
Terms for subject Technology containing Endurance | all forms | exact matches only
dynamic endurance test变负载强度试验
dynamical endurance test变负载强度试验
dynamical endurance test动力耐久试验
endurance action疲劳作用
endurance behavior耐久性能
endurance behavior疲劳性质
endurance behaviour耐久性能
endurance behaviour疲劳性质
endurance bending failure疲劳弯曲毁坏
endurance bending failure疲劳弯曲破裂
endurance bending strength抗弯疲劳强度
endurance bending test疲劳弯折试验
endurance character疲劳特性
endurance characteristic疲劳特征
endurance coefficient耐久系数
endurance coefficient疲劳系数
endurance curve持久曲线
endurance degree耐久程度
endurance degree疲劳度
endurance expectation估计使用期限
endurance expectation估计耐用年限
endurance expectation估计使用年限
endurance expectation估计使用寿命
endurance failure疲劳破损
endurance fatigue疲劳破坏
endurance fatigue limit耐劳极限
endurance fracture耐久破坏
endurance fracture疲劳断裂
endurance in bending弯折疲劳
endurance in compression压缩疲劳
endurance in flexture挠曲疲劳
endurance life耐用年限
endurance life characteristic耐用寿命特性
endurance life test持久性试验
endurance limit抗磨极限
endurance limit耐久限度
endurance limit持久极限〔限度〕
endurance limit疲劳极限耐久度
endurance limit疲劳极限〔限度,强度〕
endurance limit疲劳界限
endurance limit疲劳耐限
endurance limit耐力限度
endurance limit耐磨极限
endurance limit耐磨限度
endurance limit抗磨限度
endurance limit持久强度
endurance limit at pulsating stress脉冲应力疲劳极限
endurance limit on base对称的应力换向循环下的疲劳极限
endurance limit under pulsating tension脉冲拉伸疲劳极限
endurance limit under pulsating torsion脉冲扭转疲劳极限
endurance load疲劳负载
endurance of bond黏合耐久性
endurance of bond黏合疲劳
endurance of the concrete混凝土耐久性
endurance of the concrete混凝土疲劳
endurance phenomenon持久性现象
endurance phenomenon耐久现象
endurance phenomenon疲劳现象
endurance range持久限
endurance range应力极限
endurance ratio疲劳强度极限与抗断强度极限之比
endurance ratio疲劳强度
endurance ratio持久比
endurance ratio耐久系数
endurance road test道路耐久性试验
endurance road test汽车的耐久性路线
endurance road testing耐久性道路试验
endurance run续航力测定航次
endurance running耐久性运转
endurance rupture疲劳破裂
endurance state持久状态
endurance strength耐久限度
endurance tension test持久张力试验
endurance test耐疲劳度试验
endurance test耐久试验
endurance test持久试验
endurance test续航力试验
endurance test耐力试验
endurance test耐用性试验
endurance test bed耐久性试验台
endurance testing machine for torsion repeated重复扭转疲劳试验机
endurance to alternate wetting and drying耐干湿循环性
endurance transverse stress test横向弯曲疲劳试验
endurance trial续航力试验
endurance trial耐久试验
engine endurance test发电机耐久性试验
engine endurance test发动机耐久试验
fatigue endurance limit疲劳强度极限
fatigue endurance test疲劳耐久试验
fire endurance calculation耐火极限计算
fire endurance rating耐火率
fire endurance rating耐火等级
flexural endurance limit弯曲持久性极限
flexural fatigue endurance limit弯曲疲劳耐久性极限
impact endurance test耐冲试验
impact endurance test抗冲击试验
limit of endurance test持久性试验极限
nominal endurance limit标称持久极限
stress-endurance curve疲劳曲线
stress-endurance diagram应力疲劳次数曲线
stress-endurance diagram应力耐久曲线
stress-endurance diagramS-N 曲线
stress-endurance diagram应力包络线图
stress-endurance diagram应力反复次数曲线
stress-endurance diagram材料疲劳试验的应力反复图
surface endurance limit表面持久极限