
Terms containing On | all forms | exact matches only
gen.abortion-on-demand要求流产 〔堕胎〕权
gen.Actually, if you miss the freight arrival, you d probably have to pay dock dues on the cargo事实上,如果货物已到达,您却不经意忽略了,您可能要支付码头费
gen.aircraft on ground地面飞机机场上的飞机
gen.American Congress on surveying and Mapping美国厕绘学会
gen.Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry化学进展年报杂志名
gen.Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section A: "Inorganic Chemistry"化学进展年报,A 辑:"无机化学"
gen.Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section B: "Organic Chemistry"化学进展年报,B 辑:"有机化学"
gen.Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section C: "Physical Chemistry"化学进展年报,C 辑:"物理化学"
gen.apply M on把M作用〔加到〕N 上 (N)
gen.Are the gifts sent anonymously on Valentine's Day?情人节送出的礼物都是匿名的吗?
gen.Are these clothes on sales?这些衣服搞特价吗?
gen.Are you on a special diet?你在节食吗?
gen.automatic digital on-line instrumentation system自动数字联机测试系统
gen.bang on正好打中
gen.bend one's mind on专心致志于
gen.be big on喜〔偏〕爱
gen.blunder on碰见
gen.blunder on无意中发现
gen.bottom on建立在…的基础上
gen.bound on猛扌卜
bowl.bowling on a wrong lane投错球道
bowl.bowling on the green草地保龄球运动
wushu.boxing on plum-blossom stakes梅花桩拳
gen.br shook onM 对M 着迷
gen.br shook onM 倾心于M
gen.burst on突然出现〔到达〕
gen.burst on猛烈地向内打开
gen.burst on打断谈话
gen.burst on闯进
gen.carry on随身携带
gen.carry on坚持下去
gen.carry on处理
gen.carry on从事
gen.carry on进行下去
gen.carry on继续开展
gen.carry on装在…上
gen.carry on开展
judo.Carry on!裁判用语继续比赛!
gen.carry on an investigation in对…进行研究
gen.carry on an investigation into对…进行研究
gen.carry on negotiations withM 与 M 进行谈判〔继续交涉〕
gen.carry out an experiment on对…做实验
gen.carry out an experiment on做…实验
gen.centre attention on把注意力集中在…上
gen.centre on以…为中心
gen.centre on集中在〔于〕
gen.chance on偶然发现
gen.chance on碰巧看见
gen.city on the sea靠海的城市
gen.clock on考勤机记录来上班时间
gen.cloud on给…投下一层暗影
gen.Communications on Pure & Applied Mathematics纯粹写应用数学通讯
gen.computer output on microfilm计算机缩微胶片输出
gen.computer with on-line remote device联机遥控设备计算机
gen.computer with on-line remote devices远程联机装置计算机
gen.congratulate M on因为 N 向 M 祝贺 (N)
gen.congratulate M on祝贺 M 的 N (N)
gen.Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy国会-两院联合原子能委员会
gen.converge on找〔来〕到
gen.converge on集中在…上
gen.Coordinating Committee on Water Research水利研究协调委员会
gen.crack down on制裁
gen.crack down on严惩
gen.crack down on镇压
gen.crack down on对…采取严厉措施
gen.crack on继续
gen.crack on加油
gen.creep on时间不知不觉过去
IMF.cut down onM 缩减 M
gen.cut down onM 减少 M
gen.cut one's eyeteeth on很早就开始从事
gen.cut one's eyeteeth on从小就开始学习…
gen.cut on急速前进
gen.cut on the bias斜切〔裁〕
gen.dart on向…冲击
gen.dawn on one's mind真相变明白
gen.determine onupon,to + inf.决定
gen.devote oneself on从事
gen.dine on吃…当正餐
gen.direct-on-face stower直进式填充机
gen.direct M on to把M对准〔向着,朝着,对到,射向〕N (N)
gen.draw a draught on开一张付给…的支票
gen.draw bead on目的在于
gen.draw bead on以…为靶子
gen.draw bead on用枪瞄准某人
gen.draw on引起
gen.draw on吸引
gen.draw on动〔引,利〕用
gen.draw on靠〔挨,接〕近
gen.draw on
gen.draw on the International Monetary Fund向国际货币基金组织提款
gen.draw the curtain onM 掩盖M
gen.draw the curtain onM 结束M
gen.drive on鞭策
gen.drive on激励
gen.drive on继续行驶
gen.drive-on drive off ship机动车辆专运船
gen.effect of M on NM对 N 的作用〔影响〕
gen.effects of weapons on targets武器对目标的毁坏作用
gen.employ oneself on花费时间在
gen.employ oneself on从事于
gen.enforce obedience on强迫…服从
gen.exclaim on抗议
gen.Excuse me, sir. I noticed that the astray on the table was broken. Do you know how it happened?打扰一下,先生。我发现桌上的烟灰缸摔碎了,您知道是怎么回事吗?
