
Terms containing barge | all forms | exact matches only
tech.accommodating barge住宿船
tech.articulated barge铰接式驳船
nautic., tech.articulated connection PB combination-barge铰接式联结顶推船驳船组合体-驳船
shipb.articulated tug-barge柔性连接拖驳
nautic., tech.articulated tug-barge combination推-驳组合体巴拿马运河
nautic., tech.articulated tug-barge combination推船-驳船组合体
tech.ash barge装煤灰船驳
tech.barge aboard catamaran双体载驳货船
tech.barge aboard catamaran barge双体载驳货船子驳
tech.barge aboard catamaran vessel载驳双体船
gen.barge about乱碰乱撞
tech.barge above catamaran载驳双体船
gen.barge against碰士
gen.barge against与…相撞
tech.barge basin驳船港池
tech.barge bed驳船停泊区
tech.barge bed驳船停泊滩
tech.barge berge浮码头
tech.barge berge停泊处
tech.barge berth驳船泊位
tech.barge berth浮码头
tech.barge berthing area驳船靠泊区
shipb.barge berthing area驳船停泊区
tech.barge board山墙封檐板
tech.barge board窄封檐板
tech.barge board博风板
tech.barge board山墙面
tech.barge board山墙
tech.barge board窄博缝板
tech.barge board山墙封檐扳
tech.barge board封檐板
tech.barge canal驳船运河
tech.barge canal驳船渠
tech.barge canal内陆运河
port.facil.barge cargo驳船货
tech.barge carrier大型平板驳船
tech.barge carrier载驳
tech.barge carrier运驳母船
nautic., transp.barge-carrier子母船
tech.barge carrier terminal载驳货船码头
tech.barge carrier transport载驳运输
shipb.barge carrier transport载驳船运输
tech.barge-carrying catamaran双体载驳货船
tech.barge-carrying catamaran载驳双体船
tech.barge-carrying ship载驳
shipb.barge carrying ship载驳船
tech.barge chain船队
tech.barge clipper system载驳货船系统 (浮船坞式)
tech.barge clipper system载驳快船方式
tech.barge commerce驳运量
tech.barge conveyance驳船运输
tech.barge conveyance驳运
tech.barge couple墙挑檐椽
tech.barge couple山墙檐口椽
tech.barge couple檐口人字木
tech.barge course山墙顶砖层
tech.barge course山墙檐瓦
tech.barge course山墙顶部侧砌砖山墙砖压顶
tech.barge course墙檐
tech.barge cover驳船舱盖
tech.barge crane起重船
tech.barge crane驳船起重机
tech.barge derrick浮式桅杆起重机
tech.barge derrick浮式转臂吊车
tech.barge derrick船式起重机
tech.barge derrick浮式人字起重机
tech.barge derrick起重船
tech.barge derrick浮吊
tech.barge dock驳船码头
tech.barge drilling船上钻探
tech.barge elevator平底船卸货用升降机
tech.barge excavator浮式挖掘机
tech.barge fender驳船护舷
tech.barge fleet驳船队
tech.barge fleeting area驳船编队区
tech.barge fleeting area驳船集结区
tech.barge for hot cargoes危险品运输船
tech.barge haul system驳船系结装置
tech.barge hauler驳船系结装置
tech.barge hauling unit驳船系结装置
tech.barge hopper开底船
tech.barge hopper开底驳船
tech.barge hopper开底泥驳
gen.barge in干扰
gen.barge in乱插嘴
gen.barge in强行加人
gen.barge in干涉
gen.barge in闯人
tech.barge in tow拖驳
gen.barge into与…相撞
gen.barge into闯人
tech.barge job船上钻进
tech.barge lashing驳船编队系结装置
tech.barge lashing驳船系结装置
tech.barge lift升船设备
tech.barge lighterman驳船船员
tech.barge line船只航道
tech.barge line operator驳运行
tech.barge line operator驳运公司
tech.barge line operator驳运业者
shipb.barge line operator驳运经营者
tech.barge line system驳船拖带法
tech.barge loading belt conveyer驳船装货皮带输送机
tech.barge loading belt conveyer驳船装货皮带运输机
tech.barge loading belt conveyor驳船装货皮带运输机
tech.barge loading belt conveyor驳船装货皮带输送机
shipb.barge-loading belt conveyor驳船装料皮带运输机
tech.barge-loading runway船下水滑道
shipb.barge master驳船船长
tech.barge measure上方 (指船放泥量)
