
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing Low | all forms | exact matches only
alloy of low electrical resistance低电阻合金
blowing at low temperature低温吹炼
casting speed of super low head continuous caster超低头连铸机拉坯速度
cold-drawn low carbon steel wire冷拉低碳钢丝
cold-drawn low carbon steel wire冷拔低碳钢丝
cold-rolled extra low carbon steel sheet冷轧超低碳薄钢板
critical low liquid steel level in tundish中间包钢水临界低液位 (【技】中间包内钢水在浇注过程中或在浇注末期的液面高度如果低于某一高度,钢水面就会产生旋涡,致使中间包内的渣子流人结晶器,直接影响连铸坯质量。此时的中间包内钢水面高度称之为中间包临界低液位。)
crown change at low pressure end【压】 低压端凸度变化
crystal of low symmetry低对称性晶体
deformation at low temperature低温变形
deformation of low temperature低温变形
degradation at low temperature reduction低温还原粉化 (率)
Demag-Humboldt low shaft process德马格-汉堡矮身炉炼铁法
Demag-Humboldt low-shaft process德马克-洪堡矮炉身炼铁法
Demag-Humboldt low shaft process德马克-洪堡矮身炉炼铁法
diffraction lines at low Bragg angle低布拉格角衍射线
disintegration at low temperature低温碎裂
disintegration at low temperature低温粉化
ductile cast iron pipe for carrying water at low pressure球墨铸铁低压水管
extra-low-carbon ferrochromium超低碳铬铁
extra-low carbon ferrochromium超低碳铬铁
extra-low-carbon interstitial-free steel超低碳无间隙原子钢
extra-low-carbon stainless steel超低碳不锈钢 (【技】通常指含碳量低于0.03%、具有避免晶间腐蚀能力的奥氏体不锈钢。对铁素体不锈钢而言,要避免晶间腐蚀就要求碳(或氮)含量必须低于0.01%。在一些情况下,不锈钢中加钛或铌固定钢中的碳,可减轻这种晶间腐蚀的敏感性。超低碳不锈钢可以采用氩氧脱碳精炼法或真空精炼脱碳法生产。)
extra-low carbon stainless steel超低碳不锈钢
extra-low-carbon steel超低碳钢
extra-low-carbon steel极低碳钢
extra-low carbon steel超低碳钢
extra-low-carbon steel wire超低碳钢丝
fake, counterfeit and low grade commodities假冒伪劣商品
fibre gasket impregnated with low melting point sealing compound浸有低熔点化合物的纤维密封圈 (【技】用于钢包下水口和长水口结合处的密封,能有效防止空气吸人造成钢流二次氧化。)
filling at low stockline level【铁】低料线装料
fine grain low alloy steel细晶粒低合金钢
flux with low crystallization temperature低结晶温度保护渣
flux with low melting point低熔点保护渣
Fröhling low-expansion mill弗罗林小弹性变形轧机
fully killed low alloy steel全脱氧低合金钢
hardening at low temperature低温硬化
high casting speed at low superheat低过热度快铸
high grade low alloy scrap优质低合金废料
high low control高低调节
high low limits高低限值
high low watt meter高低档瓦特表
high quality low phosphorus pig iron优质低磷生铁
high strength low alloy steel高强度低合金钢
high-speed continuous casting of ultra low carbon steel超低碳钢高速连铸
high-speed pouring at low temperature低温快注
high-strength, low-alloy高强度低合金
high-strength low-alloy steel高强度低合金钢 (【技】碳含量通常低于0. 25%,合金元素总量通常低于2.5%,可焊接屈服强度 ≥ 295MPa 的低碳、低合金工程结构用钢。)
hydraulic low clay gun液压矮泥炮
hydraulic low pressure station低压液压站
induction low-frequency furnace低频感应电炉
induction low-frequency furnace低频感应
Invar low expansion alloy因瓦低膨胀系数合金
Johanson's low-resistance trap约翰逊低阻抗捕汞器
leaded low-phosphorus steel含铅低磷易切削
