
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing Plant | all forms | exact matches only
acid plant喜酸性植物
acid plant适酸性植物
adnascent plant附生植物
aerial plant树上附生植物
aerial plant气生植物
air conditioning plant空气调节设备
alfalfa plant bug苜蓿盲蝽
American Society of Plant Physiologists美国植物生理学家协会
animal carried milking plant畜力驮载式挤奶装置
Animal, Plant and Health Inspection Service动植物卫生检验处
animal plant feedstuff动植物饲料
animal/plant interface动物/植物界面
basiphilic plant适碱植物
basiphilic plant嗜碱植物
basiphilous plant适碱植物
basiphilous plant嗜碱植物
blister plant毛莨 (Ranunculus acris)
blood drying plant血粉车间
blood drying plant血液干燥装置
breaking plant破碎设备
breaking plant粉碎车间
breaking plant粉碎工厂
breeding for yearly plant一年生植物育种
broiler plant肉用仔鸡工厂
Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine昆虫学与植物检疫局 (USA)
butter-making plant制奶油设备
butter-making plant制奶油工厂
by-product of the plant processing农产品加工副产品
by-products plant副产品加工厂
casing cleaning plant毛肠刮洗车间
castor-oil plant蓖麻
cheese making plant干酪厂
cheese plant制干酪设备
cheese plant制干酪厂
cheese plant equipment干酪厂设备
cheese plant equipment干酪生产设备
cheese-making plant制干酪设备
cheese-making plant制干酪厂
chilling plant冷却设备
climax plant community最佳植物群落处于生长发育良好阶段的适合当地生境的稳定植物群落
cold storage plant冷藏库
combined rendering and extraction plant畜脂熬炼和抽提联合装置
commercial refrigerating plant商用冷藏库
common egg-plant大圆茄类 (Solanum melongena var. esculentum)
Commonwealth Bureau of Plant Breeding and Genetics联邦植物育种遗传学局 (UK)
compound feed plant配合饲料加工厂
computer controlled plant计算机控制设备
condensed milk plant炼乳厂
coniferous plant松柏科植物
continuous bleaching plant油脂连续脱色装置
continuous mixing plant连续式搅拌机
corn plant pulp全玉米浆渣
creeping plant匍匐植物
crushing plant粉碎车间
cubing plant压块机
D-activated plant sterol沉钙固醇
D-activated plant sterol骨化醇
D-activated plant sterol维生素 D2
dairy plant乳品加工厂
dairy plant乳品处理区
dairy plant乳品
dairy plant waste制酪场废物
day-neutral plant中日照植物对日照时数不要求特长或特短,不论长日照或短日照都能开花
deep-root plant深根性植物
dehydrated corn plant脱水全玉米
dehydration plant脱水设备
dehydration plant脱水车间
destruction plant销毁工厂
dew plant茅膏菜 (Drossera)
dry milk plant奶粉工厂
dry milk plant奶粉厂
dry rendering plant干法炼油设备
dry-ice making plant干冰厂
egg breaking plant打蛋车间
electronically controlled plant for selffeed-ing电子操纵的自由采食设备
European Committee for Plant Protection Research欧洲植物保护研究委员会
exotic plant引人的植物
extruding plant挤压设备
facultative plant兼性植物
fat-splitting plant油脂裂解工厂
federal inspected meat plant美国联邦政府监督的肉联厂
Federation of British Plant Pathologists英国植物病理学家联合会
feed processing plant饲料调制设备
feed processing plant饲料加工厂
feed steaming plant饲料蒸煮装置
feeding plant饲养场
feeding plant饲喂间
feeding plant肥育场
fibre plant纤维植物
fish meal plant鱼粉厂
fish meal plant鱼粉车间
fish meal plant鱼粉生产设备装置
flaking plant压片机
fodder plant饲用植物
fodder plant饲料植物
forage drying plant饲草干燥厂
forage drying plant饲草烘干厂
forage plant栽培或野生饲用植物
forage plant饲用植物
forage plant饲料植物
freezing plant冷藏装置
garbage disposed plant垃圾处理厂
glacial plants冰雪植物群落
gobar gas plant戈巴沼气印度式
granulating plant制粒机
grass drying plant饲草干燥厂
grass drying plant饲草烘干厂
grass like plant似禾草植物
green crop plant青饲作物
grinding and bagging plant磨碎和装袋设备
gun washing-down plant高压水冲洗设备
half-hardy plant半耐寒植物
hay-plant西藏干草 (Prangos pabularia)
hay plant干草植物适宜作干草的细长植物
