
Terms for subject Wushu containing backward | all forms | exact matches only
backward fall仰身跌
backward jump step后跳步
backward scale仰平衡
backward somersault倒翻筋斗
backward step撤步
bend forward and backward甩腰
drinking wine stance in totters with elbow bent and torso inclining backward踉跄步拐肘仰身饮酒势
drinking wine stance with torso inclining backward仰身饮酒势
jump backward and chop downward后跳下劈
rotate hands, twist the body and kick backward绞花转身后点腿
step forward and plunge backward进步反刺
sweep leg backward后扫腿
sweep leg backward with hands on floor伏地后扫
toes touching floor backward后点步
twist backward and hold the wrist反擒腕