
Terms for subject Textile industry containing S | all forms | exact matches only
abuse one's official power滥用职权
accessory of lady's dress女装服饰品
accountant's opinion会计师意见
airmen's suit飞行服
airmen's suit飞行员服装
American Cotton Manufacturer's Institute美国棉业协会
American Textile Manufacturer's Institute美国纺织厂商协会
American Yam Spinner's Association美国纱厂协会
astronaut's apparel宇航服
astronaut's cap宇航帽
astronaut's cap宇航员帽
astronaut's garment宇航服
astronaut's shoes宇航鞋
athlete's shoes田径鞋
athlete's suit田径套装
athlete's wear田径服
Bali dancer's costume巴厘舞服
banker's acceptance银行承兑票
banker's acceptance银行承兑票据
banker's acceptance bill银行承兑
banker's acceptance bill银行承兑票据
banker's acceptance credit银行承兑信用证
banker's blanket book银行总括保证书
banker's credit银行贷款
banker's credit银行信贷
banker's demand credit银行即期汇票
banker's guarantee银行保证书
banker's guarantee银行保证
banker's guaranty银行保证
banker's guaranty银行保证书
banker's guaranty银行担保
banker's letter of credit银行信用证
banker's letter of guarantee银行保证书
banker's long draft银行长期汇票
barber's apron理发围兜
biker's boots飞车党鞋
bird's back鸟眼花纹背的织物
bird's egg green鸟蛋绿
bird's eye鸟眼花样
bird's eye小菱纹织物
bird's eye芝麻点花纹
bird's eye鸟眼花纹
bird's eye design鸟眼图案
bird's eye diaper鸟眼花纹布
bird's-eye diaper鸟眼花纹布
bird's eye fabric鸟眼花攻织物
bird's-eye fabric鸟眼花纹织物
bird's eye fancy suiting鸟跟花呢
bird's eye leno鸟眼花纹纱罗
bird's-eye leno鸟眼花纹纱罗
bird's eye linen鸟眼花纹斜纹亚麻布
bird's-eye linen鸟眼花纹斜纹亚麻布
bird's-eye pique鸟眼凹凸组织
bird's eye pique鸟眼凸花布
bird's-eye pique菱形纹凹凸织物
bird's nest mat鸟巢垫
bobby's hat警察高顶帽
boy's and girl's clothes男孩与女孩服装
boy's clothes男童装
boy's jacket男童夹克
boy's jacket童夹克
boy's jeans男童牛仔裤
boy's jeans童牛仔裤
boy's knickerbockers男童灯笼裤
boy's sailsuit童水手套装
boy's set男童套装
boy's shirt男孩衬衫
boy's size中童尺码
boy's suit男童套装
boy's trousers男童裤
boy's wear男童装
boy's wear男童服
Bragg's law布喇格定理
break one's engagement解约
carrier's risk损失由船主负责
carrier's risk风险由承运人负责
certificate of agent's authority代理权证书
certificate of vessel's survey船舶检验证
challenge the president's ruling对主席裁决提出异议
chap's sturdy shoes男式强力鞋
charter's legal liability insurance租船人责任保险
charter's option租船人选择权
China's trade对华贸易
China's trade中国贸易
China's trader对华贸易商
China's trader从事中国贸易的商行
clavshoot's vest飞靶射手背心
clayshoot's vest飞靶射手背心
clip underarm's seam allowance抬根缝剪口
clip underarm's seam allowance抬裉缝剪口
cloque's dimensional knits凸纹立体针织物
cowboy's jacket牛仔夹克
craftsmen's machine手工缝纫机
crow's feet鸦爪印疵
crow's feet爪纹
crow's feet皱纹印
crow's feet鸡爪印
crow's foot鸭爪固定缝
crow's foot鸦爪固定缝
crow's foot松叶固定缝
crow's foot tack鸦爪饰缝
crow's footing鱼尾纹
current year’s price当年价格
Daiwabo's Automated Spinning System大和纺自动化纺纱系统
data on children's steepwear儿童睡衣阻燃试验数据
distributor's demand流通需要量
distributor's demand经销商需求量
dog's-ear collar垂耳领
dog's earcollar垂耳领
dog's tooth犬牙花纹粗纺呢绒
dog's tooth check犬牙格子花纹
double face lady's dress双面女衣呢
double face lady's dress worsted双面女衣呢
Dress Salesmen's Association服装销售商协会美国
druggist's twine医药用线
drum major's hat鼓手长帽
Drung nationality's costume独龙族服饰
duck's arse鸭屁股式男发型
duck's egg green鸭蛋绿
duck's egg green浅青色
duck's tail hair鸭尾发型
dunce's cap旧时学校给成绩差学生戴的圆锥形纸帽
dunce's cap笨人帽
dustmen's uniform环卫工人服
ex ship's hold船上舱底交货价
