
Terms for subject Aviation containing Short | all forms | exact matches only
acoustic short-pulse echo classification technique短脉冲声音回声分类技术
advanced medium short take off先进中短距起飞
advanced short range air-to-air missile先进短程空对空导弹
advanced short range air-to-air missile先进近距空对空导弹
advanced short take off and vertical landing先进的短程起飞和垂直着陆
controlled short takeoff and landing受控短距起落飞机
extremely short takeoff and landing极短距起飞与着陆
gas metal arc welding short circuiting arc气体保护金属极短路电弧焊
high temperature short time高温短时
initial subtransient short-circuit current起始次暂态短路电流
land and hold short lights着陆和等待灯
land and hold-short operations着陆和短等待操作 (当一架正在着陆的飞机可以且被调度员要求短暂停留在交叉跑道或滑行道或指定的短暂停留点时,如飞行员不能接受短暂停留许可,必须立即通知调度员)
land and hold-short operations dry干跑道着陆和短等待操作 (在干跑道上的着陆和短等待操作。当一架正在着陆的飞机可以且被调度员要求短暂停留在交叉跑道或滑行道或指定的短暂停留点时,着陆和短暂停留包括同时起飞和着陆或同时着陆)
land and hold-short operations wet湿跑道着陆和短等待操作 (在潮湿但没有被污染跑道上的着陆和短等待操作。当一架正在着陆的飞机可以且被调度员要求短暂停留在交叉跑道或滑行道或指定的短暂停留点时,着陆和短暂停留包括同时起飞和着陆或同时着陆)
low altitude short range missile低空短程导弹
low altitude short range missile低空近程导弹
maximum effective value of short-circuit current短路电流最大有效值
maximum short takeoff and landing weight最大短距起落重量
mode selection by short cavity短腔选模
quick short runway takeoff and landing短跑道快速起降
quiet short haul低噪声短程运输机
quiet short take-off and landing短距起飞和着陆
quiet short takeoff and landing低噪声短距起降
quiet short take-off and landing低噪声短距离起降飞机
ship short memo发运简要备忘录
short airfield for tactical support战术支援小型机场
short approach light system近程进场进近灯光系统
short approach light system近距进场照明系统
short approach lights system with sequenced flashing lights装有顺序闪光灯的短距进场进近照明系统
short base-line interferometer短基线干涉仪
short-baseline system短基线测轨系统
short burst高射炮短点射
short burst短速射
short circuit current短路
short circuit turn pickoff短距匝式传感器
short data message短数据消息
short data transfer短数据传递
short delay短时迟发
short distance arming短距离武装
short distance landing system短距着陆系统
short duct separation flow短涵道分离流
short duration短期间
short edge margin小边距
short edge margin短边距
short field aircraft短跑道起落飞机
short form research contract短期型研究合同
short haul短程飞机
short-haul system simulation短航程系统模拟
short landing短距着陆
short/medium aircraft中短程飞机
short missile短程导弹
short order shop车间短缺指令
short path infrared tester短距红外测试仪
short-period mode短周期模态
short-period oscillation短周期振动
short period perturbation短周期扰动
short period variable短周期变量
short periodic perturbation短周期摄动
short-pulse insertion短脉冲输入
short pulse radar窄脉冲雷达
short pulse range窄脉冲测距
short range advanced technology短程先进技术
short range aid to navigation肖兰〔近航仪〕
short range air defense短距防空
short range air defense system短距防空系统
short range air to air missile近程空对空导弹
short range air-to-air missile近距空空导弹 (英国的试验性红外寻的导弹)
short range altitude短程高度
short range and acquisition radar近程探测雷达
short range anti radiation missile短程反辐射导弹
short range antiradiation missile短程反辐射导弹
short range attack missile短程攻击导弹
short-range attack missile近程攻击导弹
short range attack missile/tactical短程攻击导弹/战术
short range ranging ballistic missile短程弹道导弹
short-range ballistic missile近程弹道导弹 (射程约1 000千米以内)
short range clamp近程箝位
short-range coverage acquisition近距截获 (目标)
short range delay短程延迟
short range Doppler近程多普勒导弹弹道测量系统
short range Doppler近距多普勒导弹弹道测量系统
short-range guidance近距制导
short range guided missile短程制导导弹
short range homing interceptor technology短程寻的拦击器技术
short range missile短程导弹