leaded low-phosphorus steel含铅低磷钢
line of low intensity低强度线
low alkalinity sinter低碱度烧结矿
low alloy低组分合金
low-alloy high strength steel低合金高强度钢
low-alloy high-strength steel低合金高强度钢
low-alloy high-strength structural steel低合金高强度结构钢
low-alloy iron casting低合金铸铁件
low-alloy steel低合金钢 (【技】合金元素含量较低的钢。在我国,通常将合金元素总含量 ≤5% 的钢称为低合金钢。低合金钢一般包括可焊接的低合金高强度结构钢、低合金耐候钢、低合金钢筋钢、铁道用低合金钢、矿用低合金钢等。)
low-alloy steel casting低合金钢铸造
low-alloy steel casting低合金铸钢件
low-alloy steel plate for boiler锅炉用低合金钢板
low-alloy steel wire低合金钢丝
low-alloy tool steel低合金工具钢
low-alloyed high strength steel低合金高强度钢
low-angle boundary小角晶界
low angle boundary小角晶界
low angle camera小角衍射照相机
low angle method低角法
low-angle pair of diffraction arcs小角衍射线对
low-angle pair of diffraction arcs小角衍射线偶
low-angle pattern低角衍射花样
low-angle region低角区域
low-angle region小角区域
low-ash coke低灰分焦炭
low-ash coke低灰分焦
low-ash reducing material低灰分还原物料
low assay低含量
low assay低含量贵重组分试样
low baking低温烘烤 【焙】
low baking低温烘烤
low basicity低碱度
low basicity mold powder flux低碱度结晶器保护渣 (Low basicity mold powders for continuous casting have more tendency to produce a stable glassy flux film. 连铸用低碱度结晶器保护渣更倾向于生成稳定的玻璃质保护渣膜。)
low-basicity sinter低碱度烧结矿
low-basicity slag of converter低碱度转炉渣
low blast低风量
low-blast furnace常压高炉
low-blast furnace常压鼓风炉
low blast temperature blast furnace低风温高炉
low-blow brittle transition低能冲击脆断转变试验
low brass低锌黄铜 (80Cu, 20Zn)
low British thermal unit低热值
low-BTU fuel gas低发热值燃气
low-BTU fuel gas热值燃气
low-capacity cable小容量电缆
low-carbon Al-killed steelLCAK 钢
low-carbon Al-killed steel低碳铝镇静钢
low-carbon alloy低碳合金
low carbon aluminium killed低碳铝镇静
low-carbon aluminium-killed steel低碳铝镇静钢
low-carbon aluminium-killed steel with Ca treatment钙处理的低碳铝脱氧钢
low-carbon cast iron低碳铸铁
low-carbon cast steel低碳铸钢
low-carbon deep-drawing steel低碳深冲钢
low-carbon electrical steel低碳电工钢
low-carbon ferrochromium低碳铬铁
low-carbon ferro-manganese低碳锰铁 (Mn85,Fe15,0.2C)
low-carbon ferromolybdenum低碳钼铁
low-carbon ferronickel低碳镍铁
low carbon half-hard cold strip低碳半硬冷轧带
low-carbon heat低碳钢炉次
low-carbon heat低碳钢熔炼 (① This light meter system has been successful in dynamically estimating carbon levels in low carbon heats (0.06% or less), and adjusting the oxygen blow for improving the turndown carbon accuracy. 光学仪表系统在动态测定低碳钢炉次(含碳量 0.06% 或以下)含碳量和调整吹氧提高停吹碳精度方面已获得成功。② A few steelmaking shops in North America have started using light sensors to dynamically estimate carbon levels in the low-carbon heats. 北美的几个炼钢车间现已开始使用光学传感器动态测定低碳钢炉次的含碳量。)
low-carbon heat低碳钢熔炼
low-carbon martensite低碳马氏体 (【技】含碳量通常低于0.2%的马氏体,其晶体结构为体心立方。)
low-carbon martensite steel低碳马氏体钢 (【技】低碳钢或低碳合金钢经淬火和低温回火后获得的具有低碳板条马氏体组织的钢。其位错密度高,具有高强度和良好的塑性及韧性。)