ex ship's hold船底交货价
facing's facing贴边的翻折边
fail to keep one's promise背约,违约
fail to keep one's words不守诺言
fall's check仿席纹色格布
fancy monk's cloth蜂窝毛巾布
fencer's mask击剑面罩
fool's badge丑角挂徽
fool's cap处罚学生用圆锥形纸帽
fool's cap滑稽帽
fool's cap大页纸帽
fool's cap顽童纸帽
fool's cap滑稽小丑圆锥帽
fool's cap小丑帽
fool's cap圆锥形纸帽
fool's cap锥形帽
fool's cap宫廷弄臣或丑角戴滑稽帽
footman's coatee随从燕尾服
founder's profit创办人利润
founder's profit创业利润
gay 1990s,swimsuit 20世纪 90 年代艳丽泳装两片式,圆形横条针织裤装,长及膝的裤子和短袖及臀部的上装
gent's parka男派克大衣
glover's stitch手套线迹
glover's wool灰退毛
Godey's Lady's Book戈戴妇女期刊美国 19世纪著名时装杂志
Greek fishermen's cap希腊渔民式软帽
Greek warrior's wear古希腊武士装
Greek warrior's wear希腊武士装
grower's clip牧场小批原毛
halter back's neckline后背式吊带领口
high technology s Indian style高技术印第安款式
high women's wear高级女装
Hong Bang tailor's shop红帮店堂
householder's insurance住户保险
householder's insurance业主保险
householder's insurance家庭保险
immigrant's remittance外侨汇款
immigrant's remittance侨汇
International Lady's Garment Worker's Union国际女装工会 (ILGWU)
International Textile and Garment Worker's Federation国际纺织和服装工会 (LT.G.W.F)
jacquard lady's dress提花女衣呢
jacquard lady's dress worsted提花女衣呢
Japan men's Fashion Unity日本男装协会
job's tears印度念珠圈
kalmuck priest's collar卡尔穆克牧师领
Kangaroo's hair袋鼠毛皮
kangaroo's hair袋鼠毛
kid's button童装纽扣
kid's button童装钮扣
kid's chineseknot童装纽扣
kid's size小童尺码
kid's sweater童毛衫
kid's wear童装
kid's wear儿童服装
kindergarten children's gannent幼儿园童装
kindergarten children's garment幼儿园童服
Kirgiz nationality's costume柯尔克孜族服饰
knitter's beam针织轴
Korean child's jacket韩式儿童夹克
lady's cap女式便帽
lady's cloth女衣呢
lady's cloth薄型女式呢
lady's clothes and dress worsted女衣呢
lady's coating女衣呢
lady's dress cloth女衣呢
lady's dress gloves晚宴手套
lady's dress gloves女士晚装手套
lady's dress worsted女衣呢
lady's hat女帽
lady's knee-high stockings及膝女长袜
lady's lingerie女内衣裤
lady's long coat女大衣
lady's nightwear女睡衣
lady's pullover shirt女套衫
lady's shorts女式短裤
lady's skirt凤尾裙
lady's suit女套装
lady's suit女西装
lady's sweater女式毛衣
lady's textured stockings女用网眼长袜
lady's wear妇女衣着
lady's wing type sanitary towels妇女翼状卫生巾
lama's cap拉玛帽有帽耳、饰带、织锦帽冠、棉布帽檐的女帽
lily prince's dress百合花王子服饰
lineman's boots养路工皮靴
lose one's job失职
lose one's job失业
lose one's market丧失市场
lose one's market失去销路
lose one's shirt损失所有财产
make tailor's tack打线钉
make tailor's tack〔工〕打线钉
man's fasten男式系扣
man's figure男子体型
man's fly front with French bearer有法式腰带的男式暗门襟
man's hat男帽
man's ring男式戒指
man's sandal男式凉鞋
man's sandal丁字凉鞋
man's shoes男鞋
man's three-piece suit男式三件套装
man's trousers绅士裤
man's trousers男裤
man's two-piece suit男式两件套装
man's upper outer garment男上装
manufacture's source code制造厂货源代号
manufacturer's certificate of quality制造商质量证明书
manufacturer's certificate of quantity制造商数量证明书
manufacturer's mark厂商品牌
manufacturer's mark厂商商标
manufacturer's part specification制造商零件规格
manufacturer's part specification制造商厂部件规格
manufacturer's part specification厂商部件规格
manufacturer's twist出厂捻度
master's degree硕士学位
master's gown硕士学位袍
master's gown and hood硕士服
master's protest海难证明书
master's protest船长海事报告
merchant's rule商人还款办法
merchant's rule商业计算规定
merchant's rule商务惯例
merchant's rule商业通例
merchant's rule商界计息办法