gen.exert an influence on对… 施加影响
gen.exert an influence on对…发生〔施加〕影响
gen.exert pressure on对…施加压力
gen.face on朝着
gen.flash on很快明
gen.flash on立刻心领神会
gen.flash on立刻领悟
gen.flash on顿悟
gen.flash on服迷幻药后感觉飘飘然
gen.flash on突然发亮
gen.glom on to占有…
gen.glom on to理解
gen.glom on to把…据为已有
judo.Grasp is on!裁判用语固技开始!
gen.graven on one's heart铭记在心
gen.graven on one's heart铭记心上
gen.happen on碰巧碰上〔发现〕
gen.heaps on heaps累累
gen.hinge on关键在于
gen.hinge on靠铰链转动
gen.hinge on依…为转移
gen.hinge on…视…而定
gen.hit on偶然想出
gen.hit on发现
gen.hit on碰见
gen.hit on碰在…上
gen.hit on碰撞
gen.hit on撞击
gen.hit the nail on the head完全做对了
gen.hit the nail on the head说〔猜〕对了
gen.hit the right nail on the head说得〔解释,理解〕正确
gen.hit the right nail on the head做得恰到好处
gen.hit the right nail on the head中肯
gen.hit the nail on the head正中
gen.hold a tolerance of M on把 N的公差限制在M (N)
gen.hold an exhibition on举办…展览会
wushu.hold fists on hips抱拳
judo.Hold is on!裁判用语固技开始!
gen.hold on忍受
gen.hold on拉住
gen.hold on抓牢
gen.hold on支,维 (to)
gen.hold on使固定
gen.hold on继续
gen.hold on等—下
gen.Hold on a second, please. Right, sir. You are booked and confirmed on flight 109 to Paris tomorrow请稍等。是的,先生。您明天去巴黎的109航班机已确认无误
gen.Hold on for just a second, so I can grab a pen and paper稍等一下,让我拿下纸笔
gen.hold on hard坚持
gen.hold on hard紧握
gen.Hold on, please请稍等
gen.Hold on, please. I'll check her schedule. You can meet with Ms. Carling at 10:00 tomorrow请稍等,我查一下她的日程。您明天10:00可以会见卡玲女士
gen.Hold on please. I'll connect with our Advance Reservations请稍等一下,我给您接预订部
gen.Hold on, sir. I'm connecting you with 911请稍等,我帮您打911
gen.Hollywood movie producers believe that most Americans want to see action movies. Many of their movies show scenes in which the actors chase each other in cars, or in airplanes or on foot好莱坞的电影制片人认为美国人大多喜欢看动作片,于是许多电影便充斥着演员开车、开飞机或徒步追逐的场面
gen.How long will the cast be on?石膏要打多久?
gen.How many ports do I call at on our passage to New York?去纽约一路上要停靠几个港口?