low-carbon melt低碳炉次
low-carbon melt低碳熔体
low-carbon mold powder低碳结晶器保护渣 (The standard low carbon mold powder B has a very similar chemistry as mold powder A but displays a higher viscosity. 标准低碳结晶器保护渣 B 与结晶器保护渣 A 的化学特性十分相似,但是它的黏度较高。)
low-carbon pig iron低碳生铁
low-carbon powder flux低碳保护渣
low-carbon sintering低碳烧结
low-carbon spring steel低碳弹簧钢 (【技】通常指含碳量低于 0. 50% 以下的弹簧钢。低碳弹簧钢具有良好的塑性、韧性、弹性、耐蚀性、耐疲劳性和加工性,其使用效果优于传统弹簧钢。)
low carbon steel高〔中,低〕碳钢
low-carbon steel低碳钢 (【技】含碳量 ≤0. 25% 的钢,具有强度低、塑性高、韧性高及良好的加工成型性和焊接性能,适于制造形状复杂和需要焊接的构件。普通低碳钢一般不进行热处理而直接使用。优质低碳钢或不进行热处理,或进行表面硬化处理,主要用于生产普通薄钢板、无缝钢管、焊接钢管、普通线材等;也广泛地作为渗碳钢,用于机械制造业。: ① Low-carbon steels are soft, tough steels that are easily machined and welded. 低碳钢既软又韧,易于机加工和焊接。 ②The case-carburizing process makes the surface of steel hard while its inside retains the toughness characteristic of low-carbon steel. 表面渗碳法能使钢的表面硬化,而内部仍保持低碳钢的韧性。)
low-carbon steel ingot低碳钢锭
low-carbon steel plate低碳钢板
low-carbon steel sheet低碳薄钢板 (【技】厚度为 0.2~4mm, 宽度一般为 500 ~1500mm, 长度一般为 500 ~ 4000mm 的低碳钢板,广泛用于建筑、交通、机械、化工、轻工、广告、包装等行业。)
low-carbon steel sheet低碳钢薄板
low-carbon steel smelting低碳钢熔炼
low-carbon steel strip低碳带钢
low-carbon steel wire低碳钢丝
low casting rate stream低浇注速度注流
low casting speed caster低拉速连铸机
low column低料柱
low crystallization temperature flux低结晶温度保护渣
low current低安培电流
low current arc小电流电弧
low density低密度
low-density alloy低密度合金
low-density charge低密度炉料
low-density cut低密度分选
low-density cut低密度分离
low-density gas低比重气体
low-density material低密度材料
low-density method低电流密度法
low-density powder细粉末
low-density powder低密度粉末
low-density process低密度法
low-density process低电流密度电解法
low-density scrap for steelmaking低密度炼钢用废钢铁
low-density sprayable lining of tundish中间包低密度喷涂衬
low-density sprayable tundish lining中间包低密度喷涂衬
low differential coke oven低压差式焦炉
low-differential oven低压差式焦炉
low distillation低温蒸馏
low ductile alloy低塑性合金
low ductility steel低延性钢
low ductility temperature range低延性温度区间
low-duty fireclay brick低级耐火粘土砖
low-early-strength cement早期低强水泥
low electrical resistance steel wire低电阻钢丝
low-energy dislocation低能位错
low-energy electron低能电子
low-energy electron diffraction低能电子绕射
low-energy electron diffraction低能电子衍射
low-energy ion source低能离子源
low-energy radiation软性辐射
low-energy side of energy gap能隙的低能范围
low-energy side of energy gap能隙的低能界限
low-expansion alloy低膨胀合金
low-expansion iron-base alloy低膨胀系数铁基合金
low-expansion material低膨胀系数材料
low-expansion steel低膨胀系数钢
low-expansion steel低膨胀钢
low-explosive forming低速爆炸成形
low-Fe sinter低含铁量烧结矿
low-Fe sinter低品位烧结矿
low flow rate strand【连】低流量注流
low flow rate stream【连】低流量注流
low-freezing liquid低凝固点液体
low fuel-rate operation低燃料比操作
low-gangue sinter低脉石烧结矿
low gold-content alloy低金合金
