
Terms for subject Finances containing against | all forms | exact matches only
advance against documentary collection出口托收押汇
advance against goods用商品抵押的预付款
advance against securities有价证券担保贷款
against actuals换取现货
against actuals现货兑换期货
against all risk承包一切风险
against all risk保综合险
against all risk全险
against all risks一切险
against documents现金支付
against documents凭单据
against security担保放款
against security担保贷款
against the letter of credit依据信用证
allow the renminbi to appreciate against the euro允许人民币对欧元升值
allow the renminbi to float against a basket of currencies允许人民币参考一揽子货币浮动
appreciation of the renminbi against the dollar人民币对美元的升值
authorized issue against securities有保证金批准发行的纸币
bet against the euro打赌欧元解体
bill drawn against letter of credit押汇汇票
bill drawn against letter of credit信用证汇票
borrow against the value of one's homes以住房做抵押进行贷款
cash against delivery货到付款
charge against capital资本支出
charge against revenue费用支出
charge against revenue营业支出
check against deposit with limit限额支票
Chinese currency's appreciation against the US dollar人民币对美元升值
Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption廉政专员
construction expenditures to be written-off against profits etc.待核销基建支出
cost of protecting Asian debt against default亚洲债务违约担保成本
credit against corporation tax公司税免抵
credit against pledge of chattel动产抵押信贷
credit against the estate and gift tax遗产与赠予税免抵
crime against foreign exchanges外汇犯罪
crime of fraud against financial instruments金融票据诈骗罪
crime of fraud against portfolio有价证券诈骗罪
document against cash付款交单
document against payment of usance bill远期付款交单
document against presentation提示交单
document against trust receipt信托收据汇票
enhance the resilience of developing countries against financial risks增强发展中国家应对金融风险能力
enhance the resilience of emerging market economies and developing countries against financial risks增强新兴市场国家和发展中国家应对金融风险能力
expense against revenue收入项下支出
fight against inflation抗击通货膨
fight against inflation对抗通货膨
fight against investment protectionism反对投资保护主义
fight against trade protectionism反对贸易保护主义
forward against forward swap复远期掉期
fraud against financial instruments金融票据诈骗
guard against financial risks防范金融风险
guard against latent public finance risks防范潜在财政风险
guard against latent risks防范潜在风险隐患
hedge against an increase in inflation对冲通胀率的上升
hedge against global credit risks对冲全球信贷风险的套期保值
hedge against inflation对冲通胀的套期保值
hedging against inflation反通胀套期保值
hedging tool against one's stock portfolios股票资产组合的对冲工具
insurance against all risks保一切险
insurance against all risks应保一切险
insurance against breakage保破碎险
insurance against litigation诉讼保险
insurance against loss in weight保短量险
insurance against nonperformance契约不履行保险
insurance against old age and invalidity老残保险
insurance against rain or fresh water保淡水雨水险
insurance against sickness疾病保险
insurance against SRCC保罢工、暴动、民变险 (strike, riot, civil commotion)
insurance against strike罢工险
insurance against strike罢工保险
insurance against strikes, riots and civil commotions保罢工、暴动和民变险
insurance against suspension of work失业保险
insurance against theft, pilferage and non-delivery保偷窃及提货不着险
insurance against TLO保全损险 (total loss only)
insurance against TPND保偷盗提货不着险 (theft, pilferage, non-delivery)
insurance against war risk保战争险
insure against death保寿险
insure against fire保火险
issue against securities保证发行
loan against securities以证券抵押的贷款
maintain vigilance against excess volatility in exchange rates对汇率过度波动保持警惕
mitigate against pro-cyclicality in regulatory policy缓解周期性波动的调控政策
offset against accounts账款抵销
offset against accounts以帐款抵销
offset against assets资产抵销
offset against assets以资产抵销项目
offsets against accounts以帐款抵销
offsets against assets以资产抵销项目
payable against document凭单付款
payment against arrival of document单到付款
payment against bond of indemnity凭保函付款
payment against credit凭信用证付款
payment against document凭单据付款
payment against document凭单付款
payment against document credit凭单信用证
payment against document through collection凭单据托收付款
payment against document through collection凭单托收付款
payment against documents credit凭单据信用证付款
payment against draft credit凭汇票信用证付款
payment against presentation of shipping documents凭运单付款
prioritize the fight against inflation将抗击通胀列为工作重点
protect against cold防冷包装标志
protect against heat防热包装标志
protect against inflation抵御通胀
protect against rising prices防范物价上涨
protect oneself against currency risk防范汇率风险
provide protection against likely future credit events为未来的信贷事件提供防护
rate against pound sterling英镑兑换率
renminbi exchange rate against the dollar人民币兑美元汇率
renminbi fluctuates against the dollar人民币兑美元汇率波动
reserve against deposit存款准备金
reserve against loss损失提存或备抵
reserve against losses亏损准备
reserve against notes发行钞票准备
reserve against notes发行准备金
reserves against deposit存款准备金
resilience against financial risks应对金融风险能力
safeguard against exchange risks预防外汇变动风险条款
sale short against the box实仓卖空
selling "demand"against"demand"买卖即期汇票
selling short against the box实仓卖空
short sale against the box实仓卖空
short selling against the box实仓卖空
spot against forward卖远期买即期
spot against spot即期对即期掉期
take strong measure against fake and shoddy products打假
tool for hedging against downturns对冲下行风险的工具