tech.barge mooring area驳船停泊区
tech.barge mooring area驳船系泊区
tech.barge-mounted concrete plant安装在船上的混凝土 搅拌设备
tech.barge-mounted concrete plant安装在船上的混凝土 搅拌
tech.barge-mounted tower crane浮式塔形起重机
tech.barge of lighter aboard ship system载驳船的船
tech.barge on board ship载驳
tech.barge on board ship运驳母船
tech.barge on board ship system驳船运输船方式
tech.barge operation system simulation驳船操作系统模拟
tech.barge pole驳船钩杆
tech.barge pole驳船撑篱
tech.barge pole撑篙 (驳船)
tech.barge pool驳船水域
tech.barge port浅坝港埠
tech.barge port驳船港
tech.barge port驳载港
tech.barge port内河港口
tech.barge rafter山墙檐口椽
tech.barge ramp船的斜坡道
tech.barge sealing charges驳船封仓费
tech.barge shifter绞驳机
tech.barge shifter驳船系结装置
tech.barge shifter绞驳设备
tech.barge slip驳船港池
tech.barge spike船钉
tech.barge spike船用方钉
tech.barge stone山墙封檐石
tech.barge stone封檐石
tech.barge stone压檐石
tech.barge stowage hold载驳舱
tech.barge string驳船队
tech.barge sucker平底船上进油管
tech.barge sucker泥驳吸卸泵
tech.barge sucker非自航式吸泥船
tech.barge sucker平底船上进气管
tech.barge system驳船队
tech.barge system驳运制
port.facil.barge system驳船制系统
tech.barge terminal驳船码头
gen.barge through the door破门而人
gen.barge through the door闯人
tech.barge tile山墙封檐瓦
tech.barge to rail transfer驳船转铁路
shipb.barge tonnage驳船吨位
tech.barge tow驳船队
tech.barge train平底船列
tech.barge train拖驳船队
tech.barge train一列式拖带驳船队
shipb.barge train connecting rope驳船队系缆
shipb.barge-train connecting rope驳船队系缆
tech.barge train connecting ropes拖驳船队系统
tech.barge-train lock船队船闸
tech.barge-train lock整队过闸船闸
tech.barge-train lock原队过闸船闸
tech.barge train lockage原队过闸
tech.barge train towed alongside绑拖船队
shipb.barge-train towed alongside绑拖船队
tech.barge train transportation拖驳船队运输
tech.barge-train unit拖驳队
tech.barge transport驳船运输
shipb.barge transport company驳运公司
tech.barge tug港作拖轮
tech.barge tug拖轮
tech.barge type驳船类型
nautic., tech.barge-type drilling unit驳船式钻井平台
nautic., tech.barge-type unit驳船式平台
shipb.barge-unloading dredger吹泥船
nautic., tech.barge unloading dredger吹泥船
tech.barge unloading elevator卸船用斗式提升机
tech.barge-unloading suction dredge吹泥船
shipb.barge unloading suction dredge吹泥船
tech.barge-unloading suction dredger吹泥船
nautic., tech.barge unloading suction dredger吹泥船
shipb.barge-unloading suction-dredger吹泥船
shipb.barge using for transportation运输用驳船
tech.barge warping winch移驳绞车
shipb.barge warping winch泥驳绞车
shipb.barge warping winch泥驳移动绞车
shipb.barge warping winch repair泥驳绞车修理
shipb.barge warping winch repair泥驳移动绞车修理
gen.barge one's way through强行通过
gen.barge one's way through挤出一条路
tech.barge wharf驳船码头
shipb.barge with hinged bottom doors开底泥驳
tech.barge work驳运工作
nautic.barges-on-board ship载驳母船
tech.blow-off barge吹泥船
tech.boring barge钻探平底船
tech.bottom door type of hopper barge开底泥驳
tech.bottom hopper barge底卸式船
tech.bottom hopper barge开底泥驳
tech.bottom hopper barge底开式驳船
port.facil.bottom hopper barge底门驳船
shipb.bottom open barge开底驳船
shipb.bottom open barge开底泥驳
tech.bottom-dump barge开底泥驳
tech.bottom-dump barge底部倾卸的平底船
tech.bottom-opening hopper barge开底泥驳
shipb.bow ramped barge艏开门驳
shipb.bow-ramped barge艏开门驳
tech.box barge方驳
