
Terms for subject Economy containing Time | all forms | exact matches only
abstract labor time抽象劳动时间
abstract labour time抽象劳动时间
accumulated operational time累计工作时间
actual elapsed time实际经历【运行,耗用】时间
actual time of arrival实际抵达时间
actual time of reception实际收报时间
After a lapse of time, they have established firm business relations经过一段时间,他们已建立起牢固的业务关系
After a long time of negotiation, they are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight for the value of the goods shipped经过长时间谈判,他们拟同意以即期付款交单方式支付货款
After the expiration of 5 years he may cancel this agreement at any time在五年期满以后,他可以随时取消本协议
All stockholders are to be here in person on time全体股东均须亲自准时到场
all-time high至高点
allowances for lost time时间损失津贴
alteration of ship's estimated time of arrival变更至港时间
American "time deposits"美国定期存款
an on-time delivery准时运送货物
appropriation of labor time占用劳动时间
as time serves在时间适宜的时候
At any time, the aggrieved party is entitled to a judgment in equity任何时候,受害方有权要求对其权益作出公正的裁决
At that time we limited our expenditure to the purchase of necessary materials那时,我们的开支只限于购买必要的材料
available labour time可用工作时间
average degree of skill and intensity prevalent at the time社会平均劳动熟练程度和强度
average down time平均停机维修时间
average earnings per unit of time工资率
average handling time平均处理时间
average operating time平均运行【操作】时间
average run time平均运行时间
average task time平均工作时间
average time between maintenance平均维修周期
average time to repair平均维修时间
average total time平均总时间
bad time窝工时间
bad time停车时间
Because our company does regularly carry the products in stock we have no difficulty to supply the amount you need at any time因为我公司经常备有这种产品,所以随时供应你方所需数量而无困难
Because the order is urgent, they will try their best to curtail the time for production由于订货紧迫,他们将尽力缩短生产时间
bill payable at a definite time预定时间汇款的汇票
bill payable at a determinable future time定期汇款的汇票
budget time计划时司
buffered time缓冲时间
cash against documents at place and time of shipment装船时凭单付款
changeover time过渡到生产新产品的时间
charter by time按时计费
check-in time登机时间
combination of time and usage method时间效应结合法
compensatory time补偿时间
complex time average method综合时间平均法
Computation of contract time begins on the day when both parties sign the contract合同生效时间的计算从双方签订合同的那一天算起
conditions as to time of shipment有装船时限的条件
correlation of time series时间数列相关
cost of idle time消费时间成本
cost of idle time停机时间成本
costly time加班时间
customs declaration made at the time of entry入境申报单
cutting time切削时间
cutting time金属切削机床纯作业时间
cycle time周期的长短
daylight time夏时制时间
daylight-saving time日光节约时间 (夏令时间)
daylight-saving time经济【夏令】时
dead time停机时间
deduction for time lost作业损失时间的扣除
delay time延长时间
delay time of cargo货物停留时间
delivery time交【付】货时间
demand during lead time超前期间的需求
demand usage time计划使用期
discharge of the right of action by lapse of time因时效已过而丧失起诉权
double time双倍时间
down time停工
down time停车时间
down time停顿时间
down time准备时间
dwell time of cargo货物停留时间
dye time of arrival规定到达时间
earliest arrival arriving time最早到达时间
earliest arrival time最早抵达时间
earliest finish time最早作业完成时间
earliest start time最早作业开始时间
Eastern Daylight Time美国东部夏令时间
Eastern Standard Time美国东部标准时间
eastern time东部时间
entail the expenditure of money and time承担金钱和时间上的花费
exact time of arrival准确抵达时间
exact time of departure准确起程时间
expected demand during lead time投产准备期间的预计需求
expected elapsed time作业时间的期待值
expected elapsed time期望间隔时间
expected test time预期试验时间
expected time of arrival预计到达时间
expected time of commencement of loading预计开始装货时间
expected time of delivery预计交货时间
expected time of finishing discharge预期卸完时间
expected time of finishing discharge预计卸完时间
expected time of finishing loading预期装完时间
expected time of finishing loading预计装毕时间
expected time of finishing loading预计装完时间
expected time of redelivery预计还船日期
expediting time补救时间
extend the time limit for filling claims延长索赔期
extension of time for filing延期归档期限