middleman's brand中间商品牌
milkman's pocket逹奶人的大口袋
monk's belt僧侣腰带
monk's cape修道士披肩
monk's cape僧侣披肩
monk's cloth席纹粗呢
monk's dress僧侣式连裙装
monk's dress僧袍式连裙装
monk's habit修道士服装会衣、会服
monk's habit修道士服装
monk's habit道袍
monk's habit僧袍
monk's obi僧侣宽腰带
monk's robe僧侣袍
monk's seam平接缝
monk's seam双折边叠缝
monk's seam搭[接]缝
monk's seam搭接缝
monk's seam法式缝
monk's seam绷缝
monk's shoes僧侣鞋
monk's shoes孟克鞋
monk's shoes半高腰鞋
monk's shoes修道士半高腰鞋
monk's woolen cloth席纹粗呢
monopoly of one's invention发明专利权
mortgagor's insurable interest出押人保险利益
National Association of Men's Sport- wear Buyers全国男式运动服装采购商协会
National Association of Men's Sportswear Buyers全美男式运动服装购买者协会
National Association of Men's Sportwear Buyers全国男式运动服装采购商协会 (NAMSB)
National Children's Wear Association全国童装协会
National Cotton Ginner's Association全国棉花轧花协会
officer's cape卫兵大衣
officer's cape军官披风
officer's cape官职外套
officer's cape军官外套
officer's cape海军蓝交领中长披风美国海军军官制服
officer's retiring allowance职员退休金
official's boots官靴
organization of ship's operation船舶营运组织
parson's hat牧师帽
patient's gown住院服
patient's gown病号服
patient's gown治疗中的病人服
pattern cutter's shears样板剪刀
pattern's mathematical model纸样数学模型
pattern's mathematical model样板数学模型
Paul's rearrangement保罗重排作用
pikeman's armour枪兵铠甲16 世纪
plumber's bag铅管工用袋
plumber's bag管工用袋
plumber's ticking人字斜纹被褥布
poet's collar诗人领无领衬、不上浆的柔软方角领,因18世纪末19世纪初英国诗人喜欢而得名
poet's shirt诗人衬衫长袖,长尖领
poet's shirt诗人衬衫
police officer's vest警察背心
police officer's vest警用背心
poor man's cotton美国佃农棉
prior year's appropriations上年度拨款
prisoner's wear囚服
prospector's shirt针织贴身运动装
prospector's shirt勘探者衬衫贴身、轻质、御寒衬衫
publisher's cloth书面布
pupil's hosiery学生袜
pupil's wear小学生服
pupil's wear学生服
rabbit's ear bow缚结饰
ready-made high women's wear女装高级成衣
replenish one's stock进货
replenish one's stock补充库存
rider's jacket骑装外套
rider's jacket骑士夹克
sailor's jacket水手式外套
sailor's jacket水手式夕卜套
sailor's knot水手式领结
sailor's striped shirt海魂衫
sailor's striped shirtlet and trousers海魂衫
Saint Andrew's stitch圣安德鲁针迹
Saint Andrew's stitch圣安德罗针迹四针缎纹针迹构成十字架形
salesmen's commission推销人员佣金
salesmen's time report推销人员工时报告
school age's wear少年服装
school-age's wear学生装
school-age's wear少年服装
seller's hedging卖方套购
seller's hedging卖方期货
seller's market求过于供市场
seller's option由卖方选择交割
seller's option售主选择权
seller's over供过于求
seller's price卖方价格
seller's sample卖方样
seller's surplus卖方盈余
seller's surplus卖主所得差价
ship's agency service船舶代理业务
ship's bag随船单据袋
ship's classification船舶等级
ship's clearance outwards船舶岀港手续
ship's delivery order船舶理货单
ship's document船舶文件
ship's entered harbor船舶进港
ship's hold survey船舱检查
ship's manifest船长舱单
ship's option对货运按重量或体积收费的选择权
ship's option船方选择权
ship's paper船舶证件
ship's protest船方声明
ship's receipt船方收据
ship's safety certificate船舶安全证书
ship's space船位
ship's turnover rate平均航次周转期
shipper's certificate发货人证明书
shipper's council托运人协会
shipper's endorsement发货人背书
shipper's letter of instruction发货人指示
shipper's letter of instruction托运人指示
shipper's letter of instruction装运人指示
shipper's load and count发货人装载和计数
shipper's load and count托运人装载和点件
shipper's option发货人选择权
shipper's order发货人指示
shipper's order bill of lading发货人指示提单
shipper's pack and seal发货人装箱和密封
