
Terms containing Marginal Cost | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
earth.sc.average marginal cost平均边际成本
earth.sc.composite marginal cost混合边际费用
econ.constant marginal cost固定边际成本
busin.constant marginal cost不变边际成本
econ.cost rising marginal上升的边际成本
econ.dangers of marginal cost with oligopoly寡占下边际成本定价法的危险
busin.decreasing marginal cost递减边际成本
econ.identity of short-run marginal cost and short-run supply schedules短期边际成本和短期供给表列的相等
busin.increasing marginal cost递增边际成本
econ.long run marginal cost长期运行边际成本
tech.long run marginal cost长航程限界价格
busin.long-range marginal cost长期边际成本
earth.sc.long-run marginal cost长期运转边际费用
busin.long-run marginal cost长期边际成本
clim.marginal abatement cost curve边际减排成本曲线
earth.sc.marginal abatement cost curve边际去污费用曲线
adv.marginal advertising cost边际广告成本
tech.marginal benefit-cost ratio边际利益费用比
tech.marginal benefit-cost ratio边际效益费用比
tech.marginal benefit-cost ratio边缘效益成本比
tech.marginal capacity cost边陆资本
econ.marginal cost边际的成本
econ.marginal cost边际成本
fin.marginal cost差额成本差异成本,差量成本
expl.marginal cost边际费用又称增量费用。工程或设备在某一规模处每增加一个单位规模〈如库容或装机容量〉所需增加的费用
earth.sc.marginal cost边际投资
busin.marginal cost边际成本指多生产一单位产量所追加的成本,亦即增加一单位产量,所引起的总成本增加额
hydroel.st.marginal cost边际费用
logist.marginal cost边际增量成本
agric.marginal cost边际价值
tech.marginal cost边缘费用
tech.marginal cost增支成本
econ.marginal cost and benefits边际成本及受益
tech.marginal cost and revenue边际费用和边际收入
oilmarginal cost-benefit analysis边际成本效益分析
commer.marginal cost break even边际成本不盈不亏
tech.marginal cost breakeven边际成本无盈亏点
busin.marginal cost curve边际成本曲线根据报酬递减律,边际成本会随产量先上升,后下降,其图形呈 U 型曲线
econ.marginal cost curve边际成本曲线
tech.marginal cost curve边缘成本曲线
textilemarginal cost efficiency边际成本效率
tech.marginal cost equation边际成本方程式
busin.marginal cost function边际成本函数
el.marginal cost method边际成本法
el.marginal cost method临界成本法
tech.marginal cost of acquisition边际取得成本
interntl.trade.marginal cost of acquisition边际取得成本 (marginal-factor cost)
econ.marginal cost of acquisition marginal-factor边际取得成本边际要素成本
busin.marginal cost of acquisition边际要素成本
interntl.trade.marginal cost of acquisition边际要素成本 (marginal-factor cost)
tech.marginal cost of acquisition边际所得物成本
busin.marginal cost of capital边际资金成本指筹措一元新增资金的成本
econ.marginal cost of capital边际资金成本
fin.marginal cost of capital资本边际成本
econ.marginal cost of capital资金的边际成本
tech.marginal cost of capital边际资本成本
earth.sc.marginal cost of electricity边际电力成本
busin.marginal cost of funds schedule资金边际成本表
busin.marginal cost of information信息边际成本
tech.marginal cost of information边际信息成本
tech.marginal cost of information信息的边标成本
interntl.trade.marginal cost of production边际生产成本
busin.marginal cost of production生产的边际成本
econ.marginal cost price边际成本价格
tech.marginal cost price边际成本定价法
econ.marginal cost pricing边际成本定价法
econ.marginal cost pricing按边际成本作价
oilmarginal cost pricing边际成本定价
IMF.marginal cost pricing按边际成本定价
busin.marginal cost pricing以边际成本订价
econ.marginal cost pricing dilemma with decreasing cost conditions边际成本定价法的两难窘境
econ.marginal cost pricing dilemma with decreasing cost conditions递减成本情况下
econ.marginal cost pricing in practice边际成本定价法的实行
interntl.trade.marginal cost pricing principles按边际成本订价的原则
tech.marginal cost vector边际成本向量
tech.marginal damage cost边际损害成本
earth.sc.marginal distribution capacity cost边际分配生产能量成本
interntl.trade.marginal factor cost边际要素成本
tech.marginal factor cost边际生产要素成本
fin.marginal factor cost of capital资本边际生产要素费用
busin.marginal monopoly cost边际垄断成本
econ.marginal opportunity cost边际机会成本
econ.marginal prime cost边际直接成本
econ.marginal prime cost边际主要成本
busin.marginal private cost个人边际成本
tech.marginal private cost边际私人费用
tech.marginal production operating cost边际生产经营成本
busin.marginal rate of return over cost弥补成本后的边际收益率
tech.marginal rate of return over cost弥补成本后的边际报酬率
econ.marginal social cost边际社会成本
tech.marginal social cost边际社会费用
busin.marginal supplementary cost边际补充成本
fin.marginal unit cost边际单位成本
busin.marginal user cost边际用户成本
tech.marginal user cost边际使用者费用
tech.marginal wage cost边际工资成本
tech.marginal wage cost边际工资费用
econ.marginal-factor cost边际要素成本
busin.monopoly marginal cost边际垄断成本
tech.price making according to marginal cost边际成本定价
tech.reduction with equal marginal cost等边际费用削减
busin.rising marginal cost curve上升边际成本曲线
tech.short run marginal cost短程极限价格
tech.short run marginal cost短程限界价格
textileshort-run marginal cost短期边际成本
textileshort-run marginal cost短期变动成本
busin.social marginal cost社会边际成本
econ.theory of marginal-cost pricing按边际成本形成价值论
fin.theory of marginal-cost pricing边际成本定价理论
econ.theory of marginal-cost pricing按边际成本定价论
busin.theory of marginal-cost pricing边际成本定价论