extension of time for payment准许展期付款
extension of time for payment推迟付款时间
external idle time由于外部原因造成的停工时间
falling scale over time随时间的推移而递减
field installation time现场安装时间
Financial Time All-Share Index《金融时报》全面股票价格指数
fixed time call定时电话
fixed-time for performance固定的履行日期
floating time浮动时间
floor to floor time工程设计常用的时间间隔
Food was in sufficient supply at that time despite the flood尽管闹水灾,当时的食品供应还是充足的
free time自由时间
free time of vessel船舶免费使用港口设施时间
function of the law of value in the economic use of time价格规律的节约时间的作用
Greenwich mean time英国标准时间
half-time farming部分时间务农
handling time处理时间
He has a multiple entry-exit visa, so he may leave and come at any time他有可重复使用的出入境签证,所以他可以随时来去
He has collected coins of all denominations in different periods of time他收集了不同时期各种面额的硬币
He has fulfilled his task ahead of time他已提前完成他的任务
high time不早不晚的时间
high time不早不晚的肘候
hit an all-time high达到历史最高水平
holding time占用【保压,持续】时间
hypothesis testing in time series analysis时间数列分析的假设测算
hypothesis testing in time series analysis时间序列分析的假定
I deem it proper to let this matter slide for a period of time before we make our decision我认为不妨让此事拖延一段时间然后再作决定
idle time闲空时间
idle time中断时间
idle time cost停工时间成本
idle time expense停工时间开支
idle-time expense闲置时间开销
idle time report闲置设备清单
idle time supplementary rate停工时间补充工资
idle time variance闲置时间差异
If unusual occurence hinders the buyer from selling the goods, the buyer is entitled to an extension of time for payment遇有异常事件妨碍买方售出该货,买方可延长其付款时间
In case such impediment occurs, you may claim for an extension of time如发生这种障碍,你方可要求延长时间
in due time适时
in due time在适当的时候
In due time, we shall also consider employing semi-skilled workers在适当的时候,我们也会考虑雇用半熟练工人
In spite of heavy commitments, they managed to execute our order in time尽管他们承接订货很多,他们仍设法及时完成我方订单
in time按时
In view of the present market situation, we have to put the goods into storage for the time being鉴于目前市场形势,我们只能暂时把这些货存放在仓库内
Institute Time Clauses协会定期条款
interrepair time两次修理之间的使用时间
invisible lost time无形损失时间
It is high-time that they amended the L/C, otherwise it is difficult for you to negotiate your draft他方必须立即修改信用证,否则,你方的汇票将难以议付
It is unreasonable to expect the factory to get our order shipped in so short a time希望厂方在如此短的时间内把我方的订货装船是不合理的
It will be difficult to sell this product without curtailment of the delivery time不缩短交货时间,产品很难出售
job time report工程时间日报表
job time report工作时间日报表
just in time即时制
just-in-time inventory management适时库存管理
just-in-time inventory最低存货
just-in-time manufacturing及时生产
labour time操作时间
labour time劳动时间
labour time工时
labour-time that is on an average socially necessary平均社会必要劳动时间
labour-time that is socially necessary社会必要劳动时间
labour-time value劳动时间价值
labour time value劳动时间价值
labour time variance人工时间差异
laden sailing time重航时间
latest start time最迟作业开始时间
lead time经历时间
lead time新产品试制期
lead time订货至交货间的时间
lead time订货周期
lead time产品设计至实际投产间的时间
lead time投产准备期
lead time采购期限
lead time of a project硕目的准备时间
leat time购置时间
length of time时间的长短
less time-consuming way省时的办法
liner time定期租船契约
long time trend长期趋势
lost production time生产时间的损失
lost time停工时间
lost-time injury frequency停工时间伤害事故频率
make ready time生产前准备时间
make-ready time准备时间
make-ready time生产准备时间
making sense of time时间概念
mean service time平均使用时间
mean time between errors平均误差时间
mean time between events平均事件间隔时间
mean time between maintenance平均维护间隔时间
mean time between overhaul平均检修间隔时间
mean time between repair平均修理间隔时间
mean time between replacement平均更换间隔时间
mean time between significant failures平均出重大故障间隔时间
mean time between unscheduled removal平均未计划的拆卸间隔
mean time to failure平均无故障时间
mean time to removal平均拆除时间
mean time to repair平均修理时间
mean time to restore平均修复时间
median time中位数时间
meet production target ahead of time提前完成生产指标
method of time measurement时间计量法
method time measurement时间计量方法
methods of time measurement工时定额测定法