gen.If I find any cuts or scraps on their bodies I apply healing ointment to their wounds如果在他们身上看到了任何的伤痕,我就用药膏涂在上面
gen.if the job is of small dimensions, whether to use planer or shaper will depend mainly on the quantity required如果工件是小尺寸的,那么是用龙门刨还是用牛头刨就主要取决于所需的数量
gen.If there isn't any room, we can get you on the waiting list or we can find you a room in another hotel如果没有空房间,我们可以将您放入等候名单中,一旦有空房就马上给您安排,或者为您在其他饭店找个房间入住
gen.If you can't lay your hand on a suite of diamonds, then look for exciting costume jewelry如果你买不起钻石,就试试漂亮的人造珠宝吧
gen.If you have to take a taxi, be sure the driver puts down the flag on the meter when you get in如果打车,上车时要确保司机重打计价器
gen.If you need to clean your room, put the clean card on the door如果您需要清理房间,请把“清洁牌”挂在门外
gen.If your flight reservation was made on another website or through a travel agent, you may view and save your reservation into your account by entering the confirmation number and your last name on our website如果您是在其他网站或通过旅行社预订的航班,则可以通过在航空公司官网输入确认编号和您的姓氏来查看,并将预订保存到您的账户中
gen.Imagine you were being informed by finance that the traveler's check you had accepted yesterday is not valid because the guest had signed on the wrong position. How would you feel?想象一下,财务部通知你,昨天你收到的一张旅行支票客人签字签错了地方,所以无效,你会怎么办?
gen.insist on坚决主张
gen.insist on一定要
gen.insist on坚持
gen.inverse strength dependences on temperature强度就越低
gen.inverse strength dependences on temperature强度与温度成反比的关系
gen.inverse strength dependences on temperature温度越高
gen.keep a check on检査
gen.keep a check on控制
gen.keep a check on监视
gen.Keep a close eye to your carry-on when you are in the departure lounge在候机室时要看管好自己的随身行李
gen.keep a jealous eye on担心地注视着
gen.keep a slack rein on sth.漫不经心地处理某事
gen.keep a slack rein on sth.放任自流
gen.keep an eye on留心
gen.keep an eye on注意
gen.keep an eye on密切注视
gen.keep an eye on照看
gen.keep one's finger on the pulse of充分了解…
gen.keep one's finger on the pulse of掌握…的脉搏
gen.keep one's mind on留心
gen.keep one's mind on注意
gen.keep one's mind on专心于
gen.keep on接连不断
gen.keep on让…一直…着
gen.keep on前进
gen.keep on反复
gen.keep on继续进行
gen.keep on a file存卷
gen.keep on a file归档
gen.keep on a file汇存
gen.keep on a file订存
gen.keep ...on an even keel使…的首尾保持在同一水平上
gen.keep ...on an even keel使…保持平稳
gen.keep on one's course孢定宗旨
gen.keep on one's course坚持方针
gen.keep on one's course不变方向
gen.keep on the course尽自己的职责
gen.keep on the course笔直走
gen.keep on the course循正确道路前进
gen.keep on the course循跑道前进指马
gen.keep M on the move使 M 继续运〔流〕动
gen.keep on the rails使循规蹈矩
gen.keep on the rails使安分守己
gen.keep straight on一直做下去
gen.keep straight on继续直进
gen.lay a finger on干涉
gen.lay a finger on动手打
gen.lay a finger on正确明白指出错误,痛处
gen.lay a finger on触犯
gen.lay a finger on触碰〔犯〕
gen.lay one's account on期待
gen.lay one's account on指望
gen.lay one's account on把… 估计在内
gen.lay an embargo on对…予以禁止〔阻止,限制〕
gen.lay an embargo on…禁止…输出〔出口,出人〕
gen.lay an embargo on commerce with禁止与…贸易
