
Terms for subject Securities containing against | all forms | exact matches only
advance against security证券担保贷款
against actuals兑现货
against actuals用期货换现货
against the box以保险箱作保的股票交易
against the box多头卖空交易
against us欠债
against us欠账
appeal against suspension反对搁置交易的上诉
appeal against suspension对暂停交易提出上诉
appreciation against other currency相对其他货币升值
authorized issue against securities核准的有保证金的发行
backlash against credit derivatives信贷衍生品受到强烈的抵触
balancing loss against gains损失与收益相抵
bid against a person出价高于他人
bid against each other竞争出价
cash-against-delivery basis现金交易方式
cash against document见票付款
cash against documents见票付款
claim against the underwriters向承销商索赔
claim set off against each other相互抵消的债权
complaints against向……要求索赔
complaints against…投诉……
complaints against futures traders投诉期货交易商
defense against hostile takeovers防备恶意收购
delivery against cost成本交割
document against payment bill交单付款汇票付款还抵押汇票
document against receipt凭收据交单
documents against payment付款交货
documents against payment见单付款
draft drawn against security担保汇票
drawn against uncollected items出票人托收款项未到
exchange against actuals现货交易
forward against forward swap远期对远期的掉期
forward against forward swap远期对远期的换汇买卖
going against the crowd逆向操作 (股市上与大盘走势相反的操作)
going against the tide of stock market逆市
guard against unintended consequences防止出现意想不到的后果
hedge against inflation为防通胀而套购
hedge against inflation预防通胀的套期交易
learning against the wind逆向型干
lend against balance sheet根据资产负债表贷款
loan against collateral以担保品抵押的贷款
mitigating against pro-cyclicality in regulatory policy减缓监管政策的周期性趋势2008 年 G20 峰会为各国财长设定的目标之一
moving against the anticipated trend与预期的走势相反
negotiation against letter of indemnity凭赔偿保证书交易
operate against rules违规操作股市中
pledge against a loan抵押贷款
precaution measures against technical risks required by Exchange证券交易所规定的防止技术风险的预警措施
prohibition against floating liens禁止浮动质押
ratio of investor's stock against his total volume of capital仓位比率投资人持有的股票资金占据其资金总量的比率
receive against payment收付
reserve against deposit system存款准备金制度
rule against perpetuity反永久所有权条例
sale short against the box保险柜抵押一种融券方式,以存放在柜中的证券为抵押
sale short against the box卖空持有股
sell against the box抛空实仓
sell against the box按现有存量买卖证券
sell short against the box卖空/抛空持有的股票
short against the box全部抛空
short against the box实物卖空
short sale against the box实仓抛空
short sale against the box实仓销售一空
short selling against the box实仓抛空
short selling against the box实仓销售一空
short-term claims against U. S. gold可以兑换美国黄金的短期债券
spot against forward外汇调期
take precautions against risks in trading交易中风险提示
three-against-one ratio writing三对一比率出售
three against one ratio writing三对一比率出售
two-against one writing二对一卖出
two-against one writing二对一立权