Methods-Time Measurement方法、时间测定
minimum time-ingrade requirement级内最短服务期条件
money borrowed for short time短期借款
most many, much 的最高级 likely time estimate最适当的时间值
motion and time study动作和时间的研究
motion-time method动作时间法
multi-time consumption多次消费
multiple time estimate多样的时间估计
multiple time rate plan多样的时间工资计划
multiple time rate system多样的按时间计算工资制
necessary labor time必需劳动时间
necessary labour time on a world wide basis世界必要劳动时间
network time电视网播出时间
no time lost不失时机
nonproductive time不生产时间
nonproductive time非有效工时
nonproductive time不操作时间
off time非操作时间
old-time religion老式信条
on time以分期付款方式
on-time delivery按依时运送货物
One party shall not at any time commit any act which will interfere with the execution of the contract缔约一方在任何时候不得采取任何干扰执行合同的行动
one-time acquisition costs一次性收购成本
one-time consumption一次性消费
one-time consumption一次消费
one-time paid transfer一次性有偿转移
one-time rate无折扣收费率
one-time savings一次性节余款项
on-line real-time system线上实时系统
only time noted只注明时间
operating time使用期限
optimal contractor-controlled time最佳承包商控制时间
optimistic performance time最早完成时间
order time完成定货的时间
Our books and records are available to you at any time我方账册和记录随时可供你方查阅
Our production schedule shall give your orders first priority at any time你方的订单在我方的生产进度中任何时候都会作优先安排
our time有效期敝方时间
Out of question, the goods will be shipped in time毫无疑问,这批货会及时装运的
outage time停车时间
overall time limit全部时效期
Pacific Standard Time P. S. T太平洋标准时指美国和加拿大西部太平洋沿岸地区采用的标准时,比格林威治时间晚 8 小时
part time course业余学习
part-time farm副业农场
part-time idleness就业不足
part time job兼职工作
part time job非全日制工作
payback time回收期
payback time返本期
payment at a fixed future time将来某日付款
payment on a time计时付酬
payments on a time计时付酬
payout time投资回收期
payout time返本期
peak in time series时间序列的凸点
peaks in time series时间序列的峰点
peaks in time series时间序列的凸点
Please collect and pay to the Consigner in due time请按时收账并付给发货人
Please particularize the time and place of the negotiation in the written notice请在书面通知里,详细说明谈判时间及地点
pledge oneself to fulfilling the task at time保证提前完成任务
predetermined time standard时间标准制
prime time电视广告的黄金时间
production time产品制造时间
productive time生产时间
productive time有效工时
productive time生产时间',作业时间
programming time规划时间
prolongation of the time of shipment延期装船
proposed time提议的时间
rate of time and space utilization时空利用率
rate of time and space utilization of agricultural resources农业[水土]资源的时空利用率
rate time微分比率时间
reasonable time提示票据的适当时间
run time使用期限
run time操作时间
scheduled time预定发车、开船时间
seasonal effect in time series时间序列的季节效应
seasonal variation adjusted time series调整季节变动后期的时间数列
secured time loan定期担保贷款
setup time生产准备时间
set-up time投产准备期
setup time安装时间
set-up time采购期限
share-time farm副业农场
ship's turnround time船舶的生产周期
short residence time短暂停留时
short time credit短期信用
short-time fluctuation短期变动
short time loan短期贷款
short-time run average cost短期营运平均成本
short-term time deposit短期定期储蓄
spare time额定工时
spare time标准时间
spare time工时定额
standard labour time标准劳动时间
standard labour time标准工时
standby time停工时间
standby unattended time由于技术原因造成的停工时间
starting time起始【出发】时间
stated time预定期间
straight time正规的工作时间
straight time正常工作时间
Straits Time Index新加坡证券指数马六甲海峡时间指数
Suppliers should specify time of payment together with any discounts for early payment供应商在注明付款时间时必须同时注明为提早付款而给予的折扣
surplus labour time剩余劳动时间
synthetic time system综合时间系统
system of synthetic time values综合时间价值的系统
system running time系统运转时间
take time需时
take time费时
term time法定支付期苏格兰
term time法定支付
term time学期
Thank you for offering us specifics in time感谢你方及时提供细节
the access time存取时间
The accounting statement shall be available to the owner at mutually convenient time会计报表在互相方便的时候可提供给业主
The admission fee will be refundable if the trade fair is not held on time如果商品交易会没有准时举行,则可退回入场费
the allowed time放宽时间
the appointment without time limit长期任用
the appointment without time limit无限期任用
the average time平均时间
