
Terms containing P/C | all forms | in specified order only
pharm.Bismuth Subcarbonate N. C. P必斯 (碱式碳酸铋 (bismuth subcarbonate) 片剂商品名;止泻药)
met.blast furnace with conventional P.C.I.常规粉煤喷吹高炉
textileC. and P. coat and pants男式上衣和短裤
tech.C. I. P. W. system of rock classification四氏岩石分类法
chem.C. O. P.coefficient of performance冷冻系数
pharm.C. P. Jasper正大捷普 (阿昔洛韦-玻璃酸钠 (aciclovir and sodium hyaluronate) 滴眼液商品名;眼科用药)
interntl.trade.carriage and insurance paid to C/P运费及保险费付至目的地
met.conventional P.C.普通煤粉喷吹
met.conventional P.C.I.常规粉煤喷吹
auto.C.P.= calorific power热值
auto.C.P.= calorific power发热量
auto.C.P.= car park车场
fin.C.P. A certified public accountant注册公共会计师
pharm.C.P. Bright正大维他 (硫酸锌、尿囊素及玻璃酸钠所制滴眼液商品名;眼科用药)
anim.husb.C/P ratio卡/蛋白质比
anim.husb.C/P ratio能量蛋白比
genet.cytochrome p450-2C19细胞色素 p450-2C19
genet.cytochrome p450-2C19 gene细胞色素 p450-2C19基因
genet.cytochrome p450-2C19 gene polymorphism细胞色素 p450-2C19 基因多态性
bridg.constr.diagram of standard railway live load specified by P. R.C中活载图
perf.D.M.P. E.C. isobutyrate异丁酸二甲基苄基乙酯
perf.D.M.P. E.C. isobutyrate异丁酸D. M.P.E.C.酯
perf.D.M.P. E.C. isobutyrate异丁酸二甲基苯乙基甲酯
pharm.Hexin-N.C.P.血气新 (烟酸肌醇 (inositol nicotinate) 片剂商品名;血管舒张药)
busin.I'm sorry. We can't accept D/P or D/A. We insist on payment by L/C对不起,我们不接受付款交单和承兑交单的付款方式,我们只接受信用证付款
commer.Ing.C.Olivetti & C.S.P.A.奥利维蒂公司 (1908)
perf.Ionol C-PBHT抗氧化剂
agric.p. i. c.动力输人联接轴
bridg.constr.P. R. C.中华人民共和国
met.P. R. C. electrolysis周期反向电流电解
met.P-C coke operation石油焦操作
met.P-C coke performance石油焦操作
hockey.P.C. Goal短角球进球
met.P-C operation石油焦炭操作 (高炉的)
securit.P/C ratio市价流量比
genet.pαC10 shuttle vectorpαC10 穿梭载体
spaceP/C S/N part code serial number部件编码序列号
AI.Perturb and Combine P&C族算法一类神 (P&C)经网络基础算法
tech.return trip C/P往返航程船租合同
exhib.return trip c/p往返航次租船合同
tech.return trip C/P往返航次船租合同
exhib.single trip c/p单航次租船合同
logist.single-trip C/P单航次租船合同
bridg.constr.standard railway live load specified by P. R. C.中活载 (P. R. C. The People's Republic of China)
bridg.constr.Standards of Ministry of Railways of P. R. C.中华人民共和国铁道部标准
earth.sc.System of Rock Classification C.I.P.W.克伊皮华岩石分类法 (Cros. iddings,Pirsson, Washington)
earth.sc.System of Rock Classification C.I.P.W.C.I.P.W. 〔四氏〕岩石分类法 (Cros. iddings,Pirsson, Washington)