low-grade antimony metal低品位金属
low-grade bauxite低品位铝土矿
low-grade concentrate低品位精矿
low-grade copper低级铜
low-grade copper低品位铜
low-grade deposit贫矿床
low-grade firebrick低级耐火砖
low-grade fluxed sinter低品位自熔性烧结矿
low-grade fuel低级燃料
low-grade gas热值煤气
low-grade heat低热值热量
low-grade hematite低品位赤铁矿
low-grade matte低品位冰铜
low-grade matte低品位锍
low-grade metal低品位金属
low-grade ore贫矿
low-grade ore低品位矿石
low-grade run-of-mine低品位原矿
low hardenability低淬透性
low hardening steel低淬透性钢 (【技】在高频加热淬火时,只有表层淬成马氏体组织的钢。)
low er heating value低发热值
low-heating-value coal低发热值煤
low-heating-value gas低发热值煤气
low-heating-value gas低热值煤气
low hysteresis steel低磁滞钢
low-impurity scrap steel低杂质废钢
low-index plane低折射率平面
low-index plane低指数平面
low-intensity magnetic field弱磁场
low-intensity magnetic separation弱磁选
low-intensity magnetic separation低强度磁选
low-intensity operation低强度操作
low-iron acid slag【钢】 低铁酸性渣
low-iron acid slag低铁酸性渣
low-iron magnesite低铁菱镁矿
low-iron magnesite贫铁菱镁矿
low-karat gold低开成色黄金
low lance distance【钢】低枪位
low lance height【钢】低枪位
low-leaded brass低铅黄铜 (66Cu, 3. 5Zn,0.5Pb)
low level emission低位排放
low level emission低空发散
low-level indicator低料位指示器
low-level storage bunker低料位贮仓
low-lift pump低压泵
low load blast【铁】慢风
low load blast furnace慢风操作高炉
low loader轻型装载机
low-lying energy band低位能带
low-lying energy level低位能级
low machinability steel难机加工钢
low machinability steel难加工钢
low-magnesia stone低氧化镁熔剂
low-manganese steel低锰钢
low melt软熔
low melt【钢】 低碳炉次
low melt低碳炉次
low-mesh coke粉焦
low-mesh coke碎焦
low-metal content ore低品位矿
low-metal content ore贫矿
low metal level低钢水位
low metal level低液位
low metal level低金属液位
low-MgO sinter低 MgO 烧结矿
low-moisture coal低水分煤
low-moisture ore低水分矿石
low-moisture precipitate低水分沉淀物
low-moisture taphole mix低湿度堵出铁口泥
low-moisture taphole mix低湿度堵出铁口泥
low-moisture taphole mix低湿度炮泥
low moor低层湿源
low nitrogen steel低氮钢
low oscillation frequency, long oscillation stroke低振频大振幅
low oscillation frequency, short oscillation stroke低振频小振幅
low-output acetylene generator低产量乙炔发生器
low part of blast furnace高炉下部 (含炉缸和炉腹)
low pellet layer【团】 薄球团料层
low pellet layer球团料层
low-phosphorous pig iron低磷生铁
low plastic clay低塑性粘土
low porosity低空隙度
low porosity低孔隙率
low porosity低孔隙度
low porosity graphite rod致密石墨棒
low porosity roof brick致密炉顶砖
low-power electric arc furnace小功率电弧炉
low-power micrograph低倍显微照片
low-power microscope低倍显微镜
low-power microscopic image低倍显微镜像
low-power microscopical image低倍显微镜像
low-power objective低放大率物镜
low-power objective低倍物镜
low-powered electric furnace小功率电炉
low-powered furnace小功率电炉
low-powered microscope低倍显微镜
low-pressure air atomization低压空气喷雾法
low-pressure blast低压鼓风
low-pressure boiler低压锅炉
low-pressure type burner低压燃烧器