tech.breakdown of barge train驳船队解队
shipb.bulk barge散装驳船
shipb.bulk barge散装货船
tech.bulk cement barge散装水泥驳船
shipb.bulk cement barge散装水泥驳
shipb.bury barge埋管驳船
nautic., tech.bury barge埋管船
tech.burying barge埋管驳船
tech.calculation of mud barge required泥驳需要量计算
tech.cargo barge装货驳船
tech.cargo barge货驳
tech.cargo carrying barge货驳
tech.cargo-box barge平底船
shipb.catamaran barge carrier双体载驳船
tech.cement barge水泥专用船
tech.cement barge运水泥专用船
tech.changing barges without a break in production换驳不停产
nautic., tech.compacting hammer barge打夯船
tech.covered barge有盖舱口驳
nautic., tech.covered barge甲板驳
shipb.crane barge浮吊起重船
tech.De Long barge狄龙式自开式驳
nautic., tech.deck cargo barge甲板驳
shipb.decreasing barge减少驳船
shipb.diamond recovery barge采金刚石驳
tech.digging out of barge清舱作业
tech.digging out of barge驳船清舱作业
shipb.discharging from barge to wharf从驳船卸货到码头
tech.double-breadth barge train lock倍宽船队船闸
nautic., tech.drilling barge钻井驳
tech.drop bottom barge活底式驳船
shipb.dropping off barge减少驳船
shipb.dry cargo barge干货驳
tech.dummy barge趸船
port.facil.dummy barge系船驳
tech.dummy barge系船驳 (船)
tech.dummy barge空驳
tech.dummy barge浮码头
tech.dummy barge浮箱
tech.dummy barge垫档驳
port.facil.dummy barge囤船
tech.dumping barge开底泥驳
tech.dumping barge抛石船
tech.dumping barge泥驳
shipb.dumping barge自卸驳
tech.empty barge anchorage空驳停泊区
tech.empty barge storage空驳停泊区
tech.Europe barge carrier欧洲载驳船
tech.Europe self-propelled barge欧洲型自航驳船
tech.ex barge驳船交货
tech.ex barge price驳船价
shipb.existing barge tonnage现有驳船吨位
shipb.export self-unloading barge出口自卸驳
shipb.ferrocement barge钢筋水泥驳
shipb.flat bottom barge平底驳
tech.flat-bottom barge平底驳船
tech.flat-top barge平顶驳船
tech.fleet of barge驳船队
tech.floating barge浮驳
tech.floating barge elevator钻井浮船升降机
tech.floating drill barge钻探船
tech.floating oil-production-equipment barge浮式石油钻井平台
tech.floating power barge水上动力站
tech.floating power barge水上发电站
nautic., tech.freight barge货驳
tech.fully integrated barge全分节驳船
nautic., tech.gas barge气体运输驳
tech.gasoline barge汽油驳船
shipb.gasoline barge汽油驳
tech.gravel barge砾石驳
shipb.Guangdong Barges Company广东驳运公司
shipb.harbor barge港内驳船
port.facil.hooper barge开底驳船
shipb.hopper barge开底泥驳
port.facil.hopper barge开门驳船
nautic., tech.hopper barge开底驳
nautic., tech.hopper dump barge开底泥驳
shipb.import integrated barge进口分节驳
shipb.import integrated barge built by American进口美国造分节驳
shipb.increasing barge增加驳船
tech.inland barge内河驳船
tech.integrated barge组合式驳船
tech.integrated barge分节驳船
nautic., tech.integrated barge分节驳
tech.integrated barge fleet分节驳船队
tech.integrated barge train分节驳船队
shipb.integrated barges train分节驳船队
tech.integrated tug-barge组合顶推驳船
shipb.integrated tug-barge刚性连接拖驳
tech.jumbo barge carrier大型载泊船
shipb.knockdown barge可拆驳
shipb.landing barge登陆驳
shipb.landing barge ramped跳板登陆艇
shipb.landing barge water供水登陆艇
gen.landing craft barge登陆工具运输驳船
nautic., tech.large opening barge舱口驳
nautic., tech.launch barge下水驳
nautic., tech.launching barge下水驳
tech.lay barge布管驳船
tech.lay barge敷设管线驳船
tech.laying barge铺管船
shipb.log barge运木驳
tech.mammoth ocean barge大型海驳
shipb.mining barge采矿驳
