
Terms containing Experienced | all forms | exact matches only
commer.be experienced in export business具有岀口贸易经验
commer.be well experienced in this line对经营此类货物很内行
dentist.Did you notice any special occasion when you experienced the jaw problem?当你发现下颌有问题时,您还注意到了其他问题吗?
gen.experienced advice有经验的人的意见
gen.experienced advice经验谈
agric.experienced agronomist有经验农学家
commer.experienced bargainee有经验的买主
tech.experienced con tractor有经验承包商
auto.experienced driver有经验的驾驶人
tech.experienced engineer有经验工程师
agric.experienced forestry pathologist有经验林业病理学家
gen.experienced in有…的经验
econ.experienced labour force熟练劳动力
oilexperienced operator熟练工人
sport.experienced player有经验的运动员
commer.experienced salesman有经验的推销员
avia.experienced test有经验的测试 (人员)
bridg.constr.experienced worker熟练工人
econ.experienced worker实践经验的工人
tech.experienced worker熟练工 (人)
shipb.experienced worker有经验的工人
gen.I've experienced an exotic atmosphere in your restaurant我在你们餐厅领略到了异国情调
tech.maximum experienced flood实测最大洪水
tech.maximum experienced flood经历最大洪水
tech.maximum experienced flood历史最大洪水
gen.not experienced
China, lawsecondment for training to become experienced挂职锻炼
econ.Some contingencies can't be foreseen even by an experienced contractor一些意外事件甚至有经验的承包商都无法预测
econ.The plant has been unable to fill the vacancy for an experienced engineer这家工厂始终未找到一名有经验的工程师
sport.The runner has experienced getting second wind这位赛跑运动员体验到"第二次呼吸"的感觉
sport.This is an experienced company specializing in producing and marketing sports facilities这是一家在生产、经销健身器材方面具有丰富经验的专业公司
expl.Typically, explosives that are porous solids at normal temperatures and contain little or no liquid are relatively unaffected at the normal low temperatures experienced in commercial blasting通常说来、常温下含有很少液体或没有液体的多孔固体炸药、一般不受商业爆破中常见的低温的影响
construct.unforeseeable means not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for the submission of the tender不可预见指一个 有经验的承包商 在提交投标文件 那天还不能合理 预见的
econ.We experienced a period of falling sales我们曾经历过一段时期的销售回跌
gen.You are so smart and experienced of your work你在工作上很机灵且富有经验