gen.lay emphasis on把重点放在…
gen.lay emphasis on着重于
gen.lay emphasis on强调
gen.lay hands on找到
gen.lay hands on伤害
gen.lay hands on占有
gen.lay hands on抓住
gen.lay hold on到手
gen.lay hold on掌握
gen.lay hold on控制住
gen.lay hold on占有
gen.lay hold on握〔抓〕住
gen.lay hold on得到
gen.lay one's hope on把希望寄托在…上
gen.lay one's hopes on把希望寄托在…上
gen.lay on安排
gen.lay on加…于人
gen.lay on
gen.lay on放在…上
gen.lay on涂抹
gen.lay M on its side on把M侧着放在N 上 (N)
gen.lay on the colours夸大 (too thickly)
gen.lay on the colours过分渲染 (too thickly)
gen.lay on the shelf废弃不用
gen.lay on the shelf束之高阁
gen.lay on the shelf搁在架子上
gen.lay...on the table把…搁置下来调査等
gen.lay one's finger on干涉
gen.lay one's finger on触犯
gen.lay one's finger on正确明白指出错误,痛处
gen.lay store on重视
gen.lay stress on把重点放在…上
gen.lay stress on着重
gen.lay stress on重视
gen.lay stress on注意
gen.lay stress on着重
gen.lay stress on强调
gen.lay the blame on M for使M负N 之责 (N)
gen.lay the blame on M for把N的责任归咎于M (N)
gen.lay the saddle on the right wrong horse夸奖该夸奖的人
gen.lay the saddle on the right wrong horse责备该责备的人
gen.lay undue emphasis on过分强调
gen.lay weight on重视
gen.lay weight on着重
gen.lay weight on强调
gen.Let me see if he's here, hang on. OK?我看看他在不在。等一下,好吗?
gen.Let me see what s available... Yes, Air China has a flight on March 28 th at 7:30 pm, besides, the United also has a flight at 9:00 am让我查一查余票。中国国航有一班3月28日晚上7点30分起飞的飞机。美联航也有一班,早上九点起飞
gen.let on揭发
gen.let on假装
gen.let on泄露
gen.Let's go to Times Square on a metro咱们乘地铁去时代广场吧
gen.lift the curtain onM 揭露M
gen.lift the curtain onM 揭开M的序幕
gen.load M on装载〔满〕 (N)
gen.load M on把 M 加 〔装〕到N上给…加上负载〔带上负荷〕 (N)
gen.make a comer on垄断
gen.make a comer on囤积
gen.make a descent on侵人
gen.make a descent on袭击
gen.make a draught on a bank从银行提出
gen.make a favourable impression on给…以好的印象
gen.make a few observations onM 对 M 表示〔发表〕一些意见
gen.make a requisition on M for向 M 征用 N (N)
gen.make a speech on current affairs作关于当前形势的报告
gen.make an assault on对…进行突然袭击
gen.make an assault on突击
gen.make an experiment on对…做实验
gen.make an experiment on做…实验
gen.make an impression on使感动
gen.make an impression on在…上留下〔产生〕痕迹
gen.make an impression on给与印象
gen.make an investigation on对… 进行调査研究
gen.make no impression on对…无影响〔效果〕
gen.make remonstrance with sb. on hisM 对某人的M提出抗议〔谏诫〕
gen.make research on进行… 的科学研究
gen.make war onM 同 M 作战
gen.make war onM 对 M 进行战争
gen.march on向…推进
gen.march on逼近
gen.march on使前进
gen.march on继续前进
gen.Michael stubbed out his cigarette and put on work pants, work shirt and the peaked cap most Sicilian men wore迈克尔掐灭了香烟头,穿上了工作裤、工作衫,戴上了大多数西西里男子常戴的那种鸭舌帽
gen.model M on按照〔仿照〕N制作〔仿制〕M (N)
gen.mount M on把M架〔安装〕在N上 (N)
gen.move on促使…前进〔移动〕
gen.move on进行
gen.move on进一步讨论〔研究〕 (into,to)
gen.move on继续运动〔前进〕
gen.move on继续前进
checkers.move on the diagonal沿对角线走
gen.move on to移〔搬,转〕到…上
gen.Mr. Zhang, I learned that Chinese people have Jiaozi on New Year's Eve. Why?张先生,我听说中国人在除夕夜吃饺子。为什么?
