
Terms for subject Business containing Power of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
abuse of power滥用权力
ambiguity of power and duty权责不明
appropriation of labour power占用劳动力
availability of water, power and fuel可利用的水力、电能及燃料
balance of power势力均衡
blank power of attorney不记名授权书即未签名的授权书
blank power of attorney空白授权书
blank power of attorney空白委托书
blank power of attorney不记名委托书即未签字的委托书
buying and selling of labor power劳动力买卖
cancel a power of attorney撤销代理权
cancel a power of attorney撤销委托书
cancel power of attorney撤销委托
capitalization of earning power盈利能力资本化
centralization of power集权
centralized supply of electric power电力统一分配供应
combination of responsibility, power and interest责、权、利相结合
competitive power of international bidding国际竞标能力
concentration of economic power经济力量集中
concentration of power in decision-making集中决策
consumer power of society社会消费能力
continuing the reproduction of labour power延续劳动力再生产
creation of purchasing power购买力创造
decentralization of power分权
decision-making power of enterprise企业自主权决策权
decision-making power of enterprises企业自主权
deficit of labour power劳力不足
delegation of powers授权
development and utilization of atomic power原子能开发利用
disclaimer of power弃权
distribution of power电力配给
division of function and power职权划分
execution of power行使权力
expand the decision-making power of enterprise扩大企业自主权
extent of power权力范围
external purchasing power of money货币对外购买力
field of power series幂级数域
general power of attorney全权代理
general power of attorney全权委托
horse-power of equipment设备功率
horse-power of machine机器功率
increase of purchasing power购买力提高
index of purchasing power购买力指数
index of purchasing power of export出口购买力指数
loss of power功率损耗
maintenance of purchasing power capital theory保持购买力资本学说
management of power company电力公司管理
management of power enterprise电力企业管理
management of power for civil use民用电力管理
management of power for industrial use工业用电管理
management of power use用电管理
matrix of purchasing power parity购买力平价矩阵
organ of supreme power最高权力机关
overconcentration of power权力过度集中
peaceful utilization of atomic power原子能和平利用
power function of a test检验功效函数
power of a test检验功效
power of alienation财产转让权
power of appointment财产归属指名权
power of attorney委托证
power of attorney代理证
power of consumption消费能力
power of dispersion分散能力
power of example榜样的力量
power of export and import进出口权
power of hydrogenPH值
power of hydrogen酸碱度
power of hypothesis test假设检验能力
power of mortgage抵押权
power of representation代理权
power of sale销售权指债务到期未偿还,受托人有出售抵押品以偿债的权力
power of statistic统计功效
power of substitution代理委托权
power of test试验功效
power of test检验权
power of veto否决权
price of labour power劳动力价格
purchasing power of US dollar美元购买力
quality of power supply电力供应质量
quantity theory of the purchasing power of money货币购买力数量学说
rate of power功率
reproduction of labor-power劳动力再生产
shortness of power动力不足
sources of power权力来源
stabilization of power grids电网稳定
stimulation of purchasing power购买力刺激
times of interest payable by carrying power收益所能负担利息的倍数
unified calculation of power grids电网统一核算
value of labor power劳动力价值