
Terms for subject Economics containing arrive | all forms | exact matches only
a "to arrive" market到货市场
arrive at得出 (结论)
arrive at谈妥
arrive at作出 (决定)
arrive at an agreement with与…达成协议
arrive at an agreement with与 …商定
delivery to arrive货到交付
Following the customary route, the ship will arrive at New York on August 14按惯常的航线行驶,此船将于8月14日到达纽约
goods to arrive路货
goods to arrive account将到货账户
I am advised that the shipment will arrive next week我得到通知,装运的货物下周到
It looks as if the shipment will not arrive on April 20th看来货物不能在4月20日到达了
The dry goods must arrive before the expiration of the licence这批纺织品必须在许可证期满前运到
The letter of guarantee will arrive in the short term保证书近期到达
There is every indication that the goods can't arrive on time一切迹象表明货物不能准时运到
They anticipate that the 2nd shipment will arrive next week他们预计第二批船货将于下周到达
They hope that the goods arrive at the destination in perfect condition他们希望这批货物能完好无损抵达目的地
They took every precaution to ensure that the ship would arrive at the port of destination in safety他们采取一切预防措施,以保证该轮安全抵达目的港
to arrive路货条件
to arrive已经装船
"to arrive" market即将到货市场
"to arrive" price即将到货价格
"to arrive" price在途货物据价
Unloading will commence as soon as the vessel arrives at Sydney商船一到悉尼就开始卸货
We trust that the initial shipment will arrive shortly相信首批货物不久即可抵达
We would request you to take up this matter with the issuing bank at once so that we may effect shipment by the direct steamer scheduled to arrive here about...我方要求你方立即向开证行交涉此事,以便我方能装上约于…日到达此地的直达班轮