
Terms for subject Technology containing Restricted | all forms | exact matches only
elliptical restricted problem椭圆型限制性问题
inequality-restricted estimator不等式约束估计式
lead-restricted paint少铅漆 (含氧化铅少于5%)
lead-restricted paint低铅
lead-restricted paint铅限量
not restricted不受限制的
one-way restricted zone单向通行区
one-way restricted zone单向通行限制区间
proceed at restricted speed限速运行
restrict power约束力
restrict sale限制销售
restricted adhesive限用胶黏剂
restricted adhesive限制使用的胶黏剂
restricted air bled carburetor受制渗气式汽化器
restricted air-bled限制空气喷口
restricted anchorage特许锚地
restricted and unrestricted random walk限制与非限制随机走动
restricted area受限制区域
restricted area缩径孔数
restricted area禁地
restricted assets限制用途的资产
restricted basin隔离盆地
restricted bit小水眼钻头
restricted cash限定用途的现金受限制的现金
restricted channel狭浅河槽
restricted channel束狭河道
restricted channel窄浅航道
restricted channel狭窄河槽
restricted channel限制航槽
restricted channel限制性航道
restricted clearance限制净距
restricted clearance限制净空
restricted credit限制议付信用证
restricted current funds限定流动基金
restricted depth water area有限水深水域
restricted diffusion限制扩散
restricted diffusion chromatography限制扩散层析法
restricted dimensional analysis狭义量纲分析
restricted direct product group限制直积群
restricted discharge节制排料
restricted distribution限制性分配
restricted-draft ship限制吃水船
restricted earth fault protection限制接地故障保护
restricted earth protection限制接地保护
restricted endorsement限定背书
restricted entry type of surge tank束口式调压塔
restricted extension line受限分机线
restricted flow限止流
restricted format限制格式
restricted freight限运货物
restricted fund限定用途基金
restricted fuzzy automaton受限模糊自动机
restricted height限制高度
restricted holonomy group限制完整群
restricted homogeneous holonomy group限制齐次完整群
restricted hour maximum demand indicator限时式最高需量指示器
restricted exclusive industrial district工业专用地区
restricted exclusive industrial district工业区
restricted internal rotation被阻内旋转
restricted isomorphism不完全类质同象
restricted isomorphism有限类质同象
restricted jet受限射流
restricted list of bidders拟订投标人清单
restricted list of bidders推选标商名单
restricted list of bidders拟订投标人名单
restricted list of bidders投标者的限价单
restricted market限制市场
restricted mode限速模式
restricted navigation zone禁航区
restricted negotiable letter of credit限制议付信用证
restricted occupancy限制占有
restricted operation限制性运转
restricted orifice surge tank阻力孔口式调压塔
restricted orifice surge tank束口式调压塔
restricted passage限制通过
restricted passing sight distance制约超车视距
restricted passing sight distance限制超车视距
restricted passing sight distance限制停车视距
restricted platform deposit局限台地沉积
restricted platform facies局限台地相
restricted proper motion限制性自行
restricted quarter限制空间
restricted reach窄浅河段
restricted reach狭窄河段
restricted residential district住宅专用区
restricted residential district居住限用地区
restricted residential district特定居住区
restricted residential district居住专用区
restricted residential district居住专用地区
restricted retained earnings受限制的留存收益 (or surplus)
restricted root限制根
restricted service有限航区
restricted space局限空间
restricted space有限空间
restricted speed限制速度
restricted speed way限制行车速度的道路
restricted speed zone限速区
restricted-step method限制步骤法
restricted step method约束步长法
restricted stock受限制的股票
restricted stopping sight distance限制停车视距
restricted stopping sight distance制约停车视距
restricted surplus限定用途的公积金
restricted tender限制投标
restricted tender受限制的投标
restricted traffic受管制的车流
restricted Turing machine受限图灵机
restricted turns受制转弯
restricted use限制使用
restricted use cable专用电缆
restricted variable length code限制可变长代码
restricted vibration有限振动
restricted vibration限制振动
restricted view受限制的视野
restricted visibility能见度受限制
restricted voyage限制航行
restricted water depth有限水深
restricted water resistance限制航道阻力
restricted waters狭窄水域
restricted waters窄浅水域
restricted waters受限制水域
restricted waters狭浅水域
restricted waters限制水域
restricted waterway窄浅水道
restricted waterway限制水道
restricted waterway狭窄水道
restricted waterway束狭水道
restricted zone禁区
severely restricted chemical受到严格限制的化学品
sound signals in restricted visibility能见度不良时的声号
speed restricted section限速区段
vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver操纵能力受限制的船