low-pressure casting低压铸造 (法)
low-pressure casting低压铸造
low-pressure type cutter低压割炬
low-pressure type cutter低压切割器
low-pressure die-casting machine低压压铸机
low-pressure die•casting machine低压压铸机
low-pressure distillation低压蒸馏
low-pressure gas低压气体
low-pressure gauge低压表
low-pressure acetylene generator低压乙炔发生器
low-pressure laminar jet低压层流喷嘴
low-pressure melting低压熔化
low-pressure plasma spray低压等离子喷涂
low-pressure plasma spraying低压等离子喷涂
low-pressure pressing低压挤压
low-pressure pump低压泵
low-pressure welding torch低压
low-pressure Venturi with cone tank锥形槽低压喷管
low-pressure Venturi with cone tank锥形槽低压文丘里管
low-pressure water低压水
low-pressure water-cooling system低压水冷系统
low-pressure-cooling circuit低压水冷系统
low-purity flux低纯度熔剂
low-rank coal劣质煤
low-rank coal低级煤
low-rate trickling filter低负荷滴滤池
low reflecting coating弱反射镀层
low reflecting coating弱反射涂层
low residual scrap优质废钢
low residual scrap低杂质废钢
low-shrinkage concrete低缩性混凝土
low-silicon bauxite低硅铝土矿
low-silicon bronze低硅青铜 (97.7Cu 1.5Si,余量 Zn)
low-silicon cast iron低硅铸铁
low-silicon ferrosilicon低硅硅铁
low-silicon hot metal低硅铁水
low-silicon operation低硅操作
low-silicon operation of BF高炉低硅操作
low-silicon pig iron低硅生铁
low-silicon pig iron practice低硅生铁生产实践
low-silicon pig iron process低硅生铁生产法 (【技】在控制高炉下部温度和造渣制度条件下冶炼含硅量不超过0.3% -0.4%生铁的生产工艺。高炉采用该生产工艺冶炼生铁具有提高产量、降低焦比和炼铁成本等优点。)
low-silicon pig iron process低硅生铁生产工艺
low-silicon practice低硅作业
low-silicon practice低硅生铁生产工艺
low-silicon steel低硅钢
low-sintered composite contact metal低温烧结复合电触头合金
low-SiO₂ sinter低 SiO₂ 烧结矿
low-slag cement低矿渣水泥
low smelting heat低温熔炼
low-speed agitator低速搅拌器
low-speed mill慢速轧机
low-speed mill低速轧机
low speed rolling低速轧制
low-speed X-ray film低速 X 射线胶片
low spitting lance低喷溅氧枪
low steel level in tundish中间包内低钢水位
low stockline炉料低料线
low sulfur pipeline steel低硫管线钢
low sulphur and low impurity blister copper低硫低杂质泡铜
low-sulphur clean steel低硫洁净钢
low-sulphur coke低硫焦
low-sulphur crude oil低硫原油
low-sulphur fuel低硫燃料
low-sulphur hot metal低硫铁水
low-sulphur iron低硫生铁
low-sulphur killed steel低硫镇静钢
low-sulphur liquid steel低硫钢水
low-sulphur metallurgical coal低硫冶金煤
low-sulphur metallurgical coke低硫冶金焦
low-sulphur molten iron低硫铁水
low-sulphur reducing agent低硫还原剂
low-sulphur steel低硫钢
low-symmetrical crystal低对称性晶体
low taper alarm锥度低限报警
low-tech product低技术产品
low temperature bound briquette of iron concentrate铁精矿低温固结团矿
low temperature carbonization furnace低温碳化炉
low temperature martensite低温马氏体
low temperature reactor低温反应堆
low temperature reactor低温反应器
low temperature stainless steel低温不锈钢 (【技】指适用于在低温下使用的不锈钢,一般多为稳定性很好的铬镍奥氏体不锈钢,在石油化工、制冷机械等方面具有广泛的用途。)
low temperature steel低温钢
low-temperature thermo-mechanical treatment低温形变热处理
low temperature toughness低温韧性
