
Terms for subject Electronics containing Cover | all forms | exact matches only
air tight cover密封盖
air tight cover气密盖
argon cover氮气覆盖[保护]层
argon cover gas atmosphere氮气覆盖气氛
argon cover gas atmosphere氮气保护气氛
argon cover gas system氮气覆盖[保护]系统
back cover书刊封底
canal cover plate渠道面板
canal cover plate沟盖板
cavity cover腔室盖
cavity cover空穴盖
cell cover设备室盖
cell cover热室盖
ceramic cover陶瓷盖
control rod drive mechanism protective cover控制棒驱动机构护盖【核】
cooler cover冷却器盖
core cover plate堆芯盖板【核】
core cover plug堆芯盖塞【核】
core water cover堆芯充水层【核】
cover-gas cleanup system覆盖气体净化系统【核】
cover-gas discharge line覆盖气体排放管线
cover glass盖片玻璃
cover layer automated design覆盖层自动化设计
cover material罩面材料
crucible cover堆竭盖
depth of snow-cover积雪厚度
depth of snow-cover积雪深度
door or cover fixed by threaded fasteners用螺纹紧固件固定的门或盖
double layer steel with nickel cover覆鎳的复合钢板
drywell hatch cover反应堆干井舱盖
duration of snow cover积雪历时
dust cover防尘盖
end cover封头
end-winding cover绕组端罩
erection hatch cover安装用孔盖
flange cover法兰盖
gland end cover盘根端盖
gland top cover盘根压盖
helium cover gas system氮气覆盖系统【核】
ice cover冰覆盖层
inside front cover封二
inside front cover封面内页
insulating cover绝缘外套
insulating cover绝缘罩
lower guide-vane cover下导板外壳
lower guide-vane cover下部导叶包壳
nozzle cover管嘴盖[用以防止异物进入管系]【核】
outer cover ring外覆环【核】
photoimageable cover layer光学可成像掩蔽[覆盖]层
protective cover堵头
protective cover护盖〔层,罩〕
protective cover覆盖层
protective cover遮蔽罩
protective cover保护外壳
protective cover护罩
quick-acting door or cover快开式门或盖
reactor cover反应堆外壳【核】
reactor cover gas monitor反应堆覆盖气体监测器【核】
reactor well cover反应堆井盖【核】
ring cover环形
steam separator cover汽水分离器罩壳
terminal cover端子盖
test block cover试块盖
threaded door or cover螺纹式门或盖
trench cover plate沟盖板
vessel head nozzle protection cover压力容器封头接管护盖
vessel head shipping cover压力容器封头运输罩壳
vessel shipping cover压力容器运输罩壳
web covers墙板对准
Z-bar column with covers有涂层镀层保护的Z形钢柱