
Terms for subject International trade containing Future | all forms | exact matches only
cancellation of future performance撤销未到期的合同
contract for future delivery订货、订期货
contract for future delivery远期交货合同
contract of future delivery远期交货合同
dealing future期货
dealing in future期货
dealing in future期货交易
discounted present value of the future flow of repayments of principal and interest未来各期偿付本金和利息的折现值
future claims未来权
future contract期货契约
future delivery期货交割 (futures)
future delivery远期交货
future engagement装载
future engagement预约
future exchange期货外汇
future goods期货
future installments of goods以后分批发货
future loading预定装载货物
future /physical期货/现货比率
future price期货价格
future purchases and sales预购和预销
future sales期货买卖
future sales期货交易
future service将来的服务
future service payments未来的债务还本付息额
future shock未来的冲击
future trading期货交易
future transaction, or terms transaction期货交易
future values of government factor未来的政府因素值
order for future delivery期交定货
order for future delivery远期定货定单
order for future delivery期货定单
payment at a fixed future time规定的将来日期付款
prospects for future growth未来经济增长的前景
purchase for future delivery购买期货
resources for the future未来资源