low tempering低温回火
low tensile alloy低强度合金
low thermal conductivity charge低导热性炉料
low thermal conductivity tundish lining低导热中间包衬
low thermal efficiency低热效率
low thermal expansion cast iron低热膨胀铸铁 (【技】几何形状和尺寸随温度变化很小的一种合金铸铁。通过加人某些合金元素调整热膨胀系数,常用于制造精密设备或与某些低膨胀合金相匹配。)
low thermal-conductivity charge低导热性炉料
low-tin bronze低锡青铜 (88Cu, 8 ~ 10Sn,2~4Zn)
low tin coating tinplate低锡量镀锡板
low-tin slag低锡炉渣
low tundish level中间包低液位
low tungsten high speed steel低钨高速钢 (1.5C, 1.03Mn, 0.86Si, 8.01Cr, 3.37V, 2.63W,1.29Al,0.09N)
low tungsten tool steel低钨工具钢
low velocity electron低速电子
low velocity forming method低速成形法 (薄板的)
low-viscosity oil低粘度油
low viscosity powder flux低黏度保护渣
low viscosity starter powder低黏度开浇用保护渣
low-volatile bituminous coal低挥发分烟煤
low-voltage arc低压电弧
low-voltage circuit低压电路
low-voltage distribution低压配电
low-voltage-bus system低压导电母线系统
low water低潮
low water低水
low water cut-off device锅炉低水位断流装置
low water-bearing formation弱含水层
low-water-loss cement低析水性水泥
low yield低产出率
low yield低产量
low yield alloy低屈服点合金
low yield point steel低屈服点钢 (【技】屈服点相对较低的钢。这种钢具有优良的深冲性能,容易变形加工制造形状复杂的制品。08 F 钢是典型的低屈服点钢。屈服点只有 176MPa 左右。用这种钢的薄板可制造深冲压和深拉延制品。)
low yield ratio steel低屈强比钢 (【技】即屈强比明显低于其他钢种的高强度合金钢。材料的屈强比即其屈服强度与拉伸强度之比,是衡量金属板材冲压性能的重要指标。一般要求非合金钢的屈强比不大于70%,低合金高强度钢的屈强比不大于80%,否则冲压性能较差,必须采取一定的工艺措施改善其冲压加工性。深冲用钢板的屈强比不大于66%。双相钢是典型的低屈强比钢。)
low-zirconium hafnium sponge低锆海绵铪
lowest energy electron最低能级电子
lubricant for low temperature service低温用润滑剂
material of low absorbing power低吸收能力材料
microscope of low magnification低放大率显微镜
microscope of low magnification低倍显微镜
nonoriented electrical steel with low carbon and low silicon低碳低硅无取向电工钢 (【技】电工钢的一大类。一般含 C 小于等于0.015%, Si (或Si+Al) 小于等于1%。钢板中晶粒呈无规则取向分布。产品为板材或带材。性能特点是饱和磁感应强度高,铁心损耗大;制造工艺简单,成本低,有良好的冲击和焊接性能。适于制做功率小的家用电机小变压器和整流器、继电器等。)
operation with low ore-column低料柱作业
operation with low ore-column低料柱操作
ordinary low-carbon steel普通低碳钢
pellet for ultra low slag volume超低渣量球团
pellet with low slag content低脉石球团
pellet with low slag content低渣量球团
phase of low crystal symmetry低结晶对称相
plasticity at low temperature低温塑性
pouring at low tundish level中间包低液位浇注
powder for continuous casting of ultra low carbon steel超低碳钢连铸用保护渣
powder with low melting point低熔点保护渣
processing at low temperature低温加工
quality low-alloy high-strength steel优质低合金高强度钢
quality low-alloy steel优质低合金钢
quality low-alloy structural steel优质低合金结构钢
quality low-carbon ferromolybdenum优质低碳钼铁
quality low-carbon steel优质低碳钢
quality low-phosphorus cast iron优质低磷铸铁
quality low-phosphorus steel优质低磷钢
reduction degradation at low temperature【团】 低温还原粉化 (【技】即炼铁用烧结矿和球团矿在低温还原过程中发生碎裂粉化的现象,严重时会影响高炉上部料柱的透气性,破坏高炉炉况顺行。影响烧结矿和球团矿低温还原粉化的因素有:矿石种类、 Fe₂O₃ 的结晶形态、烧结矿碱度、还原温度及铁矿石中其他元素的含量。)