tech.mobile barge机动驳 (船)
tech.motor-driven barge机动驳 (船)
shipb.naval barge海军驳船
tech.nested barges套装驳
consult.non-propelled hopper barge非自航对开泥驳
gen.not fit to be touched with a pair of with a barge-pole令人讨厌
gen.not fit to be touched with a pair of with a barge-pole不值得一碰
shipb.number of pushing barges顶推驳船数
tech.ocean barge出海驳船
tech.ocean barge海驳
tech.ocean-going pusher-barge combination出海顶推船队
tech.ocean-going pusher-barge combination远洋顶推驳船队
nautic., tech.open barge敞舱驳
nautic., tech.passenger barge客驳
tech.petrol barge汽油驳船
shipb.picking up barge增加驳船
shipb.picking-up barge增加驳船
shipb.pier barge浮码头
nautic., tech.pipe barge运管驳船
nautic., tech.pipe-burying barge埋管驳船
nautic., tech.pipe-laying barge铺管船
nautic., tech.plant barge工厂船
nautic., tech.plant barge浮动工厂
nautic., tech.plant barge产品加工船
tech.pontoon barge平底驳船
nautic., tech.pontoon barge箱形驳
tech.pontoon type barge方驳
tech.pontoon-bowed barge方头驳船
shipb.purchase deck barge购买甲板驳
shipb.purchase pusher and integrated barges购买推轮和分节驳
shipb.purchase uprated tug and barges购买大功率拖轮和驳船
shipb.purchase uprated tug and barges购买大马力拖轮和驳船
tech.pushed barge顶推驳 (船)
shipb.pusher and integrated-barge fleet顶推船队
shipb.pusher and integrated-barge train顶推船队
tech.pusher barge顶推驳 (船)
tech.pusher barge navigation顶推驳船航行
tech.pusher barge pair推驳搭配
tech.pusher barge system顶推驳运法
tech.pusher barge system顶推驳运方式
tech.pusher barge tows顶推驳船队
shipb.pusher-barge transportation顶推运输
shipb.pusher-barge transportation contract顶推驳运合同
shipb.pusher-barge transportation system顶推驳运系统
nautic., tech.pusher tug-barge combination顶推船-驳船组合体
shipb.ramped landing barge跳板式登陆艇
nautic., tech.reel barge卷筒铺管驳船
shipb.refrigerated barge冷藏驳
port.facil.removal barge of oil sludge清除油渣驳船
shipb.requirements for barge-train formation编队要求
nautic., tech.rescue & salvage barge救捞驳
nautic., tech.rigid connection PB combination-barge固定式联结顶推船驳船组合体一驳船
nautic., tech.rigidly connected pusher tug-barge combination固定式顶推船一驳船组合体
nautic., tech.rock breaking barge碎石船
nautic., tech.rock drilling & blasting barge钻孔爆破船
shipb.rock-breaking barge碎石驳
tech.rubbish barge垃圾驳 (船)
shipb.salvage barge救助打捞驳
nautic., tech.salvage barge救捞驳船
nautic., tech.sand piling barge打砂桩船
nautic., tech.sand spreading barge砂石撒铺船
tech.sea barge海驳
tech.sea barge carrier载驳
tech.sea barge clipper海蜂型子母船
tech.sea barge clipper海上载驳快船
tech.sea barge clipper载驳快船
tech.sea-bee barge西比驳
tech.sea-going barge出海驳船
tech.sea-going barge海驳
tech.sea-going powered barge出海机动驳船
tech.sea-going powered barge机动海驳
tech.seapeak barge海峰驳船
tech.self-discharging barge自卸驳 (船)
tech.self-dumping barge自卸驳 (船)
shipb.self-dumping barge自卸泥驳
tech.self-elevating barge自顶升趸船
tech.self-elevating barge自升式平底船
nautic., tech.self-localization and self-elevating barge自定位自升式驳船
shipb.selfpropelled barge自动推进驳
tech.self-propelled barge自航驳 (船)
shipb.selfpropelled barge自航驳
tech.self-propelled barge机动驳 (船)
shipb.self-propelled barge机动驳[自航驳]
tech.self-propelled bottom dump barge自航开底泥驳
tech.self-propelled hopper barge自行开体泥驳
shipb.selfpropelled hopper barge自航泥驳
