
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing axial | all forms | exact matches only
allowable axial compressive stress中心受压容许应力
axial capacity轴向能力
axial compression轴向受压
axial compression test轴向压力试验
axial compression test轴压试验
axial compressive combined member中心受压组合杆件
axial compressive force轴向压力
axial eccentric force轴向偏心力
axial force轴力
axial force diagram轴力图
axial force effect轴向力的效应
axial load轴荷载
axial load轴向荷载
axial load轴向力
axial load at failure破坏时的轴向荷载
axial load carrying capacity轴向荷载承载力
axial load normal to cross-section垂直横截面的轴向荷载
axial prestress轴向预加应力
axial pretension轴向预加拉力
axial reinforcement轴向钢筋
axial rigidity轴向刚度
axial strength轴向强度
axial strength of column柱轴向强度
axial stretching轴向延伸
axial symmetric load轴向对称荷载
buckling stress of column under combined axial compression and lateral pressure轴向压力和侧向压力下柱的屈曲应力
combined axial and bending stresses组合轴向和弯曲应力
computing axial compression force计算轴向压力
concentric axial loading中心轴向加载
consisting of pin-connected axial elements铰接轴向杆组成的框架
eccentric axial compressive force偏心轴向压力
eccentric axial load偏心轴向载载
eccentricity of axial compressive force in the direction of bending with respect to the gravity centre of average cross-section of member顺弯曲方向轴向压力对构件平均截面重心的偏心距
eccentricity of axial load轴向荷载的偏心
effective length of truss member under axial compression轴向压力作用下桁架杆件的有效长度
end axial force端部轴向力
factor of reduction of axial allowable stress轴向容许应力折减系数
flexure due to axial compression纵向弯曲
flexure produced by axial compression纵向挠曲
large axial force大轴向力
member subjected to both axial compression and bending stresses承受轴向压应力和弯曲应力的杆件
member subjected to combined axial force and bending moment承受轴向力和弯矩联合作用的杆
pure axial stress纯轴向应力
reduction factor of axial allowable stress of central compressive member中心受压杆件轴向容许应力的折减系数
saturated axial compressive ultimate strength饱和单轴抗压极限强度
stress distribution caused by axial force and bending moment轴向力和弯矩所引起的应力分布