
Terms for subject General containing GREAT | all forms | exact matches only
A barbecue party on the beach has great attraction on me海滩上的烧烤派对很吸引我
a great choice of各种各样供人选择的物品
a great deal相当多
a great deal很多
a great deal
a great deal
a great deal许许多多的
a great deal大量的
a great deal大量
be a great distance away离开得很远
be a great distance off离开得很远
a great diversity of methods多种多样的方法
a great gross十二罗= 1728 个
a great help to...对…有很大帮助
a great many大量 (of)
a great many许许多多的
a great many大量的
a great many很多 (of)
a great while ago很久以前
a matter for great delicacy十分棘手〔微妙〕的事情
a matter of great delicacy十分棘手〔微妙〕的事情
a matter of great import重大事情
a matter of great weight重大事件
a point of great nicety十分微妙〔不容易决断〕的问题
a point of great nicety需要仔细考虑之处
Aeronautical Society of Great Britain英国航空学会
air defence of Great Britain英国防空
Alabama Great Southern Railroad Co.阿拉巴马大南方铁路公司
Amateur Judo Association of Great Britain英国业余柔道协会
An apple pie and an order of French fries would be great要一个苹果派和一份炸薯条就可以了
at a great lick极速地
at a great lick急忙
at a great pace很快地
at a great pace快速地
at a great pace大〔快〕步地
at a great rate非常
at a great rate大大地
at a great rate飞快地
at a great rate迅速地
at a great rate以高速度
at a great expense以很大费用 (代价)
at great length相当详细
at great length加以赘述
at great length冗长地
be a great enjoyment to…是…极喜欢的
be great at精通
be great at擅长
be great at善于
be great in精通
be great in擅长
be great in善于
be great onM 对M很有兴趣
be great onM 喜欢M
be great onM 精通M
be in great demand需要量很大
be in great straits处境非常困难
be no great shakes不是重大〔了不起〕的事〔人,东西〕
be of great assistance in + ing有助于
be not of great concern to对…很重要
be not of great concern to对…有很大关系
be of great use forM 对 M 非常有用
cause a great flutter轰动一时
China Great Wall Industrial Corporationназв.комп. 中国长城工业公司
discoveries of great worth非常有价值的发现
F is not so great a forceF是这么大〔不怎么大〕的一个力
Federation of Wire Rope Manufacturers of Great Britain英国钢丝绳制造业协会
feel a great interest in对…不感〔不太感到,很感〕兴趣
find M to be of great use发现 M 很有用
Geological Survey of Great Britain英国地质调查局
go a great way in大大有助〔有利〕于
go a great way in采取主动
go a great way in非常有效
go a great way in向…走了很长一段距离
go a great way to采取主动
go a great way to非常有效
go a great way to大大有助〔有利〕于
go a great way to向…走了很长一段距离
go a great way towards大大有助〔有利〕于
go a great way towards采取主动
go a great way towards非常有效
go a great way towards向…走了很长一段距离
go to great lengths竭尽全力
go to any great pains费很大的劲
go to any great pains煞费苦心
great bar大沙洲
Great Basin College大盆地学院
Great Bear Lake大熊湖
Great Britain and Ireland英国和爱尔兰英伦三岛
great cane rat刺豚鼠 Thryonomys swinderianus
Great Dividing Range大分水岭
great god我的上帝
great god天哪
great grandfather老祖宗
great grandfather曾祖父
great gross十二罗计数单位,=1728个
great gross大二罗等于 144打
great gross十二罗等于 144打
Great, I like authentic British food太好了,我喜欢地道的英国菜
Great! I will follow太好了,就照你说的办
Great idea! I like authentic Chinese food太好了。我喜欢地道的中国菜
Great Lakes Carbon Corp.大湖碳产品公司
Great Lakes Research Corp.大湖研究公司
great lot很多
great lot大量
great lottery虚无飘渺的事
great manual风琴键盘
Great Northern Railroad大北铁路公司
great occasion重大的场合〔时机〕
Great Ocean Road大洋路
great possibilities in the experiment实验成功的可能性很大
great power强大电力
great power巨大〔强大〕功率
great quantity大量
Great Salt Lake盐湖
Great Salt Lake Minerals and Chemicals Corp.大盐湖矿物与化学药品公司
Great Slave Lake大奴湖
Great Southern Railway Co.大南铁路公司
Great! Then how much do you charge?太好啦。那你们怎么收费呢?
great wall长城
Great Western Railway Co.大西铁路公司
Great Western Railway Co. of Canada加拿大大西铁路公司
have a great deal of leeway to make up要花许多力量才能赶上
have a great esteem for...非常尊重…
have a great esteem for...对…非常尊重〔十分敬佩〕
have a great interest in对…不感〔不太感到,很感〕兴趣
have a great mind to极有意 (+ inf.)
have a great mind to几乎决意 (+ inf.)
have a great mind to非常想 (+ inf.)
Have you got any relatives, friends in Great Britain?你在英国有亲戚和朋友吗?