gen.muddle on混日子
gen.muddle on敷衍〔胡乱混〕过去
gen.multiple on course signal多航向信号
gen.National Committee on Radiation Protection国家辐射防护委员会
gen.National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurement国家辐射防护和测量委员会
gen.obtrude M on把M 强加于N (N)
gen.obtrude M on强迫N接受M (N)
gen.OK, we'll look for it. Hold on, please好的,我们给您找找,请稍等
gen.pack on all sail扯足风帆
gen.parasite on the community社会的寄生虫
gen.payable on receipt奇在收到〔货物〕后付款
gen.Pharmacologists are studying up on allergic reaction of this medicine药理学家们正在认真研究这种药的过敏反应
gen.play a searchlight on the along the road用探照灯照射云端〔道路,海面〕
gen.play a searchlight on the clouds用探照灯照射云端〔道路,海面〕
gen.play a searchlight on the over the sea用探照灯照射云端〔道路,海面〕
gen.play on利用弱点
gen.play on words玩弄文字
gen.plot a ship's course on a chart把船的航线标绘在航海图上
gen.plot out on the chart在航海图上标明船的位置
gen.plume oneself onM 以M为荣
gen.plume oneself onM 以M自夸
gen.print from M on用 M 印到 N 上 (N)
gen.print on the memory记在心上
gen.print on the mind记在心上
gen.puck tied up on the boards挤球至界墙
gen.pump forces mud through hose on drilling pipe泵把泥浆通过软管打到钻管里
gen.recoil on报应
gen.Remember to cover yourself with a blanket when you sleep on the plane在飞机上睡觉的时候,记得盖毯子
gen.report on关于…的报告
gen.report on就…问题提出报告
gen.report on work工作报告
gen.Reports on Progress in Physics物理学进展报告
gen.rest one's argument on facts以事实作为论据
gen.rest on相信
gen.rest on建立在…上
gen.rest on以…为根据
gen.rest on倚靠〔赖〕
gen.rest M on把 M 搁〔靠〕在 N 上 (N)
gen.rest on one's oars暂时休息一会儿
gen.see that direct heat does not play on it当心别让它直接受热
gen.Senate Committee on Aeronautics and Space Sciences参议院航空与空间科学委员会
gen.set a bridle on克制
gen.set a bridle on抑制
gen.set a bridle on控制
gen.set a gloss on掩饰〔盖〕
gen.set a gloss on使具有光泽
gen.set a gloss on润饰
gen.set a high value on给予…很高的评价
gen.set a high value on重视
gen.set a much value on给予…很高的评价
gen.set a much value on重视
econ.set a price onM 定 M 的价格
gen.set eyes on看到
gen.set eyes on注视
gen.set eyes on瞧见
gen.set foot on踏上
gen.set one's heart on专心致志于…目标
gen.set one's heart on使…下决心做
gen.set one's heart on渴望
gen.set high price on不够,不重视
gen.set little price on不够,不重视
gen.set one's mind on决心要很想要
gen.set no count on轻视
gen.set no count on看不起
gen.set no price on不够,不重视
gen.set on攻〔迎〕击
gen.set on确定
gen.set on定位
gen.set on安置
gen.set on调节
gen.set on煽动
gen.set on着手
gen.set on动身
gen.set on决〔专〕心
gen.set M on a pedestal把M当做崇拜的对象
gen.set M on a pedestal把M放在底座〔支架〕上
gen.set on edge弄锐利
gen.set on edge立着放
gen.set... on fire放火焚烧
gen.set... on fire纵火
gen.set on fire使燃烧
gen.set... on fire激发〔怒〕
gen.set... on fire使…燃烧
gen.set... on foot着手
gen.set... on foot开始
gen.set... on foot发动
gen.set out on a journey出发旅行
gen.set the saddle on the right wrong horse夸奖该夸奖的人
gen.set the saddle on the right wrong horse责备该责备的人
gen.set the seal on批淮
gen.set the seal on盖印于
gen.set too high a valuation on把… 估计得太高
gen.She has a buzz cut, a nose ring and tattoos on both arms她留着短发,带着鼻环,两臂上刺有文身
gen.shift M on把 M推〔卸〕给 N
gen.shift M on to把 M推〔卸〕给 N
gen.Some of us got giddy on the dance floor我们有些人在舞池中转晕了
gen.Something is wrong with my wife. She's lying on the floor. She's unconscious!我妻子生病了。她瘫倒在地,不省人事!
