phalanx指骨底
base of posterior horn后角底
base of prostate前列腺底
base of pyramid锥体底
base of sacral bone骶骨底
base of sacrum骶骨底
combined subtotal resection of hemicranial base半侧颅底次全联合切除术
conjugate base接合碱
disturbance of acid-base balance酸碱平衡失调
fracture of cranial base颅底骨折
fracture of skull base颅底骨折
mixed acid-base balance disturbance混合性酸碱平衡失调
residual base剩余碱