tech.self-propelled mud barge自航泥驳
tech.self-propelled split barge自行开体泥驳
consult.self-propelled split dump barge自航对开泥驳
tech.self-propelled spoil barge自航泥驳
tech.self-propelled water barge自航水驳
tech.self-propelling barge自航驳 (船)
tech.self-propulsed barge自航驳 (船)
tech.self-tipping barge自倾卸驳 (船)
tech.self-unloading barge自动卸货驳船
shipb.self-unloading barge自卸驳
nautic., tech.self-unloading barge自卸泥驳
tech.self-unloading barge unit自卸驳船队
tech.self-unloading sand barge自卸砂驳
tech.self-unloading tug-barge unit自卸拖驳船队
tech.semi-barge carrier system半载驳船系统
nautic., tech.semi-hold barge半舱驳
tech.semi-submerged barge半潜驳
nautic., tech.semi-submersible barge半潜驳
tech.semi-submersible pipe-laying barge半潜式管线铺设驳船
nautic., tech.shipborne barge船载驳
nautic., transp.ship-borne barge船载的驳船
port.facil.side hopper barge侧门驳船
tech.side hopper barge侧卸泥驳
tech.side hopper barge侧倾抛石驳
tech.side hopper barge侧开料斗式船
tech.side hopper barge侧开泥驳
shipb.side hopper barge舷侧开门泥驳
tech.side open mud barge侧开式泥驳
tech.side-door hopper barge侧卸式运土船
tech.side-dumping barge侧卸抛石驳
tech.side-hopper barge侧卸式运土船
shipb.side-tipping stone barge侧倾卸石驳
tech.single barge单驳船
tech.single barge独行驳船
tech.single barge单平底船
tech.sinking barge沉排驳船
tech.spar barge带支腿方程
shipb.special purpose barge专用驳
nautic., tech.split hopper barge自载对开式挖泥船
nautic., tech.split hopper barge对开开体泥驳
nautic., tech.split hopper barge对开挖泥船
shipb.split hopper barge开体泥驳
nautic., tech.split hopper barge对开泥驳
nautic., tech.split type dump hopper barge对开泥驳
shipb.split-hopper barge开体泥驳
tech.spoil barge泥驳
tech.stationary storage barge不动的储[贮]存驳船
shipb.steel barge钢驳
tech.supply barge供应驳
nautic., tech.swamp drilling barge沼泽地钻井驳船
nautic., tech.tank barge液货驳
shipb.tipper barge倾卸驳
tech.tipping barge倾卸甲板驳
shipb.towboat-barge fleet拖驳船队
shipb.towboat barge fleet拖驳船队
tech.towed flexible barge柔性液囊
shipb.training barge培训驳
shipb.transport barge运输驳船
shipb.tug-barge and pusher-barge transportation拖驳和推驳运输
shipb.tug-barge train拖驳船队
shipb.tug-barge transportation拖驳运输
shipb.tumbler barge倾卸驳
tech.twin-hull semi-submersible derrick barge双身半潜式钻探船
tech.twin-hull semi-submersible derrick barge双身半潜式钻井船
tech.twin-hull semi-submersible derrick barge双身半潜式起重船
tech.twin-hull semi-submersible derrick barge双体半潜式钻井船
tech.twin-hull semi-submersible derrick barge双体半潜式起重船
tech.twin-hull semi-submersible derrick barge双体半潜式钻探船
shipb.unlade the cargo from large ship to barge从大船卸货到驳船
nautic., tech.unload barge卸砂船
nautic., tech.unload barge卸砂驳
shipb.utilization factor of barge驳船使用率
shipb.vehicle transportation barge车辆运输驳
tech.vertical barge lift垂直式升船机
tech.water barge供水驳船
tech.water barge运水驳船
tech.water distilling barge水蒸驳
shipb.water-supply landing barge供水登陆艇
nautic., tech.well-deck barge半舱驳
shipb.wooden barge木制驳
shipb.wooden barge木驳
tech.working barge工作驳
tech.working barge工作篮
tech.working barge工作趸船
tech.working barge工作舱
nautic., tech.workover barge修井驳船
nautic., tech.work-over supporting barge修井支持驳船
shipb.workshop barge修理用驳船
nautic., tech.X-bargeX 驳船
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