head handling plant头部加工车间
herbage plant草地植物
hoof handling plant猪蹄加工线
hoof handling plant猪蹄加工间
in-bottle sterilizing plant瓶装牛奶杀菌设备
International Association for Plant Physiology国际植物生理学协会
International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Plants国际有害动植物生物防治机构
International Society of Plant Pathology国际植物病理学会
leguminous plants豆科植物
locker plant营业冷藏库
locker plant冷藏货栈加工家畜、家禽、冷冻和贮藏产品
locker plant出租的冷藏设备
maternal plant母本植物
meat packing plant肉品加工厂
meat packing plant肉品联合企业
meat producing plant屠宰场
meat producing plant屠宰企业
milk bottling plant牛奶装瓶机
milk bottling plant牛奶装瓶厂
milk condensing plant牛奶浓缩车间
milk condensing plant牛奶浓缩机
milk condensing plant牛奶浓缩设备
milk evaporating plant牛奶浓缩车间
milk evaporating plant牛奶浓缩机
milk pasteurizing plant牛奶巴氏杀菌装置
milk pasteurizing plant消毒牛奶加工厂
milk plant牛奶处理间
milk powder plant奶粉工厂
milk processing plant牛奶加工厂
milk recombining plant再配制奶设备
milk sterilizer plant牛奶灭菌设备
milk sterilizer plant消毒牛奶加工厂
milk sterilizing plant牛奶灭菌设备
milk sterilizing plant消毒牛奶加工厂
milking plant牛奶加工厂挤奶区是散放牛舍中集中挤奶的地方,包括挤奶厅 (milking parlor)和贮奶间 (milk house)等
mobile feed compounding plant移动式饲料工厂
mobile feed grinding plant可移动的粉碎设备
mobile feed proportioning processing plant移动式饲料加工设备
molasses mixing plant糖蜜混合机
naturalized plant驯化植物
naturalized plant乡土化植物
nectar plant蜜源植物
noxious woody plants杂树经济价值很低的,对农牧业用地有侵占性的灌木和乔木
often cross-pollinated plant常异交植物
one-specie plant单一品种家畜屠宰场
ornithophilous plant鸟媒植物
packing plant罐头厂
packing plant肉类包装厂
parent plant or animal动植物的亲代
parental plant亲株
parental plant亲本植株
paternal plant父本植株
periodic batch mixing plant批量进料搅拌设备
pet food plant玩赏动物饲料加工厂
pilot-plant fermenter中间试验发酵罐
pilot plant trial中间生产试验
pitcher plant杂种猪笼草 (Nepenthes hybrida)
pitcher plant瓶子草属 (Sarracenia)
plant bulk设备安装尺寸
plant by-product植物副产品指蔬菜、水果等加工的副产品
plant cultivation植物栽培
plant estrogen植物性雌激素
plant growth factor植物生长因素
plant-growth substance植物生长调节剂
plant immunology植物免疫学
plant in rows行播
Plant Protection Society中国植物保护学会 (China)
plant rennet植物性粗制凝乳酶
plant rennet植物蛋白酶
plant residues植物残茬
plant residues植物性下脚料
plant sociology植物社会学
plant status植被状态
plant toxin植物毒素
pneumatic discharging plant气流卸料装置
pod bearing plant结荚植物
pod bearing plant豆科植物
pod-bearing plant豆科植物
podded plant豆科作物
poison plant有毒植物
pollen plant粉源植物
poult dressing plant禽肉加工厂
poult dressing plant家禽屠宰厂
poultry dressing plant禽肉加工厂
poultry dressing plant家禽屠宰场
poultry-plant waste家禽饲养场废物
poultry processing plant家禽加工厂
range plant牧区植物
reduction plant鱼粉加工厂
refrigeration plant制冷机
rendering plant动物油厂
reproduction or multiplication of plant or animal动植物的生殖或繁殖
roasting plant烟丝烘烤机
roasting plant烘烤设备
sand dune plant沙丘植物
sarmentous plant蔓生植物
semi-scale plant中间规模工厂
slaughtering and meat processing or dressing plant肉联厂
slaughtering and meat processing or dressing plant屠宰及肉类加工联合工厂
slaughtering plant屠宰场
Spanish oyster plant黄花蓟
succulent plant多汁植物
synthetic plant milk植物合成奶
tapioca plant木薯
teart plant高钼植物
test plant试验植物
toxic plant有毒植物
trailer tipping plant翻斗车装置
true indigo plant槐蓝
volunteer plant自生植物
waste water clarifying plant污水净化处理
waste water clarifying plant污水净化澄清装置
whey utilization plant乳清利用设备或工厂
wind-pollinated plant风媒植物
wolf plant狼草密集粗硬的枯草
young plant of mulberry桑苗