
Terms for subject International trade containing amount | all forms | exact matches only
amount assessed估算数额
amount assessed会费分摊额
amount brought forward上期结转
amount ceded分出金额
amount in figures小写金额
amount in words大写金额
amount insured保险金额
amount of an annuity年金金额
amount of the credit信用证金额
amount of the instrument票据金额
amount overcharged多算款项
amount overpaid多付款项
amount oversold售出逾额汇兑用语
amount retroceded转分金额
amount secured担保金额
amount secured被保险金额
amount to be made good as general average作为共同海损补偿的金额
amount undercharged少算款项
amount undercollected少收款项
appropriate an amount of money to the payment of claims以某笔款项拨作清偿债务之用
cancellation amount撤销金额
cancellation amount注销款额
compensatory amounts补偿金
compound amount of 1一之本利和
compound amount of 1 per period每期一之本利和
credit amounts信贷额
currency amount金额
distribution of Bank and IDA commitments by sector-amounts世界银行和国际开发协会按部门分配承诺款项一览表
entire amount全部金额
estimated amount of damage损失估计额
face amount面值 (or value)
face amount票面额 (or value)
face-amount certificate面值证书
Face-Amount Certificate Company面额证券公司
foreign amount外币金额
foreign amount外币数额
fractional amount零数
gross amount毛数
gross amount毛计
gross amount总计
increase in amounts增加额
increased amount增加金额
insurance amount保险金额
insured amount保险金额
invoice amount发票额
loan amounts贷款额
maximum amount最高额
maximum amount limitations最高限额制
maximum country amount limitation国家最高额限制
maximum country amounts limitation国家最高额限制
monetary limitation amount金钱责任的最高限度
negotiable amount议付金额
negotiated amount议付金额
net amount净额
no amount policy无保额保险单
nominal amount象征性数额
nominal amount面额
notional amounts暂定款项
notional amounts required to maintain values of currency holdings货币存额保值所需之暂定款项
pensionable amount应计养恤金数额
percentage of total outstanding amount占未偿还总额的百分比
principal amount本金金额
principal amounts of loans贷款本金
refunding amount退还金额
refunding amount转期款额
significant amount有实际意义的金额
significant amount大数
single amount system单一制
terminate amount终止款额
total amount总数
traffic amount运输量
"trigger" amount"启动"数额
uniform or single amount system统一或单一赔偿金额制度