
Terms for subject Agriculture containing SLICE | all forms | exact matches only
bit slice microprocessor位片式微处理器
bottom slice下层
dried corm slice粗磨蒟蒻粉
dried corm slice干球茎片
dried corm slice of konjak粗磨蒟蒻粉
furrow slice犁块
furrow slice犁垡
furrow slice垡片
half-turned slice立垡
invert the furrow slice翻转垡片
large furrow slice大垡片
large furrow slice大犁块
pineapple slice罐装用菠萝片
potato slice马铃薯片
slice method切片法指甘薯切片
slice of furrow垡片指犁地翻起的土片
slice of sweet potato甘薯干
slice of sweet potato甘薯片
slice system片式系统
surviving slice活组织切片
sweet potato slice薯干
sweet potato slice甘薯片
tissue slice组织薄片
tuber slice薯片指马铃薯