short range navigation近程〔无线电精确〕导航系统 (system)
short range navigation短距导航 (一种短距精确导航系统,通过计算脉冲型信号在两个或更多固定站之间传播时间来测量离站的斜距。在精确轰炸中,配以合适的计算机,SHORAN 可以精确到在100mile 中误差仅数码 (160 km 中误差仅几米))
short-range navigation近距导航系统
short range navigation近距离导航系统
short-range navigation近程导航
short range navigation短程导航
short range navigation system近程导航系统
short-range omnidirection beacon近距离全向信标
short range omnidirectional beacon短程全向无线电信标
short range radar近程雷达
short range recovery近程回收
short range rescue近程援救
short range search近距搜索
short range surveillance and target acquisition system近程监视与目标截获系统
short-range transport在正常巡航条件下飞行距离在1 200海里以下的短程运输机
short range transport短程运输机
short-range transport短程运输
short range VOR短程甚高频全向信标
short range wideband radio近距宽带无线电台
short round短头弹
short "S" shaped pipe configuration短 S 形管路构造
short side短边
short take off短距起飞
short take off短程起飞
short takeoff短距起飞
short takeoff and arrested landing短距起飞拦阻着陆
short takeoff and landing短距起飞和着陆 (飞机起飞在1500 ft (450 m)以内,或者着陆到停止的1500ft (450m)以内,越过50ft (15m )以内障碍物进行起降的能力)
short take-off and landing aircraft短距离起降飞机所用跑道长度在300米以下
short take-off and landing短距起落飞机
short take-off and landing短场起降
short takeoff and landing airplane短距起落飞机
short takeoff and landing airport短距起飞和着陆机场
short take-off and landing avionics system短距起飞和着陆电子系统
short takeoff and landing plane短距起飞和着陆飞机
short takeoff and landing/vertical climb and descent短距起飞和着陆/垂直升降
short takeoff and landing/vertical landing短距起飞和着落/垂直着落
short takeoff and landing/vertical takeoff and landing短距起飞和着陆/垂直起落
short takeoff and landing/vertical takeoff and landing aircraft短距起飞和着陆/垂直起落飞机 (一种固定翼飞机,具有能够在起飞开始 1500ft (450m)内越过50ft (15m )障碍物进行起飞,并且能够垂直降落的能力)
short takeoff and vertical landing短距起飞垂直降落
short takeoff and vertical landing aircraft短距起飞垂直降落飞机
short takeoff gross weight短距起飞总重量
short take-off vertical landing短距起飞、垂直着陆 (飞机)
short takeoff with vertical landing短距起飞垂直降落
short term anti-jam短期抗干扰
short term cost plan短期成本计划
short term memory短期存储器
short-term prediction短时预测
short term review meeting〔客〕短期评审会议
short-term stability短期稳定度
short-term working group〔客〕短期工作组
short time test短时试验
short ton units短吨单位
short trouble短路故障
short/vertical takeoff and landing短距垂直起落
short wave band短波波段
short wave fadeout短波衰退
short wave fadeout短波衰落
short wave intra-red短波红外线 (IR)
short wave length短波波长
short wave listener短波听众
simplified short approach light简式短进近灯光系统
simplified short approach light system简化近程进场进近灯光系统
simplified short approach light system runway alignment indicator lights装有跑道对准指示灯的简化近程进场灯光系统
simplified short approach light system with runway alignment〔客〕装有跑道对准简化的近程进场灯光系统
strength limit of short time in high temperature短时高温强度极限
super short takeoff and landing超短距起落飞机
supersonic and short takeoff and landing超声速短距起落飞机
target speed on short finals定期航线飞行员在完成最终进近时的目标速度
threshold limit value—short term exposure limit阈极限值短期暴露限制
ultra short or vertical take-off and landing超短距或垂直起降飞机
ultra-short take off and landing超短距起飞和降落
ultra-short takeoff超短距起飞
ultra-short take-off超短距起飞 (有垂直起飞能力的飞机进行短距离滑跑起飞,也可称为短距起飞,飞行员可选择不同起飞方式)
unmanned aerial vehicle—short range无人驾驶航空器——短程使用
vertical or short take off and landing垂直短距起飞落
vertical or short takeoff and landing垂直或短距起飞和着陆
vertical/short takeoff and landing垂直/短距起飞和着陆
very short range极短距离
very short range甚近程
very short range极短距
very short range ballistic missile极短距离弹道导弹