Helicopter Association of Great Britain英国直升飞机〔制造业〕协会
Hillary is snorkeling near the Great Barrier Reef希拉里在大堡礁附近潜水
hold ...in great account非常重视
I believe there is a great chance I would be refused since I have a communicable illness我觉得我被拒签的可能性很大,因为我患有传染性疾病
I heard other stores were having great discount on this item听说别家的这个东西在大减价
I know a place called Price Club. They have great deals occasionally我知道个叫“优特价俱乐部”的购物中心,有时他们会有大促销
I suffered great discomfort because my shoes were rubbing我的鞋子磨脚,极不舒服
I'm not surprised to hear that the cafeteria food isn't that great听说自助餐厅的食物不够好,我并不惊讶
in a great degree大半
in a great degree大部分
in a great measure大半
in great detail非常详细地
in great force精力充沛地
in great force大举
in great force大批地
in great numbers大量地
in great numbers多数
in great request大众非常喜爱
in great request人们非常需要
Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain英国及爱尔兰化学〔学〕会
International Great Northern Railroad Co.国际大北铁路公司
International Great Northern Railroad Co.发火
International Great Northern Railroad Co.点火装置
International Great Northern Railroad Co.点火
It looks like a greasy spoon, but the laver bread is great and cheap虽然那看上去不过是个小饭馆,但是那里的海藻面包超好吃,又便宜
it took us a great while to calibrate those instruments校准那些仪表花了我们好些时间
It's a pleasant and productive trip for me. You have left me a great impression, and I am deeply moved by your hospitality. I think our friendship will last forever对我来说,这是一次愉快而颇有裨益的旅行。你给我留下了很好的印象,我被你的热情深深感动了。我觉得我们的友谊会天长地久
Locomotive and Carriage Institution of Great Britain and Eire英国与爱尔兰机车车辆学会
make a great difference很重要
make a great difference差别很大
make a great flutter轰动一时
make great efforts努力
make great strides进步迅速
make great strides大有进步
Mining Association of Great Britain英国采矿〔业〕协会
Mount Saint Helens is great圣海伦斯山太棒了 !
Much better, thank you! I can sit straight today. The acupuncture is really great好多了,谢谢你,今天我可以坐直了,针灸真的很棒
My English is not that great, and I don't want to miss anything. Would you mind calling back later? I'm sorry我的英文不是非常好,我不想听错话。你介意稍后再打来吗?我很抱歉
be of great dimensions极重大的
be of great dimensions庞大的
be of great dimensions非常大的
of great extent范围很大
be of great importance对…有重大没有,没有多大,有深远意义 (to)
be of great importance对…极为不,不很,极其重要 (to)
be of great moment意义重大
be of great moment重要
of great prcie价值很高的
of great prcie十分宝贵的
of great reputation有信〔声〕誉的
of great reputation有名的
on great occasions在盛大的节日〔场面〕
one false step will make a great difference谬以千里
one false step will make a great difference失之毫厘
our great motherland is prospering with each passing day我们伟大的祖国蒸蒸日上〔日益繁荣昌盛〕
Pacific Great Eastern Railway Co.太平洋大东铁路公司
present a great puzzle是一大难题
present with great respect奉献
Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain英国皇家科学知识普及协会会报杂志名
Refractories Association of Great Britain英国耐火材料业协会
Roll Makers' Association of Great Britain英国轧辊制造业协会
Sand and Gravel Association of Great Britain英国政子砾石〔业〕协会
show great resolution表示极大的决心
suffer a great difference in speeds速率上有很大的差别
take a great interest in对…不感〔不太感到,很感〕兴趣
That sounds a great idea. A boat trip on the lake听起来是一个非常棒的主意。在湖上乘船游览
The batik bedspreads are in great demand because of their delightfully fresh and elegantly simple characteristics这种蜡防印花床罩因其清新淡雅,质朴无华的特点,需求量特别大
The Crystal Palace was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of海德公园的水晶宫是为1851年的“世界博览会”而建造的
The government attaches great importance to the import and export commodity inspection work政府非常重视进出口货物的检验工作
The Great Dividing Range is Australia's main watershed大分水岭是澳大利亚的主要分水岭
the great fisher of souls魔鬼
the great fisher of souls撒旦
the Great Hall of the People in Beijing北京人民大会堂
the great majority大多数
The Great Ocean Road, which locates in Melbourne, is a so incredible site you should have a look大洋路坐落在墨尔本,这是一个你需要去见识一下的令人难以置信的地方
the great portion ofM M 的大部分
the great sacrifice献出生命
the great sacrifice最大的牺牲
The Great 1st of September Revolution9 月 1 日利比亚九月革命节 (Libya)
The high price has brought about great effect on the petrochemical industry and petroleum refining industry in the downstream高油价对石油化工业及下游的石油炼制工业产生了深刻的影响
the idea of atoms means a great deal in chemistry化学上原子的概念是很重要的
the milling machine forms parts with great accuracy铣床非常精确地铳削零件
the same principle is used in the nut and bolt, whereby great pressures are employed to hold two substances together同样的原理还应用于螺栓和螺母,利用螺栓和螺母可以把两个物体以很大的压力压在一起
The skill with which he faceted the great diamond is remarkable他在大颗钻石上雕琢小平面的技巧不同凡响
the velocity of light is too great to be measured by ordinary means光速太高以致不能用普通的方法来测量
these data will be of great value to us这些资料对我们很有〔很少有,有一些,没有,特别有,有直接的〕价值
This is a great area of the city for shopping. There a grocery store just around the corner这一带是市区里购物的好地方,在附近有一个杂货店
this problem is one of great difficulty这个问题是个大难题
timber simply is not found in great enough lengths实在找不到那么长的木料
to a great extent大大
to a great extent大部分
to a great extent基本上
to a great extent在很大程度上
to any great degree在一定〔较大〕程度上
to sb.'s great relief使某人大为放心〔十分欣慰〕的是
to overhaul such a machine is no great problem检修这样一台机器不是大问题
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国
We have a great many of Danish pastries. Can you give me more details?我们有很多丹麦面包。您能说得具体些么?
with great anxiety焦急着
with great anxiety非常担忧
with great composure泰然自若
with great secrecy极秘密地
with great speed迅速地
with great strides迈步地
with great strides大踏步地
You can get a 5% discount if you use a Great Wall International Credit Card如果使用国际长城卡,您可以享受九五折优惠
your presence is a great compliment我们非常高兴
your presence is a great compliment您能出席