
Terms for subject Information technology containing Noise | all forms | exact matches only
acoustic noise声频噪声
additive noise可加噪声
additive white Gaussian noise加性白高斯噪声
additive white Gaussian noise channel加性高斯白噪声信道 (AWGN channel)
aliasing noise混叠噪声
ambient noise环境噪声
ambient noise level环境噪声电平
ambient noise level环境噪音水平
amplifier noise放大器噪声
amplitude- modulation noise level调幅噪声电平
antenna gain to noise temperature天线增益与噪声温度之比
antenna gain-to-noise-temperature天线增益与噪声温度之比
antenna noise temperature天线噪声温度
autocorrelation function of white noise白噪声自相关函数
automatic noise suppression自动噪声抑制
background noise背景噪声
black noise黑噪声
blue noise蓝色噪声
brown noise棕色噪声
burst noise突发噪音
carrier noise载波噪声
carrier noise level载波噪声电平
carrier to noise power ratio载波噪声功率比
carrier-to-noise ratio载波噪声比
carrier-to-receiver noise density载波-接收机噪声密度
channel noise figure信道噪声指数
channel noise level信道噪声电平
circuit noise电路噪声
circuit noise level电路噪声电平
closed loop noise bandwidth闭环噪声带宽
C-notched noise testingC 形缺口噪声测试
color noise颜色噪声
coloured noise有色噪声
common-mode noise共模噪音
contact noise接触噪声
cosmic noise宇宙噪声
Delta noiseδ 噪声
dynamic noise suppressor动态噪声抑制器
electric noise电噪声
electromagnetic noise电磁噪声
equation error noise等式误差噪音
equivalent satellite link noise temperature等效卫星链路噪声温度
feeder echo noise馈线回波噪声
flat noise power白噪声功率
flicker noise闪烁噪声
Gaussian noise高斯噪音
Gaussian noise高斯噪声
grey noise灰色噪声
high-noise immunity logic高抗扰度逻辑
impulsive noise脉冲噪声
intermodulation noise互调噪声
intrinsic noise固有噪声
line noise线路噪声
loop noise环路噪声
low noise amplifier低噪声放大器
man-made noise人为噪音
modal noise模式噪声
modal partition noise模式分配噪声
mode partition noise模式分配噪声
modulation noise调制噪声
natural noise自然噪声
network noise网络噪声
noise bandwidth噪声带宽
noise burst signal噪声突[猝]发信号
noise clipper干扰限制器
noise clipper静噪器
noise immunity扰度
noise induction噪声感应
noise power emission level噪声功能发射电平
noise ratio信噪比
noise source噪声源
noise suppressor噪声抑制器
optical signal to noise ratio光信噪比
orange noise橙色噪声
pink noise粉色噪声
polarization noise极化噪声
pseudo random noise伪随机噪声
pseudo random noise PRN code伪随机噪声码
pulse noise脉冲噪声
quantization noise量化噪音
quantizing noise量化噪声
radiated noise辐射噪声
radio field-to-noise ratio无线电场强噪声比
radio frequency noise射频噪声
radio noise无线电噪声
random noise digital simulation随机噪声数字仿真
receiver noise figure接收机噪声系数
reference noise参考[基准]噪声
signal-to-noise ratio信噪比
simultaneous switch noise同步开关噪声
sinusoid in noise噪声中正弦波
speech-oriented noise adjusting device通话的噪声调节器
stochastic noise随机噪声
thermal noise热噪声
total harmonic distortion noise总谐波失真噪声
velocity fluctuation noise速度脉动噪音
white Gaussian noise高斯白噪声
wideband noise宽带噪声
worst-case noise pattern最坏噪声模式
zener noise齐纳噪音