
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing New | all forms | exact matches only
appraisal of new product新产品鉴定
business expenditures for new plant and equipment新厂房和设备工商业支出额
establish new record of sequence length创造连续浇注炉数新记录
expense for trial manufacture of new product新产品试制费
formation of new nucleus新晶核形成
high and new tech development zone高新技术开发区
high and new tech enterprise高新技术企业
new-born grain新生晶粒
new continuous casting technology连铸新技术
new cut diamond新型钻石
new era in the steel industry钢铁工业新纪元 (The use of a lubricant and the introduction of a reciprocating movement of the mould were two of the many developments which helped to overcome the sticking problems and enabled continuous casting to begin a major 'new era' in the steel industry. 结晶器使用润滑剂和采用往复运动是克服粘结难题取得的两大进展,它使连铸由此开启了钢铁工业的一个重要新纪元。)
new grade【连】后一炉异钢种钢水
new grade新钢种
new independent wire rope core新型带芯钢丝绳
new independent wire rope core wire-rope新型带钢丝绳芯钢丝绳 (与 IWRC 钢丝绳相比,芯子较大、充填较满)
new ironmaking process炼铁新工艺
new KS magnet steel新 KS 磁钢 (6Al, 18Ni, 35Cu, 8Ti,余量 Fe; 25Ni, 12Al, 3Ti,余量 Fe)
new lining新炉衬
new nucleus新晶核
new refining process新精炼法
New Refining ProcessNRP 法 (【技】使用铁水罐脱磷,设有测温取样、排脱硅渣、脱磷和排脱磷渣四个工位。为防止跑渣铁,在铁水罐上设有浸渍槽。使用石灰系脱磷剂,通过调整渣中 CaO/O 之比可同时脱磷、脱硫。氧化剂用喷吹氧化铁和氧气,或顶加氧化铁和顶吹氧的方式供给。)
new room-temperature phase新室温相
new sand新砂
new source performance standard新污染源实施标准
new spray-roasting technique新喷雾焙烧技术
new steel grade新钢种
new steelmaking process炼钢新工艺
new steelmaking technology炼钢新技术 (As matters stand, he does not like to make the detail of the new steelmaking technology public. 鉴于目前情况,他不愿意公开这项炼钢新技术的细节。)
new TBP tributyl-phosphate process新磷酸三丁酯萃取法
new technology of continuous casting连铸新技术
new Ticonal magnet新提科纳尔磁铁
new Ticonal magnet新提科纳尔钛钴镍铝合金磁铁 (35Co, 14Ni, 7Al, 5Ti,余 量Fe)
new-type continuous caster新型连铸机
new-type continuous casting machine新型连铸机
new-type converter新型转炉
new-type furnace design新型炉子设计
new-type of steel新钢种
new-type rolling mill新型轧机
popularize new technology新技术推广
procedure of new product development新产品开发程序
production of new nucleus新晶核的产生
set new sequence length record创造连浇炉数新记录
state high and new technology development zone国家高新科技开发区
trial production of new product新产品试制