
Terms for subject Architecture containing amounts | all forms
amount at risk保险中的风险额
amount energy能量
amount involved涉及金额
amount of air exhaust总排气量
amount of bend挠曲弯曲
amount of bending挠曲弯曲
amount of compression压缩度
amount of crown拱高
amount of crown拱高度
amount of eccentricity筛分机的摆动量
amount of evaporation总蒸发量
amount of handling搬运费
amount of handling装卸费
amount of inclination倾斜角
amount of inclination倾角
amount of labour定额用工
amount of looseness间隙
amount of movement移动位移
amount of payment付款额
amount of rainfall雨水量
amount of reinforcement钢筋百分率
amount of reinforcement配筋率
amount of traffic交通运输
amount of ventilation换气通风
amount of wear磨损率
amount used消耗
contract amount承包工程价
estimated amount预算计划工程量
gross amount概数
gross amount约计
net amount净量