
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing Tumor | all forms | exact matches only
air tumor气囊瘤
air tumor of larynx喉憩室
air tumor of larynx喉气囊瘤
amyloid tumor淀粉瘤
benign esophageal tumor食管良性肿瘤
benign laryngeal tumor喉部良性肿瘤
benign tumor of ear耳部良性肿瘤
benign tumor of nasopharynx鼻咽良性肿瘤
benign tumor of pharynx咽良性肿瘤
cavernous tumor海绵状[血管]瘤
chromaffin tumor副神经节瘤
chromaffin tumor嗜铬细胞瘤
craniopharyngeal duct tumor颅咽管瘤
Erdheim tumor颅咽管瘤
Erdheim tumor埃德海姆瘤
esophageal tumor食管肿瘤
facial nerve tumor面神经瘤
gasification therapy of malignant tumor恶性肿瘤的气化治疗
glomus jugular tumor颈静脉球体瘤
glomus jugulare tumor颈静脉体瘤
granulation tumor肉芽瘤
granulation tumor肉芽肿
hypophyseal-duct tumor颅咽管瘤
innocent tumor良性瘤
malignant laryngopharyngeal tumor喉咽恶性肿瘤
malignant mixed tumor恶性混合瘤
malignant tumor恶性瘤
malignant tumor of ear耳部恶性肿瘤
malignant tumor of esophagus食管恶性肿瘤
malignant tumor of larynx喉恶性肿瘤
malignant tumor of maxillary antrum上颌窦恶性肿瘤
malignant tumor of nasopharynx鼻咽恶性肿瘤
malignant tumor of oropharynx口咽恶性肿瘤
malignant tumor of pharynx咽部恶性肿瘤
mesodermal mixed tumor中胚层混合瘤
metastatic tumor of lung肺转移性肿瘤
mixed of tumor混合瘤
mixed tumor of pharynx咽混合瘤
mucoepidermoid tumor黏液表皮样瘤
muco-epidermoid tumors黏液表皮样瘤
multiple primary malignant tumors多发性原发性恶性肿瘤
network of tumor prevention肿瘤预防网络组织
neural tumor神经肿瘤
neurogenic original tumor神经源性肿瘤
neurogenic tumor of the larynx喉神经源性肿瘤
neuromyoarterial glomus tumor血管球瘤
neuromyoarterial glomus tumor血管神经肌瘤
osseous tumor骨瘤
papillary tumor乳头瘤
paraffin tumor石蜡瘤
parotid tumor腮腺肿瘤
pearl tumor胆脂瘤
pearl tumor珠光瘤
pineal body tumor松果体瘤
polypoid tumor息肉样瘤
ranine tumor舌下瘤
ranine tumor舌下囊肿
Rathke pouch tumor颅咽管瘤
Rathke pouch tumor拉特克囊瘤
Rathke tumor颅咽管瘤
recurrence tumor复发瘤
reversion of tumor瘤的逆转
Schmincke tumor施明克瘤
Schmincke tumor鼻咽部淋巴上皮瘤
the malignant tumor of nose and nasal sinuses鼻及鼻窦恶性肿瘤
tonsillar malignant tumor扁桃腺恶性肿瘤
transsphenoidal surgery of pituitary fossa tumors经蝶窦筛窦手术
tumor carneus肉瘤
tumor of carotid body颈动脉体瘤
tumor of ear耳部肿瘤
tympanic body tumor鼓室体瘤
vascular tumor血管瘤
vascular tumor动脉瘤
villous tumor乳头[状]瘤
villous tumor绒毛状瘤