
Terms for subject Chemistry containing SIDE | all forms | exact matches only
back side后部
back side造纸机传动侧
back side木材的内侧材面
backing side trap前级侧阱
backing side trap前级冷阱
bark tanned side leather树皮鞣的鞋面革
broad-side paint舷侧漆
built-in side chain内在侧链
cantilevered dual side construction双侧悬臂式结构
cavity side注塑模阴模侧
center to side baffle双流式折流板
charging side机面
chlorine in side chain侧链上的氯
clear side-stripe extruder透明侧窗式挤塑机
closed side creel封闭式纱架
component side零件面
curling side卷边
cyclic compound with side chain含有侧链的环状化合物
delivery side口侧
delivery side of pump泵的出口
demand side需要面
discharge side卸料面
discharge side throw-off carriage卸料侧
discharging side卸料面
double side双面板
double side coating双面涂漆
double side coating双面上胶
elevation side侧视图
elk side leather多脂铬铝鞣牛皮半张鞋面革
eutectic side低共熔体侧
face side设备正面
face side正面
face side未面 (木材有面层符号的一面)
felt side正面
flask with side arm具支管烧瓶
flesh side皮里
flesh-side dubbing肉面揩油液
flexible side group柔性侧基
frame side member边架
front side操作侧面
front side操作面前侧
full chrome side全铬鞣牛皮半张鞋面革
grain side of leather皮革粒面
hair side毛面
hair side毛被面 (皮革的)
halogen in side chain支链中的卤
heavy side重侧
high side roller mill高边轮碾机
high temperature side高温侧
high-pressure side高压旋管冷冻机中
hydrophilic side chain亲水侧链
insulated side wall保温罐壁
intake side进口侧
iodine in side chain侧链上的碘
isotope side band同位素边峰
liquid crystalline side chain polymer侧链型液晶聚合物
low-side roller mill低面滚磨机
low temperature side低温侧
low-pressure side冷冻机的蒸发旋管
low-pressure side低压旋管
machine side机面
matte side粗糙面
multiple side-by-side composite fibre多层并列型复合纤维
neutron-rich side富中子侧
neutron-rich side丰中子侧
non-polar side chain非极性侧链
nuclear single side band method核单边带法
off-side of bearing轴承的润滑油出口边
off-side tank石油箱
on-side of bearing轴承油入口边
one side welding单面焊
open side of blade刮刀的开口边
open-side press颚式平板硫化机
polar side chain极性侧链
proton-rich side丰质子侧
proton-rich side富质子侧
ram side机面
reverse side coating背面涂漆
ribo nucleo side糖核
ribo side糖核
rotation side band旋转边带
shell side壳程换热器
shell side壳方
shell side pass壳程
shiny side光面
side angle press压机
side application旁施
side bottoms塔卞部引出物
side-by-side composite fiber并列型复合纤维
side-by-side composite fibre并列型复合纤维
side chain聚合物中侧链
side chain carbon侧链碳原子
side chain chlorination侧链的氯代作用
side chain fluorination侧链氟代作用
side chain halogenation侧链卤代作用
side chain halogenation侧链卤化作用
side chain iodination侧链碘代作用
side chain nitrogen侧链氮原子
side-chain nitrooxidation侧链硝化氧化〔作用〕
side chain relaxation侧链松弛
side cooler中间冷切器
side-cut distillate侧取馏出物
side-cut distillate蒸塔盘上引出的馏出物
side-cut distillate侧馏分
side discharge lateral order侧卸
side-draw control侧取控制
side-draw naphtha侧取馏出物
side-draw naphtha侧馏分
side draw plate侧取塔板
side draw tray侧取塔板
side feed opening侧面进料口
side-fired recirculating still侧热循环釜
side-flue oven侧面出烟炉
side frame侧壁
side frame侧板
side frame侧面机架
side gate阶梯浇口
side heater中间加热器
side injection molding侧面注压法
side isomery侧链异构现象
side lath侧条板翅式换热器
side leather牛皮半张鞋面革
side-line product副线产品
side mixing nozzles侧向混合式喷嘴
side neck支管
side-neck flask支管烧瓶
side-on complex侧连配合物
side-on coordination侧向配位
side outlet elbow支流拐管
side outlet tee支流三通管
side plate of rolls挡辊板
side plate of rolls挡轮板
side rail导轨
side reaction coefficientα系数
side reaction coefficient系数
side-reaction-protecting capacity副反应防止能力
side relief侧面放汽管路
side ring多环化合物侧环
side roll旁辊压延机
side seal pillar端面密封柱
side seal pillar端面气封柱
side stream塔侧抽出物
side stream侧线馏分
side stream withdrawal侧流抽出口
side-stripping column侧线汽提塔
side stud bolt双头螺栓
side substitution侧链取代作用
side sway横向摆动
side theory侧链免疫理论
side throw横向摆动
side-to-side baffles缺圆折流板
side valve分流阀
side wall filter侧壁过滤器
side-window X-ray tube侧窗式 X 射线管
slack side tension松弛侧张力传动带
sliding side saddle洁动侧鞍座
spinning side band旋转边带
spinning side bands旋转边带
spinning side bands旋转边峰
spray-cooled side淋冷的侧壁
straight side long pitch steel chain直边长节式钢链
straight side tyre直边外胎
substitution in side chain支链取代
suction side吸引的一边
tender side前侧
tender side操作面
tension side主动边皮带
top-side black水线以上舷侧黑漆
tube side管方
two side test双侧检验
upstream side上流一边
willow side搓纹半张牛面革