the Bering time白令海峡时间
The company hopes to receive your L/C in ample time to ca tch this steamer该公司希望接到你方信用证后能有足够的时间赶上这艘船
The company promised to extend the period of time for production on the ground that such extension was justified该公司答应延长生产期限,只要延期是合理的
the effective time有效时间
the effective time实际消耗时间
the efflux of time期满
The flood at this place last-ed several days, therefore, we cannot effect shipment on time本地洪水持续了好几天,因此我们不能按时发货
the gradual reduction of work time工作时间逐渐减少
The landlord puts up the rent by 5% every time a new tenant moves into that flat每当新房客住进那套房间,房主总要把房租提高5%
The lead time on this product is more than two months对于这个产品,从决定发订单到收到货物要两个多月时间
The load is too heavy for our workers to finish in time我们工人的工作量太大,不能及时完成
the mean elapsed time平均消逝时间
the mean elapsed time平均经过时间
the mean error-free time平均无故障时间
the mean time to repair平均修复时间
the non-operation time非营运时间
the non-operative lay-time非营业性停泊时间
the opening time营业开始时间
the opening time开放时间
The owner asked for more time to repay the loan这家业主请求放宽期限偿还贷款
The owner's nominees are entitled at any time to supervise the works as it is done由业主任命的人有权在任何时候监督工程的完工状况
the peace time economy和平时期经济
the peace time system和平时期体制
The plant has promised to get the goods ready for shipment within one month's time该工厂保证在一个月内将货备妥待装
The ready made garments can be supplied to you within one month's time制成品服装能在一个月内供应给你方
the reversible time可抵用时间
the stoppage time停工时间
The technicians shall devote all of their time and attention to the experimental work技术人员应集中其全部时间与精力致力实验工作
the throughput time完全生产时间
the time-adjusted investment按现值计算的投资
the time-adjusted investment投资时值
the time-adjusted rate of return按时间调整的收益率
the time-adjusted rate of return按时间调整的报酬率
the time allowance时间宽容限度
the time allowance时期的宽限
The time and place of delivery are stipulated in the next subdivision of this paragraph本段的下一小节中规定了交货时间、地点
The time is immature for accepting their offer接受他们的报盘为时尚早
The time-limit for the claim expired a fortnight ago索赔期在两周前就截止了
The time limit has expired, please approach the shipping company directly时间期限已过,请直接和轮船公司接洽
The time of shipment is not extensible装船期不得延长
the time on demurrage滞期时间
the time utility时间效用 (及时供应商品所产生的效用)
the time value of money货币的时间价值
the turn-around time留港时间
the turnaround time船舶、飞机装卸停港时间
the turnround time转港时间
the war-time economy战时经济
The water conservancy project cannot be completed on time without diligence and efficiency没有勤奋与高效,这个水利工程不可能按时完成
the zebra time世界时间
There is every indication that the goods can't arrive on time一切迹象表明货物不能准时运到
They are either in fulltime or in part-time employment他们不是全日制工作就是部分时间工作
They are putting out a series of prime-time commercials他们正在电视的黄金时间里播送一系列的广告
They cannot afford time to have a talk with your representative他们抽不出时间与你方代表一谈
They spent a lot of extra time in completing the inspection他们花了大量额外时间才完成了检验
time adjusted rate of return按时间调整的报酬率
time-adjusted rate of return'按时间调整的报酬率
time-adjusted revenue按现值计算的收入
time adjusted revenues按现值计算的收人
time allowance宽限时间
time allowance时间宽容限度
time allowance日期的宽限
time bargain期货买卖
time bill期票
time certificate定期存单
time charter定期租船合同
time charter定期租船
time charter party期租船合同
time differences时差
time earned ratio获利倍数比率
time earned ration获利倍数比率
time expired期满的
time intensive时间密集的
time lag时间滞差
time lag时1/4渲筒
time lag时差
time lags in adjustments of output产品调整进程中的时间滞后间隔
time limit for depreciation of fixed assets固定资产折旧年限
time limit for filling claims索赔时限
time limit for notice of dishonor拒付或拒绝承兑证书的期限
time limit for notice of dishonour拒绝承兑证的期限
time limits and limitations期限与时效
time limits for submission of claims提出索赔的时限
time-mean value时间平均值
time-motion study测时
time-motion study劳动定额
time pattern of consumption消费时间模式
time pattern of consumption消费时态
time -period时期
time policy定期保单
time policy期限保险单
