
Terms for subject Agriculture containing amount | all forms | exact matches only
absolute amount纯量
absorbed amount吸收量
actual amount实际量
additional amount附加总额
adequate amount适量
amount of application施用量
amount of applied fertilizer施肥量
amount of applied nutrient施肥量
amount of available cut可供收割量
amount of branching分枝量
amount of branching总分枝数
amount of crop residues作物残留量
amount of effective temperature有效积温
amount of fertilizer肥料用量
amount of fertilizer application施肥量
amount of fertilizer applied施肥量
amount of fishing捕捞规模
amount of growing stock蓄积量
amount of growing stock立木度
amount of growth生长量
amount of harvest收获量
amount of hay missed干草漏搂量
amount of husk脱荚量
amount of husk脱谷量指玉米剥苞叶
amount of insolation日射量
amount of light光量
amount of livestock on hand家畜存栏数
amount of natural increase自然增长量
amount of newly hatched silkworms蚁量指蚕
amount of percolate渗漏水量
amount of percolating water渗漏水量
amount of planting seed播种量
amount of refrigeration冷冻量
amount of salt used用盐量
amount of soil eroden土壤流失量
amount of soil respiration土壤呼吸量
amount of solar radiation太阳辐射量
amount of solar radiation日[辐]射量
amount of sowing seed播种量
amount of spawned egg产卵量{蚕}
amount of supplied leaves供桑量指养蚕
amount of temperature积温
amount of temperature温度总和
amount of temperature rise温度上升度数
amount of water per irrigation每次灌溉水量
amount required需要量
amount required用量
amount supply供给量
amount written off in respect of depreciation折旧提成
application amount施用量
brood amount怀卵量
daily amount of precipitation日降水量指 24小时的降水量
escapement amount逃逸量
excess amount过量
excessive amount过量
fixed amount固定量
fixed amount method定额法
hourly amount合计小时
limiting the total amount of fishing限制总捕捞量
low amount of precipitation少降水量
maintenance recruitment amount维持补充量
Mediterranean climatic evaporation amount地中海气候 蒸发量
moderate amount适量 (modicum)
molar amount克分子量
national average amount全国平均量
optimal amount最适量
percolation amount渗漏量
pinching amount adjustment取秧量调节
reasonable amount适量
required amount要求数值
respiratory amount呼吸量
skimming amount扣除额
skimming amount价格调整差额指进口价格与本地价格的价格调整差额
small amount小量
substantial amount大量
substantial amount相当量
supplementary amount附加量
supplementary amount附加总额
survival amount存活量
total amount of respiration总呼吸量
unequal amount不等量
uniform amount of precipitation等降水量
vast amount大量