
Terms for subject Business containing against | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance against documents凭装货单承兑交单承兑
act against contract违约行为
act against duty违反义务行为
act against restraint of competition反限制竞争法
advance against collateral担保品贷款
advance against goods商品抵押预付款
advance against hypothecation of goods以货物为抵押的垫款即以货物抵押,银行为进口商垫付给岀口商的货款
advance against securities证券担保贷款
against acceptance承兑交单
against actuals交易所交换现货
against all risks承保一切险
against all risks综合险
against all risks保险保综合险
against documents凭票据
against the box以保险箱为抵押
against the letter of credit凭信用证
against the next payment of tax抵作下期税款
appeal against finding不服判决上诉
apply necessary sanctions against予以必要的处分
as against与…对照
assured against fire火险
be credited against...抵免…
be credited against...抵付…
bid against each other竞标
bid against each other竞相出价
blockade and embargo against封锁禁运
bring a suit against起诉
bring a suit against控告
bring false charge against诬告
bring in an accusation against控告
bring in an accusation against起诉
calibrate against standard用标准校准
Campaign Against Rising Prices反对涨价运动
cash against bill of lading凭提单付款
cash against bill of lading凭提单付现 (Cash B/L)
cash against bill of lading凭提单付现
cash against documents凭单兑现
cash against documents凭票付款
cash against policy凭保险单付款
cash against shipping document凭单付现
cash against shipping document凭装货单付款
central rate against ECU中心汇率对欧洲货币单位比价
charge against冲抵
charge against冲销
charge against支岀
charge against capital冲抵资本
charge against credit to the general reserve一般储备借项
charge against revenue收益引起的支出
charge against the general reserve一般储备借项
charged against the budget从预算项下支付
cheque against deposit with limit限度支票
claim against underwriter向承保人索赔
claim set-off against each other相互抵消债权
claims set-off against each other相互抵销的债权
construction expenditure to be written-off against profit待核销基建支出
contract of insurance against damage损害险合同
contract of insurance against loss损失保险合同
contract of insurance against nonperformance违约保险合同
cover liability claim against the assured承保对被保险人提出的责任索赔
credit against corporation tax公司税抵免
credit against pledge of chattel动产抵押信用
credit against the estate and gift tax遗产与赠与税抵免
deliver the goods against surrender of the document见单交货
document against acceptance承兑交单指凭汇票的承兑,再交付货运单据
document against discretion of collecting bank按收款银行决定交单
document against payment付款交单指先付清货款,再交货运单据
document against payment after date远期付款交单
document against payment at sight即期付款交单
document against presentation提示效单
documentary against payment付款后交单又称跟单付款
documents against acceptance提货单
documents against acceptance承兑交单 (D/A)
documents against acceptance bill承兑交单汇票
documents against cash凭单付现
documents against cash付现款后交单
documents against payment支付书
documents against payment交单付款
documents against payment付款后交单
documents against payment after date远期付款交单
documents against payments at sight即期付款交单
documents against presentation付现交单
documents against presentation凭单兑现
draft drawn against securities抵押证券
draft drown against securities抵押汇票
draw D/A against someone's purchase按承兑交单方式收取某人购货款
draw D/P against someone's purchase按付款交单方式收取某人购货款
exchange against us不利汇率
exercise of ones rights against...对他人行使自己的权利
factor of safety against crushing抗压安全系数
factor of safety against overturning抗翻安全系数
foreign claims against U.S. gold短期美元债权
go against a low违反法律
guarantee against price decline保证价格不下跌
guaranty against price decline产品降价利益担保书
have recourse against...对…行使追索权
hedge against inflation为避免通货膨胀损失的保值措施
hedge against obsolescence避免因废弃损失的套头交易
imposition of sanction against staff and workers处分职工
in order to warn against bad examples以儆效优
insurance against all risk保一切险
insurance against annuity年金保险
insurance against bad harvest歉收保险
insurance against leakage保渗漏险
insurance against non-delivery保不按约交货险
insurance against non-delivery保提货不着险
insurance against total loss only只保全损险
insure against robbery保抢劫险
international negotiation against guarantee国际凭保证议付
issue against security保证发行
issue against security公开发行
knock against each other互相碰撞
loan against foreign exchange assets对外交易资产贷款
loan against securities证券抵押贷款
long documents against payment collection远期付款交单托收
offset against assets资产抵销
payable against document交单付款
payable against document凭单证付款
payment against arrival of documents单到付款
payment against one's credit凭信用证付款
payment against document credit凭单付款信用证
payment against draft credit凭票付款信用证
payment against the document凭单付款
payment against the document through the collection凭单托收付款
payment against the draft credit凭汇票付款的信用证
payment against the presentation of shipping document凭运输单证付款
peril insured against承保的危险
pledge against a loan抵押借贷
plot of X against YX对Y的标绘图
prescribe the right antidote against a disease对症下药
preventive measures against accident防止意外事故的措施
protect against cold防冷
protect against heat防热
protection against反防护
protection against acid and fumes防酸与毒烟
protection against cold and freeze防冷防冻
protection against occupational poisoning职业中毒防护
protection against radio-frequency and radiation射频辐射防护
protection against silicosis硅尘危害防护
provide against a shortage of goods预防缺货
recourse against a remote party向间接关系人追索
recourse against a remote party向汇票前手追索
recourse against the responsible third party向责任第三者追索
recourse against the responsible third party向责任第三方追索
reserve against inventory valuation存货估价准备
safeguard against exchange risks防止外汇风险
safeguard against forfeiture for lack of working防止因不使用而撤销
scheme against each other勾心斗角
self-determination of profit or loss by charging expenses against revenue以收抵支自计盈亏
selling against the box卖空
selling against the box抛空
selling against the box大股东凭实力卖空
set gains against losses以盈补亏
set off against goodwill on consolidation抵消综合账商誉
set off receipts against expenditures以收抵支
stability against反稳定性
stand against反对停顿
take precautions against casualties防灾
to buy in against you购进货物由你方负责