
Terms for subject International trade containing Seconds | all forms
banker's second line of defense银行的第二道防线
Bentley's Second Code本特里第二商业电码
first and second unpaid第一号及第二号未付
goods fo second order间接需要品
Second Amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the IMF国际货币基金组织协定条款第二次修正案
second beneficiary第二受益人 (of a transferable credit)
second beneficiary第二收款人 (of a transferable credit)
second-best theory次好论
second bill of exchange汇票副本
second bill of exchange第二号汇票
second budget reserve第二预备金
second carrier第二承运人
second carrier次运送人
second carrier第二运送人
second class paper次等票据
second condition of average第二条件货币调整
Second Currency Realignment第二次货币调整
second devaluation of the dollar第二次美元贬值
Second Development Decade第二个十年发展计划
second estate第二等级
second grade for domestic consumption中等内销品
second-hand cases旧箱
second hand cases旧箱
second-hand clothing shop估衣店
second-hand packing旧包装
second hand packing旧包装
second-hand value第二手价格
second line of reserves第二线准备
Second Lome Convention第二项洛美协定
second lowest bidder次最低递价者
second mortgage第二抵押
second mortgage bonds第二抵押债券公司债
second mortgage bonds第二抵押债务
second of exchange汇票副本
second of exchange, being unpaid本汇票之副本未付
second officer二副 (mate)
second party第二方
second party乙方
second reserve第二准备金
second surplus reinsurance第二溢额分保
second surplus reinsurance treaty第二溢额分保合同
second tariff第二税率
second unpaid次副本尚未兑付
second unpaid副本尚未兑付
second via第二航线汇票错投后改寄
Second Window第二类业务
Second World Bank第二世界银行