
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing Vocal | all forms | exact matches only
anarthria of vocal cord声带性口吃
congenital ditch of vocal cords先天性声带沟
congenital dysplasia of vocal cord先天性声带发育不良
congenital paralysis of vocal cord先天性大声带麻痹
correction of bilateral vocal cord paralysis双侧声带瘫痪矫正术
false vocal cords假声带
fixation of vocal cords声带固定
functional vocal fatigue功能性发声疲劳
injection of vocal cords声带内注射
injection of vocal cords声带充血
lateral fixation of vocal cords声带外移固定术
margo vocal is声带缘
polyp of vocal cords声带息肉
trachoma of vocal cords声带小结
true vocal cords声带
vocal abuse嗓音滥用
vocal abuse声滥用
vocal acoustics人声声学
vocal acoustics嗓音声学
vocal apparatus发声器官
vocal area声门区
vocal asynergia声带运动失调
vocal asynergia发声协同不能
vocal band声带
vocal cord shaking声带震颤
vocal exercise发声训练
vocal fatigue嗓音疲劳
vocal fatigue发声疲劳
vocal fold声带
vocal fremitus声音震颤
vocal function发声功能
vocal organs发声器
vocal process声带突
vocal rehabilitation after laryngectomy全吼切除术后发音重建
vocal rest发声休息
vocal sounds喉声
vocal sounds语声
vocal tendon声带腱
vocal tract synthesizer声道合成系统
vocal velocity index声带[运动]速度指数