gen.Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee有时候,我们在过于关注杯子的同时却忘记了去品味咖啡
gen.spit on溅到…上
gen.spit on侮辱
gen.spit on轻蔑
gen.spring a surprise onM 使M 吃一惊
gen.spring onM 突然向 M 提出
gen.spring onM 袭击 M
gen.stamp M on把M盖〔刻,打〕在N上 (N)
gen.stamp M on在N上盖上M (N)
gen.stamp on扑灭
gen.stamp on
gen.stamp on拒绝
gen.stamp on
wushu.stance on one leg独立步
gen.steady M on使M扶住 〔把牢〕N (N)
gen.steady M on把M固定在N上 (N)
gen.stretch M on把 M 绷在 N 上 (N)
gen.Sub-committee on Programming Terminology程序设计术语小组委芦会
gen.Surgeons have to operate on this patient immediately医生们不得不立刻为这位病人手术
gen.swing through equal angles on each side两边摆动夹角相等
gen.switch on合上电门
gen.switch on使接通
gen.switch on
gen.switch on启动
gen.switch on the electric light开电灯
gen.switched networks providing connections on a few seconds basis can be used可采用接线速度为几秒的交换网络
gen.Thanksgiving is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday of November in the USA and on the second Monday of October in Canada在美国,每年十一月的第四个星期四便是感恩节,而在加拿大,感恩节则是在十月份的第二个星期一
wushu.tiger pounces on its prey猛虎扑食
gen.trade in M on用M折价换取N (N)
gen.trade in M on将M作价购买N (N)
gen.trade on为自私的目的利用
gen.Traditionally, spring begins on St. Valentine's Day February 14th , the day on which birds chose their mates. In parts of Sussex, Valentine's Day was called “the Birds,Wedding Day”按照传统,情人节这一天也预示着春天的来临,小鸟们会在这个时候选择它们的伴侣。在英国的苏塞克斯郡,人们称情人节为“百鸟成婚节”
gen.trip onM 被 M 绊倒
gen.try an experiment on对…做实验
gen.try an experiment on做…实验
gen.try it on the other leg试用所剩的最后方法去做
gen.Two Australians, Mack and Jill, are camping on the Kangaroo Island两名澳洲人,梅克和吉儿,正在袋鼠岛上露营
gen.up-on command上行指令
gen.vane on-off regulator翼形"开-断"〔双位自动〕调节器
gen.view on对…的观点〔看法,见解〕
gen.Washington is several hours slow on London华盛顿时间比伦敦时间晚几个小时
gen.wither on the vine流产
gen.wither on the vine夭折
gen.without reflecting on the consequences不顾后果
gen.Would you like to have cocktail or whisky on the rocks?您要鸡尾酒还是要威士忌加冰?
gen.Would you please let me have a look at the remarks on the receipt?请让我看一眼收据上的记录好吗?
gen.Would you please put them on the scale?把它们放在秤上好吗?
gen.Would you please put your suitcases and bags on the scale?您能把箱子和包放到秤上吗?
gen.Would you please seal your bag properly ? I'll place a fragile sticker on the bag ?您能妥善封好您的包吗?我会在行李上贴上易碎标签
gen.Would you put your baggage on the machine, please?请您把行李放在机器上好吗?
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