
Terms containing Crow | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a white crow珍奇的东西
gen.a white crow罕见的事物
gen.a white crow稀有的东西
desert.American crow短嘴鸦
gen.American crow美洲乌鸦
gen.as black as a crow漆黑
gen.as black as a crow极黑
gen.as the crow flies按直线地
gen.as the crow flies笔直地
mil., air.def.Association of Old Crow老乌鸦协会
desert.Australian crow奥鲁黑鸦
desert.Australian crow澳洲鸦
tab.tenn.backward crow-over反手斜线球
gen.backward crow-over后交叉步
gen.backward crow-over倒滑压步
mil., air.def.Big Crow"大乌鸦"电子战飞机{美}
mil."Big Crow""大乌鸦" (电子侦察机(美))
gen.as black as a crow漆黑
gen.as black as a crow极黑
tech.broken crow twill四页破斜纹
busin.cabinet crowed不活跃证券部
desert.cape crow北美乌鸦
anim.husb.carrion crow食腐的乌鸦
gen.carrion crow小嘴乌鸦 Corvus corone
desert.carrion crow小嘴乌鸦
gen.carrion crow乌鸦 Corvus corone
nurs.cock crow-like inspiratory sound鸡啼样吸气声
desert.Corvus coronoides-aka 'Crow'澳洲渡鸦 (澳大利亚沙漠)
tech.crow bar撬棒
tech.crow bar橇棒
tech.crow bar撬根
bridg.constr.crow bar撬棍
tech.crow bar橇杠
coal.crow bar撬棍〔杠,杆〕
archit.crow bar
chem.crow bar撬杆
tech.crow bar铁檎棍
tech.crow bar橇棍
bot.crow berry岩高兰 Empetrum nigrum
textilecrow black乌鸦黑
textilecrow black乌[鸦]黑
tech.crow crane料耙起重机
auto.crow-flight distance直线距离
tech.crow-flight path直线程
desert.crow flower林生老鹤草
telecom.crow-fly distance直线距离
tech.crow-fly distance直线飞行距离
cartogr.crow Fly distance垂直距离
avia.crow fly distance直线距离
archit.crow foot crack爪形裂缝
oilcrow foot cracks皱裂
oilcrow-foot drainage pattern鸟足状水系
gen.crow foot spanner爪形扳手
textilecrow foot twill四页破斜纹
plast.crow-foot weave四经破缎纹
dermat.Crow-Fukase syndrome色素沉着-水肿-多发胜神经病综合征
dermat.Crow-Fukase syndrome克[罗]一富[克斯]综合征
tech.crow gable踏步形山墙
tech.crow gable马头山墙
tech.crow step gable阶式山墙
tech.crow step gable梯形山墙
tech.crow gable阶形山墙
biol.crow garlic鸦蒜葡萄葱,Allium vineale L.,石蒜科
anim.husb.crow garlic野蒜 (百合科多年生草本植物,有球茎,原产南欧 Allium vineale)
desert.crow garlic鸦蒜
biol.crow garlic鸦蒜
textilecrow hat with barbette 13世纪中叶妇女带缠头巾的冠状帽
baseb.crow hop乌鸦跳
baseb.crow hop双脚同时跳动
biol.crow onion鸦蒜 (Allium vineale L.,百合科)
tech.crow oot crack皱裂
tech.crow oot crack爪形裂缝
tech.crow oot crack爪形皱裂
tech.crow oot crack爪状裂纹
tech.crow oot crack鸟爪形裂纹
tech.crow-quill pen鸭嘴笔
textilecrow's feet鸡爪印
textilecrow's feet皱纹印
textilecrow's feet爪纹
plast.crow's feet条纹迹在滚压涂层上
textilecrow's feet鸦爪印疵
plast.surg.crow's feet鱼尾纹
textilecrow's foot鸭爪固定缝
textilecrow's foot鸦爪固定缝
textilecrow's foot松叶固定缝
tech.crow's foot爪状晶纹
tech.crow's foot爪形皱纹 (油漆)
plast.crow's foot mark山形痕
tech.crow's foot mark爪纹
textilecrow's foot tack鸦爪饰缝
textilecrow's footing鱼尾纹
tech.crow's footing爪状晶纹
tech.crow's footing爪形皱纹 (油漆)
gymn.crow's nest鸟巢悬垂
oilcrow's nest望台
oilcrow's nest天车台
nautic.crow's nest桅上了望台
nautic.crow's nest乌鸦窝
nautic.crow's nest交通警岗亭
tech.crow's nest交通岗亭
tech.crow's nest架空交通指示岗亭
tech.crow's nest桅上瞭望塔
tech.crow's nest守望台
dril.crow's nest瞭望台
dril.crow's nest周围有护卫栏杆的井架二层平台
tech.crow's nest瞭望用的小高台
tech.crow's nest桅斗
tech.crow's nest街道交通岗亭
nautic., tech.crow's nest望鱼台
tech.crow step山墙阶段
tech.crow step梯级山墙
tech.crow step山墙分蹬
tech.crow step阶形山墙
tech.crow step翅状踏步
tech.crow step梯形山墙顶
tech.crow step挑出踏步
tech.crow stepping阶形 (山墙)
tech.crow twill三上一下斜纹
biol.crow vetch草藤广播野豌豆,Vicia cracca L.,豆科
biol.crow vetch草藤广布野豌豆,Vicia cracca L.,豆科
textilecrow weave一上三下纬面斜纹
textilecrow weave三上一下经面斜纹
telecom.crowed band拥塞频带
tech.crowed sedimentation拥挤沉淀
tech.crowed shovel正铲
tech.Crower process克劳方法
gen.eat crow屈服
gen.eat crow丢脸
gen.eat crow被迫认错
gen.eat crow被迫收回自己说的话
gen.eat crow忍辱
anim.husb.hooded crow冠鸦 (Corvus cornix)
anim.husb.house crow家鸦
desert.house crow家鸦 (非洲沙漠、阿拉伯半岛、澳大利亚沙漠)
anim.husb.hunting crow猎鸦
tech.jim crow挺器
met.jim crow轨道挺直器
tech.jim crow轨条挠曲器
tech.jim crow人工弯轨机
tech.jim crow弯轨器
gen.jim crow弯轨机
gen.Jim Crow car黑人专用车
desert.little crow小渡鸦 (澳大利亚沙漠)
desert.little crow贝氏黑鸦
desert.pied crow非洲白颈鸦 (非洲南部沙漠)
desert.pied crow小嘴鸦
oilscatter sheave crow五滑轮天车
tech.shackle crow撬卸扣栓的棍
gen.stopping and lateral crow-over急停侧交叉步
desert.Torresian crow奥鲁黑鸦
desert.Torresian crow澳洲鸦
anim.husb.water crow水鸦
anim.husb.white crow白兀鹫