time policy期限保单
time-preferred dividend earned ratio获利额对优先股所得股利的倍数比率
time-premium plan定时奖励计划
time productivity时间生产
time productivity时间生产力
time rate暂时比率
time rate时率
time rate计时工资制
time rate计时工资
time rate临时价格
time receivable定期存款
time scale时间坐标
time scale technique时间标尺术
time spread横向套利
time spread时间套利
time spread水平套利
time the shipment安排出运时间
time to first system failure系统首次故障时间
time value时间定额
time value时值
time value时间价值
time value of arithmetic series等差序列的时间价值
time value of money货币时间价值
time value of sums and series一笔款项与序列款项的时间价值
time values of nonuniform series非一致序列的时间值
time values of nonuniform series非定额序列的时间价值
time wages日工资
time working-day计时工日
To meet the customer's requirements, the business representatives shall see to it that the products be delivered in good time为了满足客户需要,业务代表应保证产品按时交货
total contractor controlled time承包商支配的总时间
trend adjusted time series调整长期趋势后的时间数列
trend over time长期趋势
trouble shooting time故障检修时间
turnaround time两次修理之间的使用时间
turnover time of circulating funds流动资金周转天数
two-way time双程时间
unemployed time未投产【使用】时间
up to the time of截至 …时为止
usage time使用期
value of time时间价值
value of time saved节省时间价值
variable lead time变数前置时间
wage rate or average earnings per unit of time工资率
war-time communism战时共产主义
waste time浪费时间
We are pleased to have finally obtained buyers' permission to defer the time of delivery我方很高兴终于得到了买方同意延期交货
We asked them to find out at what time the train was due我们请他们打听火车什么时候到达
We assure him of our reciprocating his courtesy at any time对于他的好意我们保证随时回报
We can save both time and energy by entrusting to specialized company all shipping and customs formalities把装运和报关手续委托专业公司办理既省时间又省精力
We can terminate this contract at any time within the succeeding two months在今后两个月的任何时间内,我方应有权终止本合同
We confirm the delivery time on your order我方确认你方订单上注明的交货时间
We have discussed the matter together for a long time and gained our point关于此事我们在一起商量了很长时间,并达到了目的
We hope the goods will reach you in good time我们希望此货将及早到达你处
We shall devote our entire time and energy to the furtherance of the transaction of your company我们将奉献全部时间与精力以促进贵公司的交易
We shall inform you of our decision within a definite time so as not to delay the shipment我们将在一定的时间内把我方决定向你们通告,以免延误发货
We shall refuse to prosecute the work, if they fail to make payment on time如果他们不按时付款,我们将拒绝施工
We shall spend quite a bit of time to perform the allocated work我们需要相当的时间来完成分配的工作
We shall supply necessary amount of materials for the construction of the plant in time at the designated point我方将及时在指定的地点提供必要数量的材料供建造工厂使用
We were notified of the time of delivery已通知我方交货的时间
We will do our best to expedite shipment to meet your requirements in time我方将尽力加快装运以及时满足你方要求
We will keep our distributors advised from time to time of the market changes我们会将市场变动情况随时通知我们的经销商
We will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods in time我们会作出一切必要安排按时交货
We will reciprocate your courtesy at any time我们会随时回报你方的好意
We will send you an offer in about a month's time, i.e., in October我们将在大约1个月后,即10月份给你方寄送报盘
You failed to make the shipment according to the time schedule stipulated in the agreement and the dead freight should be borne by you你方没有按协议规定的时间表装运货物,空舱费由你方承担
You must hurry up if you want to be on time for the meeting如果你们要准时到会,你们必须赶紧
You must pay in time before the lapse of the contract你方必须在合同期满前及时付款
You shall replace the defective material in a reasonable time你方应在一个合理的时间内更换废品材料
You should keep us informed from time to time of any change你应将任何变动随时通知我们
Your offer arrived at an inopportune time, for we have just accepted another exporter's firm offer你方报盘来得不凑巧,因为我们刚接受了另一出口商的实盘
Your time of shipment is in line, but the price is too high你的船期尚可,但价格太高
zero time起始时间
zero time activity时间为0的活动
zone standard time地方标准时间
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