
Terms for subject Automobiles containing White | all forms | exact matches only
black/white display黑白显示
body in white车身
body in white裸,未涂装车身由车身本体、开启件和其他可拆卸结构件组成的总成
body in white白车身
bright white亮白色
broken white line折线
broken white line道路虚线
cab in white未涂漆的驾驶室
calm white蚌白色
car key with white detailing汽车白标钥匙便于准确按下按钮
flake white spot热处理白点
lead-base white metal铅基巴氏合金
low gloss white亚光白
micro white metal细晶粒巴氏合金
tin-base white metal锡基白色减摩合金
white and blue smoke蓝白烟
white assembly未上漆和修饰的总成
white-collar worker职员
white-collar worker白领工作人员
white flag竞赛白旗
white flame heat气焊枪火焰加热到白炽
white grease白色润滑脂锂基滑脂的别称
white grease锂基润滑脂
white-heart malleable-iron白心可锻铸铁
white-heart process白心可锻铸铁退火过程
white layer渗氮白亮层
white-letter tire白色字母标记的轮胎
white line车身上漆前白色板件装配线
white-line marking machine路面白线划线机
white lithium grease白锂润滑脂
white metal滑动轴承巴氏合金
white-metal bearing巴氏合金轴承
white-metal bush巴氏合金轴套套筒,轴衬,轴瓦
white-metal bushing巴氏合金轴套套筒,轴衬,轴瓦
white-metal liningshell巴氏合金轴套套筒,轴衬,轴瓦
white noise白噪声见 GB/T 3947-1996 中 2.13
white reflex reflector车辆白色反射
white rust镀锌缺陷白膜
white rust白色锈蚀
white-side tire白侧轮胎侧壁有用白色橡胶制成环带的轮胎
white side wall tire白边胎
white side wall tire白胎侧轮胎
white side wall tyre白边胎
white side wall tyre白胎侧轮胎
white sidewall轮胎白胎侧
white smoke柴油机白烟指冷起动因燃料未燃烧而在排气中形成的
white sound白噪声参阅 white noise
white spirit石油溶剂
white wall ring白牆環
white wall ring白色胎壁顶盖紧压在轮胎与轮辋之间产生白壁轮胎效果的窄或宽橡胶环
white wall ring白色壁环
white wall tire白边胎
white wall tire白胎侧轮胎