
Terms for subject Football containing First | all forms | exact matches only
black first黑先白后
dominate the first half在上半场占主动
failure from first to end完败
first bookable offence第一次故意严重犯规
first break a record首开纪录
first breaking a record首开纪录
first division甲级联赛
first division team甲级队
first final round决赛的第一轮比赛
first game首次比赛
first goal首先进球
first kick直接出球
first kicked首先开球
first leg第一回合
first offense最先犯规
first round第一轮
first shot直接射门
first team首发阵容
first team一线队
first-time pass直接传球
first-time pass一次传球
first-time shot直接射门
first-time shot一次射门
first-touch crash volley直接凌空射门
friendship first友谊第一
play a first final round进行第一轮决赛
reverse the first decision改判
series of first-time passes连续直接传球
shot on the first time抢点直接射门
shot on the first-time crash volley直接猛射凌空球
shot on the first-time crash volley抢点凌空球
victory from first to end完胜