
Terms for subject Finances containing amount | all forms | exact matches only
accumulated amount of 1 dollar每美元复利本利和
accumulative amount of provision for impairment of intangible assets无形资产减值准备累计金额
acquire huge amounts of dollars购买巨额美元资产
actual amount of income tax实缴所得税金额
actual amount of taxes withheld实际扣缴税款金额
additional amounts附加额
additional amounts增加额
additional amounts额外贷款
aggregate amount总金额
amount assessed分摊额
amount billed账单开列的金额
amount brought forward承前页之总数
amount brought forward上期滚结额
amount carried forward结转下期金额
amount carried forward结转下期页,册金额
amount carried over转次页金额
amount collected in excess多收款额
amount covered保险金额
amount differ金额参差
amount due on additional subscription应收追加认缴款项
amount due on supplementary resources应收补充资金
amount due to sb.应付某人金额
amount guaranteed保证金
amount guaranteed担保额
amount in arrears过期未付的欠款金额
amount in cash现金额
amount in dispute有争议金额
amount in dispute有争议的款项
amount in force有效保险
amount in words大写金额 (用文字写)
amount insured保障金额
amount invested投资金额
amount issued发行额
amount not taken up未用余额
amount of 1一之本利和
amount of an annuity due到期年金值
amount of an annuity due到期年金终值
amount of an ordinary annuity普通年金值
amount of an ordinary annuity普通年金的终值
amount of annuity复利年金终值
amount of balance帐目余额
amount of bond保证金
amount of bond担保额
amount of bonus奖金额
amount of business交易额
amount of business贸易周转额
amount of capital资本额
amount of cash现金数额
amount of cost reduction成本降低额
amount of credit side付项金额
amount of credit side贷方金额
amount of currency in circulation货币发行量
amount of currency in circulation货币流通额
amount of currency in circulation货币流通量
amount of debt written off注销的债务金额
amount of draft汇票金额
amount of foreign exchange overbought外汇超购额
amount of foreign exchange oversold外汇超售额
amount of funds deposited资金存量
amount of guarantee担保金额
amount of indebtedness债务总额
amount of margin required to be deposited按规定须存放的保证金数额
amount of money金额
amount of paper money in circulation纸币流通量
amount of paper money in circulation纸币发行量
amount of profit利润额
amount of salary薪额
amount of the offset抵销金额
amount of turnover周转总额
amount of turnover资本周转额
amount outstanding发行量
amount paid已付金额
amount precommitted预先承诺数额
amount receivable from officers and employees应收员工帐款
amount received已收金额
amount retro-ceded转分保金额
amount subject to call可随时收回金额
amount written off冲销金额
assume significant amounts of debt背负巨额债务
authorized amount公认数目
authorized amount股票总发行额
average occupied amount of current capital平均占用的流动资金额
balance amount差额
balance amount余额
breakdown of amount of expenditure支出款额剖析
budget amount预算总金额
carrying amount账面金额
charge the amount to our account把总额记在我方帐上
collected amount已收回款额
committed amount of foreign investment协议外资金额
comparative sheet for amount originated in current period of general ledger总分类帐本期发生额对照表
compensatory amount补偿金额
compound amount of 1 dollar per period每期1元的本利和
compound amount of 1 per period每期 1 的复利本利和
contract amount协议数额 (名义上借贷本金数额)
credit amount除帐金额
credit equivalent amount信贷等值数额
credit guarantee amount信用保证金额
current amount of increase of net assets本期净资产增加数
current amount of reduction of net assets本期净资产减少数
current period amount本期金额
deposit amount存款数额
depreciation-uniformity varying amounts method等额变数折旧法
discount amount折扣额
draft amount汇票金额
equal amount installment payment等额分期付款
first contract amount第一合同金额
flat net amount统一收费净额
flat net amount统价净额
freight amount运费额
full amount全额
global amount总数总额
guaranteed amount保证金额
haircut amount扣减数额
increase the amount of direct financing扩大直接融资规模
interest on outstanding amount未偿还贷款总值的利息
in-the-money amount价内值
investment amount投资额
invoice amount货单所开之数
known amount and present value compute unknowns由已知终值及现值求算未知数
known amount compute the rents由已知终值求算支付款
letter of credit amount信用证金额
level face amount policies水平保额保单
loan amount outstanding未偿还贷款总值
material in amount数额很大
maturity amount到期的金额
minimum guaranteed amount最低保证金额
minimum trading amount最小交易额
negotiated amount协议金额
net amount实数
net amount at risk风险净额
net amount of non operating profit and loss营业外损失净额
nominal amount象征式数额
notional amount暂定款项
notional amount required to maintain value of currency holding货币存额保值所需之暂定款项
notional principal amount名义本金额
out-of-the-money amount价外值
outstanding amount未清待结金额
overall amount总金额
paid-up amount已缴总额
par amount票面价格
payment amount applied to principal贷款偿还
percentage of total outstanding amount未偿还总额百分比
precommitted amount预先承诺数额
principal amount of loan贷款本金
recoverable amount of assets资产可收回金额
refund of amount overpaid多付金额退还
reserved amount保留储备金额
return of amount overpaid退回多余的金额
reversal amount转向量
second contract amount第二合同金额
settlement amount结算金额
significant amount有充分意义之金额
specified amount指明款额
specified amount requirements指明数额规定
standardizing the required amount of current capital流动资金需要量的定额查定
supplement amount附加数额
termination amount终止款额
total amount总计
total amount总额
total amount总数总额
total amount of assets资产总计
total amount of foreign exchange gained创汇额度
total amount of liabilities负债合计
total amount of liabilities and net assets负债和净资产总计
total amount of renminbi deposits人民币存款总额
total amount of transactions总交易量
transactions in large amounts大额交易
uncommitted amount未支配款项
uniformity varying amounts method of depreciation规则变数折旧法
unpaid amount无付金额
up to an aggregate amount of总金额大写
variable amount可变金额
zero-bracket amount免税额
zero-bracket amount零括弧金额