shipper's pack and seal托运人装载和密封
shipper's risk托运人负担风险
South Carolina Textile Manufacturer's Association南卡罗来纳纺织工业协会
spaniel' s-ear collar垂耳领
spinner's fleece优级套毛
spring and autumn women's wear collection春秋女装系列
stitch-bonded children's trouserings缝编儿童裤料
student's uniform cloth学生呢
student's wear学生服
stylish lady's belt时尚女装腰带
surgeon's gown外科医生手术服
surgeon's mask手术医生面罩
tailor's button hole圆头细孔
tailor's button hole圆头纽孔
tailor's button hole圆头纽洞
tailor's chair无脚靠背的裁缝椅
tailor's chalk裁缝用划粉
tailor's chalk裁缝用划粉
tailor's chalk裁缝用划粉片
tailor's chalk holder划粉套
tailor's clippings衣料小样
tailor's clippings裁剪碎料
tailor's cutting单裁
tailor's cuttings裁剪碎料
tailor's cuttings裁前碎料
tailor's cuttings单裁
tailor's cuttings零剪
tailor's goose裁缝用大型熨斗
tailor's goose裁缝熨斗
tailor's ham布馍头
tailor's ham烫衣胸部、裤臀部的托垫
tailor's ham布馒头
tailor's ham烫垫
tailor's ham布馍头烫衣胸部、裤臀部的托垫
tailor's loop挂衣祥
tailor's press board马凳
tailor's press board熨衣板
tailor's sleeve两片袖
tailor's sleeve套装袖
tailor's square裁缝用角尺
tailor's squareL 型直尺
tailor's square直角尺
tailor's tack线钉
tailor's tack绗缝
tailor's tack stitch记号缝
tailor's tape裁衣用软尺
tailor's tape量身软尺
tailor's trimming服装附件总称
tailor's twist缝纫粗丝线
tailor's twist缝纫用粗丝线
tailor's wax裁缝用蜡
tailor's wax chalk裁衣用蜡制划粉
tax collector's uniform税务工作人员制服
teller's cash出纳现金
teller's check出纳员所开的内部发票
teller's check出纳员支票
teller's proof出纳验证
teller's settlement book出纳员清算簿
teller's station出纳窗口
teller's station出纳台
trader's acceptance商业承兑票据
trader's credit委托清算
trader's credit商人信贷
trader's price同行价
transfer agent's fee过户代理人费用
traveler's card旅行信用卡
traveler's circular credit旅客信用证
traveler's circular credit旅游信用证
traveler's credit旅客信用证
traveler's credit旅游信用证
traveler's grass旅人草
traveler's letter of credit旅客信用证
traveler's letter of credit旅游信用证
traveler's policy旅行保险单
traveler's policy旅游保险单
turk's head头巾形饰结
usance banker's bill远期银行汇票
vessel's agent船舶代理
vessel's manifest船舶舱单
waiter's uniform服务员制服
waiter's wear服务员服装
warehouse-keeper's lien仓库管理员留置权
warehouseman's order出库通知书
warehouseman's order出库许可证
warp-knitted queen's cord经编昆士织物
women's clothes女式服装
women's clothing女装
women's corduroy coat女式灯芯绒上衣
women's design女装设计
women's dress女式服装
Women's Dress Reform Movement19 世纪后半叶美国妇女服装改革运动
women's extra large size女式服装特大号
Women's Fashion Fabric Association女式时装织物协会
women's figure女子体型
women's half size胖妇女尺寸
women's overcoat cloth俄罗斯女用大衣呢
women's pleat skirt百裥裙
women's Quarpel rain coat女式夸佩尔雨衣
women's Quarpel raincaot女式夸佩尔雨衣
women's red-skirt石榴裙
women's shorts女式短裤
women's size女式尺码
women's size女子尺码
women's slacks女裤
women's slacks女装长裤
women's suit女套装
women's suit女式套装
women's suit女西装
women's suit女式常服
women's sweater女毛衫
women's tensioned slacks女紧身裤
women's tensioned slacks女式紧身裤
women's underwear女式内衣
women's wear女式服装
women's wear女服
Women's Wear Daily《妇女时装日报》 (W.W.D.)
women's wear design女装设计
women's wear standard女装标准
worker's compensation insurance职工补偿保险
worker's compensation insurance工人补偿保险
worker's insurance职工保险
worker's insurance工人保险
worker's overshirt宽松劳动衬衫
yakut woman's apron and coat雅库特女毛皮衣裙
youngmen's clothing青年服
youngmen's coat青年装上衣
Showing first 500 phrases