resulphurized low phosphorus steel加硫低磷钢
resulphurized low-phosphorus steel加硫低磷易切削
resulphurized rephosphorized low carbon steel加硫增磷低碳钢
rich low brass富铜低锌黄铜 (82 ~ 87Cu、余量 Zn)
Schmidt's low-resistance cut-off施密特低阻抗汞断流器
semi-low head machine半低架式机组
semi-low head machine立弯式连铸机
slab with very low oxide inclusion content氧化物夹杂含量极低的板坯
spheroidal graphitic cast iron pipe for carrying water at low pressure球墨铸铁低压水管
spheroidal graphitic cast iron pipe for carrying water at low pressure低压输水用球墨铸铁管
steel for low-temperature service低温钢 (【技】适用于 -20°C 以下,甚至在-269° C 使用的钢种。低温钢除要求室温力学性能外,还必须具有良好的低温韧性。低温钢包括:低温高强度钢、2. 5%镍钢、3. 5%镍钢、5%镍钢、9%镍钢以及奥氏体不锈钢等。)
steel of low alloy content低合金钢
steel tapping at low temperature低温出钢
steel with low carbon content低碳钢
steel with low sensitivity to welding crack低焊接裂纹敏感钢
super low head continuous caster椭圆形连铸机 (【技】铸坯在连铸机内沿四分之一椭圆运动并沿其水平切线被拉出,从而使连铸机高度和钢水压头均大为降低,故称超低头连铸机。根据铸坯在连铸机内的运动轨迹,该种连铸机亦称椭圆形连铸机。超低头连铸机的主要优点是:钢水压头低,钢水静压小,鼓肚变形小,二次冷却区夹辊结构得以简化;水平布置,便于维修等。)
super low head continuous caster【连】超低头连铸机
super low head continuous caster mold超低头连铸机结晶器
super low head continuous casting超低头连铸
super low head continuous casting equipment超低头连铸设备
super low head continuous casting process超低头连铸法
super low head continuous casting technology超低头连铸技术
super low head continuous slab caster超低头板坯连铸机 (【技】该型连铸机是把小半径多点矫直的弧形连铸机和板坯连铸技术相结合的一种连铸机机型。由于起始半径(结晶器的圆弧半径和二冷区上段半径)小,连铸机总高度低,适宜于建设在高度低的厂房内。该机型与纯净钢水的生产技术相结合,能生产达到热送和直接轧制质量要求的无缺陷铸坯。该型连铸机的建设投资明显低于通常的弧形连铸机。)
super ultra low carbon steel超超低碳钢
tin-copper low-fuming bronze低焊接烟雾锡青铜
titanium-stabilized extra-low-carbon aluminium killed steel钛稳定化超低碳铝镇静钢
toughness at low temperature低温韧性
tundish operation at low level of steel中间包低液位操作
ultra-low-carbon IF steel超低碳无间隙原子钢
ultra-low-carbon interstitial-free steel超低碳无间隙原子钢
ultra-low-carbon nonoriented electrical steel超低碳无取向电工钢
ultra-low-carbon stainless steel超低碳不锈钢
ultra-low-carbon steel超低碳钢 (The slow cool and quench studies on mold fluxes for continuous casting of medium-carbon and ultralow-carbon steels are performed to know their layer structures. 对中碳钢和超低碳钢连铸用结晶器保护渣进行了缓冷和急冷研究,以便弄清它们的层状结构。)
ultra-low-carbon steel超低碳钢
ultra-low carbon steel strip for hidden cover超低碳荫罩钢带 (彩色显像管用)
ultra-low oxygen steel超低氧钢
ultra-low sulphur steel超低硫钢
very low carbon stainless steel超低碳不锈钢
very low hydrogen steel极低氢量钢
very low nitrogen极低氮
very low nitrogen process低氮钢冶炼法
very low nitrogen processVLN 炼钢法
very low nitrogen process超低氮炼钢法
very low nitrogen process微氮钢冶炼法在底吹转炉中吹入蒸汽和氧气
very low nitrogen process底吹蒸气氧气转炉 VLN 炼钢法
very low nitrogen process极低含氮量炼钢法
very low nitrogen steel极低氮钢
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