
Terms for subject Rail transport containing Transport | all forms | exact matches only
access road for beam transport运梁便道
air transport document空运提单
building for passenger transport客运用房
coefficient of transport运输系数
combined transport联合货物运输
comprehensive transport综合运输
comprehensive transport hub综合交通枢纽
CWR transport car焊接长钢轨运送车
European rail transport management system欧洲铁路运输管理系统
heavy goods transport笨重货物运输
industrial transport工业运输
inter-city transport城际运输
intermodal transport hub综合交通枢纽
military transport facilities军运设施
multimodal transport document国际多式联运单据
multimodal transport operator多种方式联运经营人
Multi-Service Transport Platform多业务传输平台
out of weight goods transport笨重货物运输
passenger transport addressing system客运广播系统
passenger transport duty office客运值班室
passenger transport service information signs客运服务信息标志
passenger transport water supply旅客运输用水
rail transport铁路运输
rapid passenger transport railway network铁路快速客运网
Société Nationale des Transports Ferroviaires阿尔及利亚国家铁路公司
special line for passenger transport客运专线
Synchronous Transport Module阶同步传送模块
track panel transport car轨排运送车
track transport有轨运输
trackless transport无轨运输
transfer hub of public transport公共交通枢纽
transport cost plan运输成本计划
transport mode运输组织模式
unimodal transport单式运输
urban transport城市运输